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Roommate Arrangement: DMC GROUP CHAT 1

Art: Hey, how’s things? Settled in okay?

Payne: Depends on how you define okay.

Orson: Oh no, I sense a story.

Payne: Haha no story. Just … different.

Griffin: Dude, you’re living with Beau, even if everything is ducked, at least you have the eye candy, right?

Griffin: Fucked, dammit.

Payne: He’s cute all right, but also … I dunno. He has a routine at home, I guess, and I’m trying not to disrupt him too much.

Art: If you walk on eggshells around him, all you’ll end up with is messy feet.

Orson: What Art and Griffin are TRYING to say is that sounds tough and we’re here if you need to talk.

Griffin: ^WHS.

Art: Sure. That. But also, this is your time. You don’t need to explain yourself to anyone or make excuses. It’s your place. Live the way that makes you happy.

Payne: Thanks for the … I want to say support, but that doesn’t sound right.

Art: Any time, brother.

Orson: Maybe next time message me direct.

Griffin: Hey, do you think you could snap some sneaky shirtless pics? Asking for a friend, of course.

Payne: JFC.


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