It was early, so most of the guys were still sleeping as I led Jenny through the clubhouse and up to my apartment. Thanks to most of our club activities, we were creatures of the night. We liked to stay up late and sleep in when we were able to. Weekends started around eleven a.m. on Saturday mornings and not a moment sooner.
I shut the door behind me and had Jenny in my arms in an instant. Her laugh rang through the room as I walked her backward toward my bedroom.
“I thought you brought me here to talk?” she asked.
Shaking my head, I lowered it so that I could kiss her, plunging my tongue between her lips and stopping her questions. This was taking too long. I reached down and gripped the back of her thighs, lifting her easily until those sexy legs wrapped around my waist.
She let out the cutest protests. Something about being too heavy. I broke off the kiss and gave her an amused smirk. “I lift twice your weight every day down in our gym.”
Her eyes widened, then narrowed. “You still owe me a talk,” she insisted now that her mouth was free.
I nodded and gave her a charming grin. “Alright, but after.”
She didn’t need to ask after what. I turned so that I hit the bed first and she held onto me, falling forward as we landed. Her hair surrounded me like a cloud and I inhaled her delicious scent. She always smelled like peaches and cream and it had quickly become my favorite.
“After,” she agreed, then a devilish glint appeared in her eyes. “You made me another promise a while ago.”
My brows pinched together as I tried to think of what it was. Her hands pushed up underneath my shirt and she ran her palms up over my abs.
“You promised I’d have my turn.” A grin formed on her face as she started unbuckling my belt.
“Shit,” I growled. “If you insist.” I gave her my own smile, but it was more a baring of teeth because I knew this was going to be tortuous. Fucking amazing, but torture all the same.
I’d been so intent on her and tasting every inch of her since we’d gotten together that I hadn’t allowed her the chance to explore. Looked like today was my lucky day.
Sitting up, I stripped off my cut and my shirt, watching as her nimble fingers undid my belt and the button and zipper of my jeans. She slipped down to my feet and unlaced my boots. I toed them off, then lifted my hips so she could drag the last of my clothes off.
Curling my arms beneath my head, I laid back. Her eyes roamed over my body and my dick jerked when her gaze landed there. My arms pillowed my head, but kept it high enough that I was able to watch what she was going to do to me.
“I can’t wait to see those sexy lips stretched out over my cock.”
Her wide chocolate eyes met mine and I couldn’t help but chuckle. I liked to talk dirty in bed and she always seemed so shocked at what I said. I fucking loved it. Loved the way her blush traveled up from her chest and eventually turned her cheeks the same shade.
“Go on, Baby. Suck it,” I urged her.
She wrapped her fist around my length and I groaned. Even just having her hand on me felt good. I gathered up her long silky hair and held it back so it wouldn’t be in her way, or mine.
With hungry eyes I watched as her lips parted and pulled me into her mouth. I groaned again as wet heat encircled my cock. She kissed and licked her way from the tip to my pelvis, where she nipped my hip, before finally settling in and giving me what I needed.
My chest heaved, my abs flexing as she sucked on me. “Fuck, you look so good with my dick in your mouth.”
Her gorgeous eyes lifted and met mine while she slid down my length and it nearly blew my heart out of my chest. It was hammering against my ribs.
She started stroking her hand in time with her mouth and all the slick friction was making my muscles bunch tighter and tighter. This felt too fucking good to stop, but I wasn’t about to come in her mouth. Not this time. I wanted to fuck her.
“Come here,” I told her.
She glanced up again and met my gaze. Fuck, I don’t think she realized what that did to me when she looked at me like that while she sucked my cock.
“Turn,” I managed to force the word out even as pleasure gripped me. It was clear she hadn’t sucked a lot of dick—something that made me immensely happy—but what she lacked in coordination she more than made up for in enthusiasm. She had me on the verge of coming in her mouth with very little effort.
I reached down and dragged her up my body, enjoying the wet slurping noise she made when I forced her mouth to release my dick. Manhandling her, I flipped her around until she was lying on top of me with her pussy and ass laid before me like a banquet.
She gasped when I leaned forward and licked her wet folds. “Priest!”
“Get back to work, Baby,” I told her, smacking her ass. I grinned as it jiggled there in front of my face. Forcing my heels into the mattress, I had to hunch a bit in order to be able to reach her while she went back to swallowing down my cock. “Fuck yeah, that feels so good. You’re such a good fucking girl.”
That was all I got out before I began eating her out. It wasn’t easy to speak with a mouth full of pussy and hers was delicious and sopping wet for me.
She started moaning while sliding her mouth up and down my length and I realized this had been a terrible idea. I wanted to bury myself deep inside her body and feel her clamping down on me. And since that was what I wanted, I pulled her off me for a second time, then dropped her down over my hips. She was straddling me, looking at me in surprise.
“Go ahead,” I said, palming her tits. “Ride me.”
She lifted her body and seated herself all the way down on my cock in one smooth stroke. Her ass was pressed against my thighs and I couldn’t keep my hands to myself.
