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Kota: Chapter 10

Isobel stepped closer and the moonlight showed Cat where she was. She hadn’t seen the woman in years and each one of those years showed on her face. Her mother was still a beautiful woman; she just wasn’t as beautiful as she had been.

Isobel moved toward her.

Cat could see she had a bottle with a wick in her hand. The wick wasn’t lit yet, but Cat knew her mother would have a lighter in her pocket. She always did.

“Why aren’t you dead yet?” Isobel asked softly, yet cruelly.

Cat shivered when her mother’s hateful words slammed into her. “You just didn’t try hard enough, I guess.”

Isobel growled, “I should have left you behind with your dad when I burned his dead ass.”

Cat gasped as she raised her hand up to her mouth. She knew her mother was cruel, but to burn up a child…

Isobel went on, “Why or how did you survive when I pushed the McCormicks’ off the road? I saw their car on fire, why didn’t you die then?”

“I was thrown from the car on the way down into the ditch. I saw a woman standing at the top of the ditch, but I didn’t know it was you. Why would you do that? Your parents never did anything to you.”

Isobel laughed coldly. “Those peasants weren’t my parents, they were no relation to me at all, or to you, but Jesse needed to believe my story, so I introduced them to him as my parents. My parents died a long time ago. My guardian raised me then when I was old enough, he put me to work.” She took another step closer. “Why didn’t you die? I’d watch you play at that home and I tried three different times while you were there and I failed each time. Why are you still alive?”

Cat realized just then, what her mother was talking about. She had forgotten about those accidents a very long time ago. She just stared at her mother. “I didn’t die but someone else did. A little girl named Lily died in my place the first time, the second time a Nun got deathly sick. For three days, they didn’t know if she would live or die. She survived but wasn’t the same afterwards. The third try failed as well. After each of those events, more and more people turned against me. You made my life a living hell for years, mother. They always accused me, saying I was the cause of everything.” She glared at her. “Tell me something, mother, why did Davey have to die? Why did you hit him and then drive off? Why?”

Isobel sneered at her. “I was so hoping to kill you both. But I moved in too soon. At least, I had a moment of pleasure because I saw the look on your face when you held his broken body in your arms.” Isobel snickered. “That look was worth it.”

“Worth it?” Cat cried out. “You took the life of a good man, a man that never hurt anyone. That’s what brought me the most pain, I could take it when you tried to kill me but when you murdered Davey, you truly just about killed me as well.”

Isobel sneered. “Well, now you know how I felt while I was forced to carry and then gave birth to you. Lord, I hated every moment after you were conceived. And when I would have gotten rid of you, my boss told me I had to trap your dad. Jesse was thrilled and he wanted to keep you. I hated my boss and that man so much.”

“Why didn’t you just leave him then?” Cat asked.

“I couldn’t leave him!” Isobel screamed. “I needed to establish this connection for the cartel. I had to be right here for two damn years. If I left here, I knew he wouldn’t let me live for very long.” A look now appeared in her eyes as she snorted. “But I won’t miss this time. You will join your dad in the fires of hell and it will be my pleasure to send you there to join him.” She raised the bottle in her hand while the other hand slid down to her jean pocket and she pulled out a lighter.

Cat raised her hand. She held a small weapon and her finger was on the trigger. “No more fires, mother. Not this time.” Cat held the gun steady but as she stared at Isobel, she saw the other woman smile evilly as she flicked the lighter. Cat didn’t hesitate as her finger tightened on the trigger.

The gun fired a bullet and Isobel screamed as she dropped the bottle. It shattered as it hit a stone near her. “You shot me? You fucking shot me?” she screamed in shock. Grabbing her shoulder, she glared at her daughter. “You missed the mark, baby girl. You should have put that bullet in my head.” She growled in rage as she leapt toward Cat, with her hands stretched out, her fingers curled into claws.

In the quietness, a banshee-like scream could be heard as Luna came running from the corner with a wooden bat in her hand. She charged at Isobel as she swung the bat. Luna’s aim was spot on as she smacked her in the head.

Isobel went down immediately. Falling face first into the dirt at the base of Cat’s feet.

Light burst all over the club as someone shouted from the roof. Men burst out through the front door behind Cat.

