I stand looking at myself in the mirror in front of me and my mind drifts to the other morning. Lucien told me not to worry, but that he would be busy for the next few days, and that I might not hear from him or see him for a while. Before leaving, he gave me a panty melting kiss and told me he would miss me, and before I’d recovered enough to ask what he would be busy doing, he was gone. I was so pissed off. I still don’t know how I truly feel, no matter what he’s told me or how much I want to believe his feelings are true. I still find myself struggling to trust him.

Alex has become my lifeline. Lucien gave him permission to keep me in the loop, so he’s been giving me constant updates. Alex is really sweet, and we’ve grown quite close. I was right about him being a wolf shifter. He shifted in front of me after I begged him to. His wolf is beautiful with luscious white fur. I was surprised to see that his coat is a different color than his hair. He’s basically a giant puppy in wolf form. It was quite the sight to see.

He told me quite a bit about his life and his family. His parents are still alive, and he has three older brothers and two younger sisters. They live with the shifter Alpha, Jacob. Jacob is the principal leader of all shifters and rules over his territory, and like Lucien, he has region leaders who report to him. Jacob is practically famous; nearly everyone in the Natural world has heard of him.

At the moment, Alex is out on a mission for Lucien. He told me he planned to visit his family before returning and that he would see me in a few days. I’m not sure what exactly Lucien has him doing.

For now, I have Logan watching over me. He isn’t quite as friendly as Alex, but he is much older. He’s polite, in a gruff way, and after a brief conversation between the two of us, he assured me he has my back, which is a relief. Though we don’t have the same level of comradery I’ve developed with Alex, I still feel like I can trust him.

I’m excited about Pamela, Ava, Emma, Mia, and Abigail’s impending visit. They’ll be arriving tomorrow, and I cannot wait to see them. I wonder if Lucien will be here to greet them when they arrive. When I asked Logan where he was, he wasn’t all that forthcoming with the details. All he said was that Lucien is busy with business and is doing all he can to find Megan.

I feel like he’s avoiding me, but I’m unsure as to why. I wonder if I’m as much his weakness as he is mine, and if so, whether he’s as unhappy about it as I am. The way I react to him throws me at every turn. A mere look from him leaves me reeling. My body yearns to see him, and so does my mind, even if it is out of some misguided hope that the feelings I have for him are merely a figment of my imagination and that if I see him, I won’t experience the same intensity I remember feeling around him.

My dreams are getting stronger, more vivid, but I can rarely remember any details upon waking. The only thing I remember from the last one was that Aria was in it. The very thought of her causes me to shudder in revulsion.

I’ve heard whispers that she’s back, and I wonder if she’s the reason Lucien hasn’t been to see me. When I had gathered enough courage to ask Logan about it, his reply was vague. Even as I asked, I knew he wouldn’t tell me if Lucien was with her. He knows that to tell me that would be to put his position with Lucien in danger. My gut tells me Lucien is spending time with her, and if it turns out to be true, I will be gutted. I’ve been intimate with him and that means something to me. All I can hope is that so long as my family is here, Aria keeps her distance. I hate to imagine what kind of secrets could come out otherwise. After our confrontation last week, I know there’s much more to her than meets the eye. If she comes at me again, I will retaliate, and I don’t know if I will let her walk away from another such encounter; I don’t know if my witch will allow it.

My thoughts turn to Megan and what she must be going through. Just the idea of her suffering at the hands of her captors wipes all consideration of Aria from my mind. I want my sister found, safe and in one piece, and finding out who is responsible for taking Naturals and humans would be a bonus. The idea of what Megan might be enduring makes me sick to my stomach. I know she’s still alive, I would have felt our bond sever. Although the mere thought of her being dead brings me so much pain, I wonder if my witch and omega would block the break in our connection.

No. I will not entertain such thoughts. I can’t. Megan is out there somewhere, she’s alive, and we will find her. No other outcome is acceptable.

