Where You Belong: Chapter 16


window as it casts a warmth that envelopes me like a blanket. I open my eyes and look to my left and right as I come to, images of what happened last night flooding my mind.

Oh my god! I can’t believe that was real. It wasn’t a dream.

Gabriel came into my room last night and made me feel better than any man has with just his fingers.

And his words…they hit me hard, making my entire body ignite. For the first time, the thought of him stopping was devastating to me. I wanted more from him, so much more. I’m sure if he continued, I would have come.

Instead, I got myself off within seconds of him walking away.

Never did I think that a tipsy text was going to result in the single best sexual experience of my life.

But now…how do I act around him? Was that just a one-time thing, or is it going to happen again? Are we going to do more? God, I want to do more!

Knowing it would be embarrassingly obvious if I hide upstairs all day, I crawl out of bed. Coffee is a must for me in the morning. All I manage to do is go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. Before I leave the room, I look in the mirror right by the door.

The woman looking back at me looks different. I feel different. I don’t know exactly what the difference is, but it’s liberating. I feel like I could go outside and run a marathon.

I find Sienna sitting on the island while Gabe is next to her, mixing something in a bowl. He looks so handsome with his disheveled hair and white shirt with black athletic pants.

I stand by the wall to get a glimpse of this secret daddy and daughter interaction.

‘No, Daddy! That’s not right. That’s not how Alex does it. The sprinkles disappeared, and now it’s just a gross brown batter. It looks like poop.’

I try to contain the giggle that wants to burst out of me. He must have used the crystal sugar in what I’m assuming is pancake batter. It dissolves into the mixture and turns colors. Although, I’m not sure why it’s brown.

‘I don’t know what I did wrong. How many different ways can there be to add sprinkles?’ he responds, looking down at the bowl.

‘I don’t know, Daddy, but I don’t think I want to eat that,’ Sienna suggests.

He puts down the spatula and looks up at Sienna. ‘I’m not making this again.’

I take that as an indication for me finally enter the room. Sienna turns her head, and Gabe looks up. He looks me up and down, and I suddenly feel shy. This man’s fingers were inside me last night, and there’s something different in his stare this morning. It’s like he isn’t trying to hide his appreciation, and that’s doing things to my body.

‘Alex!’ Sienna screams in delight. ‘Daddy doesn’t know how to make your pancakes. It looks like poop!’

I let out my suppressed laugh. ‘Nobody wants to eat poop. Let me see.’

I peer into the bowl to find a dark brown mixture. It almost has a hint of gray to it. I look over at the bottle of sprinkles and see he used green, blue, and red.

‘Ahhh, I see the problem. Well, you used the wrong sprinkles.’

He looks down at me, and I see a hint of a smirk splay across his face.

‘I already told her I’m not starting over.’

I chuckle. ‘It’s okay. We can just add some cocoa powder and chocolate chips. They can be chocolatey pancakes; that way, the brown color makes sense.’

‘Ooh, I love chocolate!’ Sienna claps her hands.

Gabe puts his hands up in defeat. ‘Do what you gotta do.’

He winks at me, and my body takes notice. It’s like he has a manual to my lady bits and knows exactly how to make me come alive.

I do my best to ignore the growing need between my legs and move around the kitchen. Gabe is leaning against the island next to Sienna, watching me as I revive the sad batter into a chocolatey dream.

‘There we go,’ I exclaim after I put the chocolate chips in. ‘I think this will be a fun creation. Plus, I added pink sprinkles so it still has some color.’

‘Yay! You’re the best, Alex,’ Sienna cheers.

I smile up at her, and can’t help but notice Gabe watching our interactions thoughtfully.

‘I think I can take over from here,’ Gabe says with a spatula in his hand. ‘Thanks for saving the day, Alexis.’

‘Not a problem. I’m just gonna get some coffee and sit outside for a bit.’

I watch the two of them laugh together as my coffee brews. My heart is exploding at how cute they are together.

After a cup of coffee and a shower, I’m back outside on a chair as I dive into my book. It doesn’t take much before I’m lost between the pages in a world that’s not my own. I don’t come back to reality for two and a half hours, when my stomach growls and reminds me that I skipped breakfast.

When I walk inside, it’s unusually quiet for a Saturday afternoon. I’m wondering if they left to go somewhere for the day. I’m proven wrong when I enter the kitchen, and Gabe is making a sandwich.

I give him a shy smile. ‘Hi,’ I manage to get out.

Ugh, I’m so damn awkward.

Gabriel stops what he’s doing and drinks me in. He does that every time I’m in the room with him, assesses me from head to toe. He gives me a slow, wicked smile.