Someone grabbed the gun out of her hand and she just let it go.

Luna dropped her bat, ran over to her friend, and hugged her tightly. “Are you all right?”

Cat nodded. She was still staring at her mother lying in the dirt. “Is she still alive?”

Hawkins was kneeling down beside the fallen woman. He checked the pulse on her neck and found a heartbeat. He snapped his head up and glared at her. “Yeah, the bitch is still alive. Somebody pick her up and take her to the cells. Boots can tend to her there, just as well as the Infirmary, but I want her locked up.”

“Search her first,” Cat called out. “She always carries a knife, sometimes more than one.” Her whole body was trembling.

Titan stepped out of the clubhouse and wrapped her in his embrace.

Kota came down from the roof and hurried over to Luna. He stared at both of them then asked, “Are you two okay?”

Cat nodded and leaned into Titan.

Luna nodded as well.

Kota studied Cat for a moment and finally asked, “When did you know she was coming to burn us out?”

Cat glanced up at him and shook her head. “I-I didn’t but I’m not surprised she would try this.” She looked over at the broken bottle. The scent of gasoline was still strong in the air then she stared at Luna. “How did you know?”

Luna shrugged. “I was waiting for your move. I know your tell, remember? When you told me how you felt earlier. Like when your belly starts to roll in that way, I knew something bad was going to happen. I heard your door open and your footsteps down the hall. I went through the kitchen window and waited for the right moment to move in. I heard what she told you. The world won’t miss her brand of evil. Damn, I should have hit her harder!”

Cat shook her head. “I’m glad you didn’t. Your soul doesn’t need the stain of her death on it.”

Hawkins walked over to where they stood. “How the hell did you know she would come here tonight? And why didn’t you tell us, she would try to burn us out.”

“I didn’t know she would come, but suddenly, I could feel her, like close to us. Too close. I’m not surprised she tried to burn you out. It worked so well for her the first time and if she was close by and watching she would have known you blocked the back door. She waited until everything was quiet then she made her move.” She stared at her grandfather. “Nor would it surprise me to find Hogg in the woods, waiting for you guys. I’m pretty sure he’s just beyond the tree line waiting. He—he’s waiting for you all to start running out the back door when the fire started. He would have a clear opportunity to pick you guys off, one by one.”

They all jumped at the sound of gunfire coming from the back of the clubhouse.

All the men, including Titan and Kota charged into the house, they could hear steps pounding above from the roof.

Hawkins hurried the girls into the safety of the house. Standing with Wilder and Cash, they waited for the men to get up on the roof.

As soon as the brothers were up there, more shooting began. They all heard the gun battle ensuing and then within minutes, the shooting finally stopped.

They all stood warily waiting to hear the footsteps coming down for any news.

Titan and Kota were the first two that joined them.

“That motherfucking bastard,” Kota swore.

“What happened?” Hawkins demanded.

“He escaped when we started firing back,” Kota told him.

“What the fuck?” Hawkins looked pensive, then he turned to Titan and ordered, “Check on the cell area and do it now.” They didn’t use these rooms a lot but there were times when they needed somewhere to lock people up.

Titan passed his rifle to Kota then he turned and ran down the hall to the rooms they’d set aside to hold prisoners. He knew something was up when he saw that one of the brothers who stood guard was down in the hallway. He paused and knelt down to check for a pulse. It was there and strong, but the brother didn’t look too good.

He rose up and opened the door that held Isobel. The room looked completely wrecked and Boots was laid out on the floor.

Blood was pooling under his head but he seemed to be waking up. He groaned and stirred, pushing up off the floor then reaching for the back of his head. “What the fuck hit me?” He winced in pain as he sat up and looked around the room. “And where is our prisoner?”

Titan gazed around at the room but he didn’t see Isobel anywhere. “Fucking hell, Boots, she’s gone. How the hell did they get in here and grab her so quick?”

Boots slowly got to his feet. “We’re talking about the cartel here, brother. They just figure they can do anything.” He stretched his neck and grabbed the back of his head again. “Come on, we’d better let Hawkins know she’s gone. He’s gonna go ballistic.”

“You need to check on Jake in the hall first,” Titan told him.