The sound of someone banging on my door brings me out of my musings.

“Come in!” I yell and watch in the mirror as the door pushes open.

“Hi, Scarlett,” Logan greets me as he steps inside the room. “There’s a group of women demanding to see you. I asked them to wait for you in the meeting room,” he informs me with a raised eyebrow.

“My sisters?” I question, turning around to face him with a thoughtful look. That’s strange; they’re a day early.

“Well, there are seven women down there demanding to see you. I just assumed they were your sisters,” he shrugs, rubbing at his beard.

“Seven women?” I know I just keep repeating his words, but the news has thrown me for a loop. The other two women must be Melissa and Evelyn. They’re the only two people I know who would dare come here with my sisters.

Though Melissa hardly ever leaves her house, I know she would come if she felt her help was needed. She lives in a vast woodland, preferring to live in the wilderness. The privacy it offers is important to her. If an outsider wishes to see her, they have to make an appointment. Evelyn, being part phoenix, also prefers seclusion. She lives on the outskirts of a small village and mostly keeps to herself.

“What do they look like?” I ask Logan, listening as he describes my sisters, along with Evelyn and Melissa. I’d be lying if I said I’m not surprised they came. Something more must be going on, because for them to leave the privacy of their homes is rare indeed.

Without another word to Logan, I rush out the door as though the hounds of hell are hot on my heels. Logan chases after me.

“Shit, Scarlett. Wait! Everything is fine.” I don’t heed his words, knowing he can catch up quickly.

I need to figure out what the hell is going on. I hope to God nothing terrible has happened. Pamela didn’t mention anything serious the last time we spoke.

I shove open the double doors, causing them to bang against the stone walls, and standing in front of me are my sisters and cousins, with ten of Lucien’s men surrounding them; that doesn’t include the other men in the room. I watch the women of my family take stock of the people in the room as I feel Logan come to a standstill behind me.

“I told you everything was fine,” he whisper-yells over my shoulder.

Taking in the scene before me, my jaw drops. Is he fucking kidding? At least thirty men are standing around the large room, all watching my family as though they’re about to explode. I’m relieved to know that my family will only attack to defend themselves.

“It doesn’t look fine to me,” I retort, worry creasing my forehead.

Melissa is dressed in head-to-toe black leather and standing like a warrior waiting for battle. Her silver hair hangs down her back in waves, her odd-colored eyes standing out against her tawny skin. The tattoos covering both her arms seem to come alive if you stare at them long enough. I feel guilty at how relieved I am that her brothers didn’t come. They could have caused a much bigger problem than even a coven of witches showing up at Lucien’s door. Male omegas are known to be troublesome and are much rarer than female omegas. I have a fleeting thought to ask her who is taking care of her children, but I push it back. I’ll make sure to find out later.

Towering over Melissa, on her right, is Evelyn. My middle sister is the tallest out of all of us, well over six feet. Her multi-colored hair hangs down her back, setting off her golden honey skin. Her lean, firm legs are clad in black leather and she’s wearing a deep cherry red tank top. The rest of my sisters stand to either side of them.

Pamela, the oldest, is dressed in her typical gypsy garb, her long flowing skirt brushing the floor and her top hugging her body, all of it paired with multiple bangles jingling on her wrists. Her jet-black hair is cropped close to her head, her skin the color of fresh cream. Not once has she taken her eyes off the men surrounding them.

Ava is nearly a carbon copy of Pamela, except with long hair reaching her waist. Emma is also quite tall, with skin so pale, it is close to the color of bleached parchment. Her startling blue eyes are a shock against her olive skin.

Mia and Abigail are identical twins. They’re watching the scene around them with a look of innocence in their grey eyes, which couldn’t be further from their true nature. They always dress identically, as they enjoy the confusion on people’s faces when they see them together. One day they’ll be the strongest of us all due to their combined powers.

