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The Taste of Revenge: Chapter 29


There’s heat. Scorching, blistering heat. A sheen of sweat envelops my entire body and I feel each and every droplet as it makes its way down my skin.

My breathing feels heavy, my throat numb with pain as everything inside of me boils to an infernal crescendo.

‘Noelle!’ I think I hear my name in the distance, but I don’t feel capable of moving.

In fact, I don’t feel capable of anything but lying down, seeking some solace from the pain that threatens to overtake me.

‘Noelle, open the door!’

More noise. There’s so much noise. Loud knocks, and deafening bangs. They all seek to make me even more uncomfortable as a sharp pain erupts in my head.

‘No,’ a moan is wrenched from my lips as I feel foreign hands touching my body.

‘Noelle, can you hear me?’

It’s that voice. The same voice as before.

Such a pretty voice…unlike mine.

‘Shit, you’re burning up,’ the owner of the voice curses, and then his hands are once more on my skin.

Somehow, his cool touch makes it better—it makes everything better.

He brushes the back of his hand across my forehead, swiping my damp hair aside as he tries to assess me.

My strength is almost nonexistent as I push myself to open my eyes, finding unusually blue ones gazing back at me.

‘Noelle,’ my name on his lips feels like a decadent treat, and I can’t help the whimper that escapes me as I burrow closer into his arms, feeling his body snug against mine.

‘Please,’ my voice is ragged as I utter the word, though what I’m asking him, I don’t know.

‘What’s wrong with you?’ He demands sharply, before catching himself and softening his tone as he gently inquires where I’m hurting.

I shake my head at him, not quite understanding his meaning.

My entire brain is foggy, and it is with great effort that I remember who he is.

Raf—my husband.

‘Raf,’ I call out his name at the height of my delirium.

‘I’m here,’ he coos, bringing me closer to his chest.

‘Raf, my Raf, forgive me please,’ I continue to utter nonsense after nonsense, feeling myself slip.

My hold on reality is feeble at best, and as I feel him lift me in his arms, and then taking me out of the house and to the car, I realize how hard it is to hold on.


My eyes snap closed.




The world shifts.


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