At first I fisted her hips, helping her set a nice quick rhythm, but then I let them wander. Her breasts were bouncing in front of my face, so I gripped the back of her neck, forcing her down lower so I could nip and lick at her nipples.
She planted her hands on my shoulders and kept grinding as I teased her taut peaks, but eventually I let her rise back up. She looked fucking perfect. Her head thrown back, blissful expression on her face, her dark curly hair trailing down her back and tickling my thighs.
It was a sensation overload. Her pussy was wet and gripped me so firmly I felt every flutter and squeeze. I could tell by her erratic rhythm that she was getting close. I brought my hand up and used my thumb to start circling her clit. Her gasp was like music and she brought her head forward to look down at me. Her lids were only half open and her lips were parted. That pink tongue of hers darted out to brush over her full lower lip and it reminded me of what it’d felt like brushing along the underside of my cock.
“Come for me, Taz,” I encouraged her. She was right there, teetering on the edge. I reached back and slapped her ass.
She cried out and I felt her walls contract around me as the orgasm swept her up in its wake. She’d stopped moving, so I grabbed her around the waist and rolled us until she was tucked underneath my body.
I powered into her, prolonging her pleasure and increasing my own. My mouth covered hers and I drank in her cries and whimpers as I fucked her. Her pussy clamped down on me and I groaned against her lips as I thrust as far inside her as I could before I came.
She had my fucking muscles locked up like a vise as my orgasm roared through me, devastating every functioning part of my body. I wanted to do this every day for the rest of my fucking life. The way she made me feel couldn’t compare to anything else.
Eventually, I was able to move again and, though I didn’t want to, I pulled out of her and rolled until I was on my back. She was tucked up against my side, our legs tangled together and I closed my eyes. This was what I’d been missing last night. The reason I hadn’t been able to sleep. Not the sex, though that was mind blowing. Having her next to me, our bodies pressed together. I just needed her, here, with me.
Jenny groaned deep in her throat and even though I’d just finished fucking her into an almost mindless state, my dick hardened at the sound. I was straddling her, rubbing my hands over her neck.
She’d finally let it slip that her neck was bothering her and this was an easy way to start making up for yesterday’s shit attitude. I dug my fingers into her neck, finding a knot under the skin and rubbing my thumb back and forth over it.
She hissed at the pain from the movement and I paused. “Don’t stop,” she pleaded.
My cock twitched because it wasn’t long ago she was begging, using the same words, but for a different reason. Having her around was making me as horny as an eighteen-year-old. I couldn’t seem to keep my hands off her, and sure as fuck didn’t plan to.
“Please, Priest. If it doesn’t hurt, it doesn’t feel good.”
It was my turn to groan. “You’re killing me, woman.”
Her head shifted and she shot me a puzzled look, but she must have read the hunger on my face because she blushed. I loved the way her pinkening skin made the freckles on her nose stand out.
A knock sounded on the door before I had a chance to give her exactly what she was asking for, and more. She laughed at me as I grumbled and rolled off the bed, pulled on my jeans, and walked through the living room.
Yanking open the door, I glowered at Ricochet. “What’s up, Kid?”
Ricochet was, by far, the youngest of us. He’d been medically discharged from the Marines not too long after he’d gotten deployed. Poor kid had lived through a tough situation. So even though he was here, knocking on my door, and interrupting my time with my woman, I softened my voice as much as I could.
He shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “Sorry, Priest. I wanted to ask you a favor…” His eyes strayed past me and I knew without looking that Jenny had come out into the living room.
Turning my head, I took in her disheveled appearance. Her hair was a clear sign that I’d just fucked her, but on top of that her soft smile and glowing cheeks added to the look. “Give me a minute,” I growled at her.
Stepping out into the hall, I shut the door. It wasn’t that I didn’t want her to hear our conversation. Lockout left it up to us how much we wanted to tell our old ladies about club life, as long as they didn’t make trouble for us. I knew I could trust Jenny to keep our secrets, and I planned to keep her in the loop.
This was more instinctual. Ricochet was my MC brother, but I didn’t like him seeing her while she was freshly fucked and still wet. That was for me and me alone. Possessiveness rose up inside of me so quickly, I had to clench my fists to keep from starting something with the kid in front of me.
He seemed to pick up on my mood, because he backed up a step and averted his eyes. “Sorry for interrupting, Priest,” he said again.
“It’s fine.” My tone was dark, but I was working on pulling myself back under control. The last few months had thrown me off my rhythm. This wasn’t me. I was the guy who handled his emotions and locked them down under layers of rigid discipline and restraint. I wasn’t the guy to snap at a brother simply because he interrupted naked time.
Shaking my hands out, I blew out a breath. “Sorry, Ricochet. What did you need help with?”
“I wanted to see if you could talk Lock into putting me in on this whole thing with Chet Holden.”