Eight of the most powerful witches and omegas are standing in this room. That realization makes me gulp loudly. If any one of these men knew what we were capable of, none of us would make it out of here alive.

I notice the moment my sisters realize I’ve entered the room. They rush over to me, trailed by Evelyn and Melissa, relief written on all their faces.

Pulling me into a tight hug first, Melissa bends her head and whispers in my ear, “How long did they last?”

I know what my cousin is referring to. She means the spells and herbs she’d given me to help infiltrate Lucien’s club. “They lasted about six hours,” I tell her with a small smile. “But they didn’t work on Lucien.” She gasps and I cut her off before she can say anything else. “What are you and Evelyn doing here?”

“They should have lasted longer than that,” Melissa exclaims with an expression of alarm on her face before quickly replacing it with a fake cheerful smile.

I know what she’s thinking because I’m thinking the same. Lucien is far stronger than we could have imagined, and if that’s true, it means he’s older and above a level fifteen. We will have to share our thoughts through the link so my family will know what we know. I’m worried they will have the same fears as me. Are we in danger? Do we need to go back into hiding?

I can’t help but think that Lucien is using me for his own gain, but I push those thoughts to the back of my mind. Problems for a different day; I need to focus on my family right now.

Melissa pulls me from my thoughts. “Ava let slip what was happening, so Evelyn and I insisted on coming. We figured at the very least, it would throw Lucien off, surprise him. We didn’t know what we would be running into.” Her forehead puckers in thought as her eyes widen. “So, he knew?” she asks.

My head is spinning so much, I have trouble thinking straight. “Yes,” I reply, keeping my answer short. I don’t want Lucien’s men to overhear our conversation.

“Fuck,” Melissa mutters under her breath, finally stepping away to let my sisters greet me. I know by the look in her eyes that our conversation isn’t over. After getting through all the hugs and kisses, we sit around a large round wooden table in the center of the room. Logan stands directly behind my chair, like a guard dog, and I see the confusion on my family’s faces, wondering what the fuck is going on and why a complete stranger is acting as my bodyguard. I give them a shrug and a small smile. We have far more important things to discuss at the moment.

I still as I feel someone’s mind touch my own. It feels familiar but different than what I’m used to feeling from my sisters. Before he even enters my line of vision, I feel Lucien’s presence and realize he’s been observing us, taking everything in. Damien walks in beside him.

Lucien doesn’t say a word as his dark eyes meet mine. I devour him with my gaze, feeling starved for his touch; I hate myself for it. A flash of hunger comes and goes as his eyes slide down my body. He gives a small smirk and I know the bastard is aware of how he’s affecting me.

I feel the surrounding atmosphere shift as Lucien’s men become aware of his presence. I look around at my family and can tell they’ve felt it too. I wonder if they have any idea that Lucien is standing directly behind them. They keep their eyes locked on the men surrounding them and I watch with bated breath as he makes his way towards us, his face devoid of emotion, Damien trailing behind him. I know neither of them trusts the women sitting around this table, and briefly wonder if that sentiment extends to me as well. I know for a fact it does for Damien, but what about Lucien?

Shaking those thoughts, I see the moment my family becomes aware of the presence behind them, and one after another, their expressions change. I know they must want to turn around and look, but they fight the urge to do so.


I walk into view of the women sitting around the table, Damien by my side, and meet the gaze of each one. I already know all their names. I never enter a situation without all the relevant data. They’re all still, as if frozen in place, almost like they’re waiting for me to strike out at them.

When I marked Scarlett the other night, it created a mental link between the two of us, so I know she felt me enter the room. When our minds touched, my demon pushed against my hold, reminding me that she belongs to us. Our bond is only a fraction of what it will become and the pull I already feel towards her is a little bit frightening. It’s instinctual, primal. I will do anything to protect her, even if it means helping to find her sister and putting up with her family of witches.