‘Hi, yourself.’

‘Um, I just came in here for lunch.’

He bites his bottom lip as he watches me. ‘I’m making a sandwich. Would you like one?’

I’m a bit taken aback by his offer. ‘Oh, um, sure. Thank you.’

‘Take a seat, Alexis.’

I let out a nervous laugh but manage to take a seat without further embarrassing myself. I put my hand under my chin and watch him continue his process. ‘You don’t have to use my full name. You can call me Alex.’

‘I like it when you call me by my full name. I’ve noticed you only do it when you’re speaking directly to me. If there are others in the room, you use Gabe.’

I shrug my shoulders. ‘I guess when it’s just you and me, it feels more…intimate. And Gabriel is such a sexy name.’

Did that just come out of my mouth?

I can’t believe I just admitted that to him. It must be the orgasm doing funny things to my brain.

His eyes turn dark. ‘Never stop using my full name with me.’

It feels like an order, but once again, my body likes it. I nod my head because I think my voice would give away my reaction.

He plates the sandwiches, places them on the island, and joins me on the other side.

‘Thank you. You didn’t have to do this,’ I tell him, feeling bad he went through the trouble to make me lunch.

His head tilts to the side while he studies me. I squirm in my seat, feeling unsure about the attention.

‘Do you ever relax and let someone do something for you?’ he asks.

The sandwich is halfway to my mouth but is completely forgotten with his words. No one has ever asked me something like that. Honestly, no one has ever really done anything for me. I’m used to riding through life in the shadows.

I shake my head back and forth. ‘No,’ I rasp.

‘It’s a shame,’ he says as his hand reaches out and tucks a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

The gesture is so small and yet so tender, like I’m precious to him. I gulp down the feelings rising to the surface.

‘What about you?’ I ask him.

‘What about me, Alexis?’ His eyebrows raise at my question.

‘Who takes care of you?’ I clarify.

He seems surprised that I turned the tables. Maybe even equally illuminating to him as it was to me. I get the feeling that he doesn’t let his guard down easily for someone to take care of him.

‘I don’t need anybody to take care of me. You have to trust someone to let them take care of you,’ he finally answers.

‘And you don’t trust anybody?’

‘Nobody but my family,’ he says.

Feeling like the conversation has gotten too serious for a lunch, I nod my head and take a bite of my sandwich.

I think I need something crunchy with my food, or maybe just some space from this overwhelming conversation and man.

‘I’m gonna get some chips,’ I tell him as I scoot off my chair.

I walk inside his massive pantry and let out a breath I didn’t even realize I was holding. He sees through me, down to the deepest parts of me. Not only that, but my mind can’t stop replaying what it felt like to have his fingers inside me last night. Watching him make the sandwiches, seeing the sexy veins on his hands and forearms.

I’m so lost in my thoughts about Gabriel that I barely register what food is in front of me. A hand appears on the shelf in front of my head as I feel the warmth of his body only inches from my back.

‘You’re taking a really long time to find chips,’ he whispers in my ear.

I take in a shaky breath.

‘I…couldn’t decide which kind I wanted.’

His other hand is on my hip. ‘You’re not going to find anything standing here in front of the bread.’

I look up and realize I’m nowhere near the chips. When his hand reaches over to my stomach, I close my eyes.

‘Turn around, Alexis.’

I spin around to find him looking down at me with indisputable desire.

‘What are you thinking about?’ he asks.

I can’t lie to him, and I don’t think I want to. Not after what he made me feel last night.

‘I was thinking about last night.’

While one hand is still on the shelf behind me, the other hand on my hip is now moving down to my behind as he moves me closer to him.

‘What about last night? Were you thinking about how it felt to have me finger fuck you, or how it felt when you rubbed your clit until you came after I left?’

‘Your fingers inside me.’

‘Good girl. I haven’t been able to get the feeling of your pussy out of my mind all day. Do you want to know what I did as soon as I left your room?’

‘What did you do?’ I ask as I rub my thighs, trying to ease the ache between my legs that this man’s presence creates.

‘First,’ he whispers with his mouth only a fraction away from mine. ‘I listened to you make yourself come. Then, I got into my shower and fucked my hand to thoughts of your mouth wrapped around my dick.’

I let out an involuntary moan. Hearing him admit that he touched himself to thoughts of me is almost too much.

‘Please,’ I beg, not sure what I’m even asking for.

‘Tell me what you want right now, Alexis.’

‘Kiss me. Touch me. Make me feel like you did last night,’ I brazenly ask, too in the moment to be fearful.