Boots sighed and went out to check on the man. After a moment or so, he said. “He might have a concussion. Like me, probably. Get some guys up here to take him back to the infirmary.”

Titan nodded then walked him out to the main room where everyone was gathered. Titan went over to Wanderer and whispered in his ear.

Wanderer nodded and signaled two men.

They came over and he gave them instructions. They headed toward the cells.

Hawkins stared at Titan and Boots. “You better tell me Isobel is dead.”

Boots shook his head and winced at the motion. “Nope boss, she’s gone.”

“Fucking hell!” Hawkins roared. “How could that happen?”

Cat sat down hard on the closest chair. “We were set up,” she whispered.

Luna came over to her and sat down next to her. “Set up?”

Wearily, Cat gazed over at her friend with a dazed look in her eyes. “She had someone watching the back and the front. It’s the only way he could have seen you guys carry her inside.”

Everyone in the room stopped and listened to her.

She went on to explain, “So when they saw her carried in here, they got in somehow and got her out. The man in the woods began firing to allow them to get clear of here. They had it all planned out.”

Cash finally asked, “How do you know?”

Cat shrugged. “I don’t for sure but it’s the only thing that makes any sense now. And that’s one thing she would do, nothing means more to her than her own freedom. She would have an escape plan in motion.”

“So she gets away with what she did again?” Luna growled.

“For now, she does.” Cat nodded. “But now we know what she’s capable of and we won’t be caught up short again. We now know she has men with her too.” She turned to Hawkins, Cash, and Wilder. “We need to find that stone with the B on it. I’m sure that’s where Jesse buried what he found.”

Hawkins frowned. “That’s your dad, girl.”

Cat stood from her chair. “A dad I never got the chance to know because he was never there for me. Whether you admit it or not, he wasn’t there for me. I could have been lost by being alone so much and he wouldn’t even have noticed. My mother hated me and I think I always knew that. She just put the words out there tonight. Did Jesse know how she felt? I have no fucking idea but he left me home every single day with her. The only one I had on my side back then was my dog. At least, he stayed right there beside me, day in and day out.”

Cat turned and walked down the hall, leaving everyone standing there stunned.

Hawkins looked over at Juju and Wanderer. “Tell me you boys found something we can use against that mother fucking bitch to help us find her and destroy her once and for all?”

Wanderer sat back and nodded. “Yeah, I found her. Isobel McCormick came to life twenty nine years ago. She was twenty years old back then. Her real name is Gellis Hondas. Her real parents were murdered when she was ten years old and after they were buried, she went to live with Senor Alfredo Montoya. The fucking head of the Montoya cartel. He groomed her to be a courier at first but his goal was to put her into a position in his rival cartel and have her bring it down by spilling the Alvarez secrets.

“The man that died the day Jesse died,” Juju explained the rest, “He was the Alvarez’s cartel’s only heir. She spun her story just like she was taught. Then two years later, the Montoya cartel busted them. They just went in and killed everyone.”

“Any idea what Jesse found?” Cash wanted to know.

Juju nodded. “Maybe. The cartel is all but gone but there are some people out there who think Isobel took something that might bring it back. They want what she took before the cartel was destroyed, so they could bring it back.”

“But what is it she got her hands on?” Hawkins growled. “That’s what I want to know. What the fuck did Jesse find that got him killed?”

Wanderer shook his head. “You know how some people are superstitious? Well, this Alvarez cartel is very superstitious. They believed their power came from an amulet the big boss protected. Well, that and a curse that went with it. Isobel got her hands on the amulet and a shitload of diamonds.”

“That’s just dumb, why would anyone believe in that crap?” Hawkins sneered.

Wanderer shrugged. “I didn’t say I believed in it, just that some people do. I came across a chat box in my search and in this chat… I read that two people of the original cartel are actively looking for Isobel to get back what belongs to them. And boss, they are closing in on her real quick like.”

Hawkins looked over at Wilder and Cash then rubbed along his jaw with his hand. “So she’s running out of time and maybe running out of places to hide, huh? Well hell, that works for me. Let’s flush her out from under her rock and see what happens to her.” He looked around the room. “But Cat was right about one thing. We need to find that damn rock with the B on it. That is the key to ending Isobel.”


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