“Ladies,” I nod in greeting. “You have me at a slight disadvantage. I didn’t expect to see you until tomorrow. You all know who I am, I’m sure. I don’t know any of you, but I’m hopeful that will change.” I pause, observing each of them for a reaction. As they nod, I continue, “I’ve agreed to assist Scarlett in finding Megan. I’m sure she has made you aware that I know you’re all witches?” I raise an eyebrow in question.

They remain quiet, looking as though they’re in a trance. I notice the one with short black hair looking pointedly at Scarlett and wonder what she’s thinking. Getting no reaction from her sister, she turns her attention to me.

“What exactly has Scarlett told you about us, Mr. Sinclair?” she inquires with a raised eyebrow.

“Scarlett hasn’t told me a thing,” I answer. “She simply asked me for my help, and I agreed.” I give a casual shrug and look down at my nails, a bored expression on my face.

The dark-haired gypsy gives me a disbelieving look. “Lucien. May I call you Lucien?” I nod, smirking. “You just told us you know what we are. I would like to know what you mean by that statement.”

“Don’t play dumb… Pamela.” She gasps, shocked that I know her name. “You’re wasting my time and my patience. Tell me, are you willing to take my offer of help?” I ask her. Does she think me an idiot, that I wouldn’t have found out everything I could about Scarlett’s family and her past when she showed up in my club?

The woman with silver hair pipes in. “I can’t see you doing something for nothing.” Her odd-colored eyes glance pointedly around the room at my men, carefully gauging their reactions.

“You’re right,” I concede, turning my head to look at the woman who interrupted Pamela. I never agree to anything without some sort of payment in return, but I don’t feel guilty about that. “I’m not a charity. I don’t agree to help anyone without some kind of agreement in place.”

“What do you want from Scarlett? From us?” asks one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. Her hair is so light, it looks almost translucent; her eyes a striking blue that contrasts sharply against her deep olive skin. This must be Emma. I watch as she looks over at Scarlett and a silent message passes between them.

“The agreement is between myself and your sister,” I reply, showing no reaction to her questions. Catching Scarlett looking at me, I let a mocking smile appear on my lips, daring her to share the details of our little arrangement. “If she wishes to tell you, that is up to her.”

I watch as all the women turn and look at Scarlett, the same question written on each of their faces. It’s obvious they want to know what the agreement is, that they’re worried she has sealed all their fates to the devil himself.

Scarlett shakes her head, making it clear she has no desire to share with them. I hear Pamela mutter a curse under her breath. She must be the de facto leader of this little group.

Pamela looks over at me once again. “Do you have any information on our sister yet?” she demands with a scowl.

I feel my face tighten in irritation before I answer her. “I’m sure Scarlett has kept you up to date on what’s been happening and that you’re aware I found the soul keeper who took Megan.”

Upon hearing this, the women start a round of rapid-fire questioning. Looks like Scarlett hasn’t been keeping them in the loop as much as I would have expected. The volume in the room steadily increases and she can’t get a word in edgewise. I almost smile at her defensive posture. She’s hiding it well, but I can see how pissed off she is.

I hadn’t yet informed Scarlett about finding the soul keeper dead or about the soul eater my men found with the body. I’d been on the way to do precisely that when I received word about her family arriving. Aria had unexpectedly arrived this morning, preventing me from reaching out to Scarlett any sooner. She’s really becoming a problem and I’m going to have to deal with her soon. My demon and I aren’t the least bit pleased with how Aria has managed to keep us away from our witch.

I cut off their arguing by speaking over them, “We do not know where Megan is being kept or who has her at the moment.”

The woman dressed in tight leather pants and a blood-red top is the first to recover from my announcement. “We want to be there when you question him.”

I chuckle lightly at her request. Based on her appearance, this must be Melissa. Running my index finger over my lower lip, I reply. “Not going to happen. The found the soul keeper dead. A soul eater was standing over the body.”