He lets out a growl before his lips come crashing down on mine. The moment we come together, overwhelming sensations go straight to my chest. His lips work over mine with such intensity as both his hands come up to my face. He steps into me until my back hits the shelves.

Food falls to the floor around us, but neither of us let up. I wrap my arms around his neck and go up on my tippy toes so I can give as much as he is.

The moment our tongues meet, we let out a simultaneous moan. Our tongues mix and course each other, like this is our only moment, and we need to make the best of it.

‘I need to taste you,’ he whispers into my mouth.

I’m too worked up to really take in what he’s saying. He unbuttons my jean shorts and then shoves them down with my panties. When he starts to kneel before me, a wave of panic hits me.

‘What are you doing?’ I blurt out.

He tilts his head to the side. ‘I’m going to taste you. Is something wrong?’

I look down at the ground, feeling slightly ashamed that I’m feeling so self-conscious at the moment. At least he is in tune enough with me to know there’s something wrong. Most guys just go for it, doing it to move the process along until it’s their turn.

‘It’s just…I always worry that I’ll take too long when a guy is down…there. I get in my head and can’t…’ I trail off.

He rubs his hands up and down my thighs in a soothing motion. ‘There is no amount of time too long for me to get to taste you. I would do it forever if I could.’

‘You actually want to do it?’

He smiles. ‘It’s been running through my head since I met you. I’ve been dreaming about getting the chance to fuck you with my tongue.’

Fuck, his words again. They turn me on like nothing I’ve ever experienced.

He winks at me. ‘You like when I talk to you like that, don’t you?’

I bite my lip and nod my head.

‘How about this? If you feel like it’s not working, tap me out and I’ll finish you off with my fingers. Or fuck…I’ll watch you finish yourself off. It would be an honor to witness that.’


‘Good girl.’

He gets right in front of my pussy but doesn’t make a move to lean in. Instead, his hands come up and his thumbs spread me apart. He kneels there as he just takes me in.

‘Fuck, baby. You have the most beautiful pussy I’ve ever seen.’ He drags a thumb over my clit and I shudder at the sensations. ‘Look at how much it’s already glistening with your arousal.’

I look down at myself and am surprised at how sexy it is to watch his movements as he runs his hands along me. It makes me even more wet for him. He looks up at me and leans in to give a small kiss to my center, then opens his mouth and takes a slow, deliberate lick from my entrance up to my clit. My eyes roll in the back of my head at the intensity of it all. I’m shocked that the first swipe of his tongue feels as good as it does.

Maybe I can come like this.

His tongue starts to focus on my clit as he makes fast motions back and forth, up and down, then circles around. When his lips wrap around me and suck hard, I start to lose focus on what the hell is even happening in my body. All I can do is beg him not to stop.

‘Fuck, please. Oh, god. Please, please, Gabriel.’

His eyes hold mine when I say his name and he groans into my pussy. He inserts two fingers and beings to pump in tune with this mouth.

Unable to do anything but feel, I close my eyes and let my orgasm rip through my body. It’s like an eruption that starts in my center and shoots all over, even into my toes and fingers.

When I come down from the high, I realize I’m clutching onto his head and pushing it into my pussy.

‘Shit! I’m so sorry,’ I tell him as I let go.

He pulls back and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.

‘Fuck, you are so damn sexy when you come,’ he says as he gets back to his feet. ‘I could do that every second of every day and die a happy man.’

I can’t believe he enjoys doing that to me so much. I also can’t believe I just had my first orgasm with a man. He made it seem so easy, like he had a road map to my body and knew each twist and turn to take to blow my mind.

I notice his dick is pressing firmly against his jeans, and I realize that never in my life have I wanted to please a man so much in my life. Giving head has always been just for the guy, but it feels like me wrapping my lips around him would be for me.

When he stands up, I reach out for his pants and grab his belt, gently pulling him toward me. He looks down at my hand and then back up at me.

‘You don’t have to, Alexis.’

Well, if that isn’t the sexiest thing in the world. It only makes me want to please him more.

‘I want to,’ I whisper.

I get up on my tippy toes and kiss his soft lips while I unbuckle and unzip. The kiss turns abrasive, momentarily distracting me from the task at hand. Just as my hand is reaching into his pants, we hear a shout from upstairs.

‘Daddy! Where are you?’ Sienna’s voice carries through the house.

We both jump away from each other as the moment turns from heat to panic.

‘Shit,’ Gabe mutters as he works to get himself buckled back up.

He runs out of the pantry to find Sienna, and I spend the next couple minutes cleaning up the mess we made on the floor while trying to pull myself together.


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