My brows shot up. The kid had been discharged from the military for a reason. We only spoke about it if he brought it up because it was a delicate situation, but the last time Lockout had agreed to let Ricochet go on a mission—to help the Austin Chapter—he’d withdrawn from us for months afterward. It wasn’t that he couldn’t handle himself under pressure, quite the opposite. He was as proficient a killer as any I’d served with. It was just that once the fighting was over, he would close in on himself.
He was battling demons and we all wanted to help him tackle them. He wouldn’t let us. That realization struck me like a sledgehammer. This was what Jenny was talking about. She wanted to help me, but I was acting like Ricochet and keeping her at a distance.
Rubbing my hand over my face, I tried to reconcile that knowledge with how to fix it and focus on the kid standing in front of me. At twenty-four years old he was too fucking young for the shadows I saw lurking there in his gaze. “You sure that’s what you want? No one would blame you if you sat this one out.”
He shook his head, scowling at the floor. He hated it when we tried to coddle him. I understood it, but it was fucking hard not to. He’d come to us at eighteen years old, wanting to build a family here at home. He would leave to sign up for the Marines, then returned to us after his deployment.
At thirty-eight, I wasn’t that much older than him, but it felt like it sometimes. Now was one of those moments. These guys—all of them—were family. I’d do anything to protect them.
“Yeah,” he said, sounding a little angry. “I’m sure, Priest.”
“Alright, I’ll talk to Lock and Rip later about it.”
“Thanks,” he said, giving me a nod and walking back toward his room.
I stood out in the hallway for a few minutes, trying to finish pulling myself together. It was time for Jenny and I to have a talk. Hard rock music poured through the air only a few minutes after Ricochet shut his door.
Blowing out a breath, I walked back into my apartment. Jenny was standing there, waiting for me. Grabbing her by the hand, I led her over to the couch. I didn’t dare bring her back to the bedroom because then we wouldn’t end up talking. We’d be too busy fucking. As much as I wanted that, I owed this to her.
We sat down on the couch and I rubbed the back of my neck, trying to figure out where to start with her. “I’m sorry that I was shutting you out. I tend to do that when shit gets to be too much.”
“I noticed,” she told me, a smile spreading over her face.
“I don’t fucking deserve you. You’re so damn…good. And understanding.”
She laughed and shook her head. “Wait until you see what I’m like when you don’t come try to fix things with me,” she warned.
A grin tugged at my lips. “Not sure I want to be at the mercy of your anger, Taz. You’d rip my life apart.”
The smile fell off her lips and she watched me solemnly. I didn’t miss the spark of hope there. “You stood by me over the last few weeks. Helped me console my kids. Didn’t judge me for what happened with Wendy.”
She reached forward and placed her hand on my thigh. I had my jeans on, but not my shirt. Gripping her hand, I held it in mine, needing to feel her skin against mine.
“I’ve been through some shit in my life, but no woman has ever stood by me like that.”
Her eyes softened and the smile was back. She looked so fucking beautiful sitting there the next words popped out of my mouth. I’d planned to find a fancy way of telling her, but in that moment, I couldn’t hold back. My heart was beating hard against my chest and I just needed her to know.
“I love you, Taz.”
Her eyes widened and her lips formed a surprised little ‘o’, then she beamed at me. “I love you, too, Priest.” There was silence for a moment and then she laughed.
My brows shot up. “Something funny?” I growled playfully at her.
“No, sorry, it’s just… I’ve been waiting for this.” She shrugged her shoulders and squeezed my hand. “I can’t believe the moment is finally here, that’s all.”
Leaning forward, I kissed her. To know that she’d been waiting for a man to tell her that he loved her and that she’d chosen to give her heart to me? It was powerful. I vowed, in that moment, to always protect her.
“I’ll do my best to not push you away when shit gets real. I’ll leave the final decision up to you, but I plan to keep you in the loop on what’s happening with the club.”
She looked surprised. “Is that typical? The girls made it seem like your club wasn’t like the Austin Chapter. That you didn’t let old ladies have any decisions in club business.”
“We don’t,” I clarified. “Not out of disrespect-”
“No, I get it. It’s your club. I’m only a part of it because of you. Honestly, I’m fine with that.”
“Good,” I said with a smile. “But it’s my decision if I want you to know what we’re up to. Some guys don’t tell their old ladies anything. Gives them plausible deniability if the cops ever come sniffing around.”
“I hadn’t even thought of that,” she replied.
“But you already know a good portion of it, thanks to getting you involved with helping me get custody of Caitlyn. Besides, I think it’d work better with us if I tell you everything.” Thinking of Ricochet, I amended, “Everything relevant to what I’m involved with. Some things here aren’t mine to tell.”
“I’d like that, and I understand.” she said eagerly. “At least this way I can help in any way possible.”
Raising my free hand, I brushed it over her hair, enjoying the way her soft curls felt under my palm. I settled back against the couch and pulled her into my arms. It would take a while to open up and tell her all the shit I got up to back in my Army days, the club business, and the way I’ve been feeling the last few months. But she was mine, and we had all the time in the world.