I watch their reaction, their shocked expressions giving them away. It doesn’t take long for the shouted questions to start back up. I let them carry on as my thoughts wander.

Melissa must be the witch I’ve heard rumors about, the one who runs with a pack of wolves. Based on the tattoos running up her slim arms to her shoulders, I figure there must be more to her than meets the eye. I’ve questioned several of my men about her and they all claim to not know who I’m talking about. It’s like she doesn’t exist. There’s a strong likelihood it’s an attempt to protect her. Nobody would have believed that I, Lucien Sinclair, would not only allow a coven of witches into my home, but would also protect them from outside harm.

The volume of their protests and questions continues to rise and I wait for them to calm down. What will their reaction be when I tell them the soul eater is dead as well, that I watched his head blow up right in front of me?

“Stop. Just bloody stop! You all seem to have forgotten how dangerous a soul eater can be. They’re at least ten times worse than a bloody soul keeper. If one gets close enough, it will eat your soul. It wouldn’t even need to get ahold of you to do it. They can steal your soul with the mere touch of a finger, and you’ll be completely fucked. That is why we need to let Lucien deal with this,” Scarlett shouts, her face red from frustration.

“Scarlett is right. It won’t take much for a soul eater to get a finger on one of us and snatch away our souls. They’re crafty little buggers who will do anything to get what they want. If it were just a soul keeper, you would have a chance at recovering your soul, but this isn’t worth the risk,” one of the lookalikes calmly states.

I see the rest of them take in her words, absorbing them. I wonder if they will manage to come to some kind of agreement. Honestly, so long as Scarlett is safe, I don’t give a fuck what they decide. It’s up to them if they want my help or not.

“Aren’t you worried about your soul?” The other twin asks me.

“My soul?” I can’t help but laugh. “You hear that, Damien?” I call out, turning my head and looking at my friend who gives me a wide grin. “How sweet. She’s under the impression that demons have souls. That I have a soul,” I laugh loudly once more before turning back to face them. “Ladies, I assure you; if I ever had a soul, it is long gone by now,” I state, hearing Damien chuckle from behind me.

“Fine, Lucien. We will let you question the soul eater without us,” Pamela agrees with a huff. “But the minute you know anything about our sister, we expect to hear about it right away.”

“There’s already an agreement in place, Pamela,” I raise a brow condescendingly. “You all may stay here until I get back. The club will open in a few hours, and you’re welcome to enjoy yourselves. I should know more by morning.”

I turn to Damien. “Give each of them their own VIP pass. Make sure all my people are aware that they are here as my guests, and I expect them to be treated as such.” He nods, and I turn to the men stationed in the room, telling half of them to stay with Scarlett and her family and the other half to come with me.

Damien lifts an eyebrow at me, surprised at my instructions. I know what that look means. He’s wanting to know what the hell I’m doing. Having a coven of witches in my club is dangerous; insane, really. I know he thinks I’ve lost my mind, but he would never think to question me where the witches or my men could overhear him.

“I’ll get right on that, boss,” he assures me, as he removes his phone from his jacket pocket.

“Tell Alf to handle it,” I order. “I need you with me.” Damien is my second in command and I have things to discuss with him. My men know to take Damien’s orders as though they’re coming straight from my mouth, so I’m confident it will be done right.

I turn back to the women and nod at each one of them. “Ladies. I shall see you all later. Scarlett,” I nod my head in her direction, but don’t say anything else. I let my mind brush against hers, opening my thoughts for her to see. By the look in her eyes, I know she felt me through our link. I give her a slight smirk and look up at the man assigned to protect her.

“Logan. Don’t let her out of your sight.” He acknowledges me with a slight nod. Logan is one of my most loyal men. There are maybe a handful of people I trust in this world, and he is one of them.

As I turn to leave the room with Damien by my side, I feel a sense of satisfaction at how well things went. Now I just need to go make sure everything is going as planned for the meeting taking place tomorrow.


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