Duke: Chapter 26


I’d intended to take Lennon back to my room and let her shower in there, but my dick had different ideas the second she was in my arms and her lips were on mine. I honestly don’t know what’s come over me, except when I walked in earlier and saw the three of them together, I’d been blown away by how fucking sexy it was. How Mason and Duke were taking such good care of our girl. And then, they’d all lost it, one orgasm setting off the next until they were all moaning out their pleasure.

My brain sizzles. She’s ours. But for whatever reason, I won’t feel that all is right with our world until I’ve staked my claim today, too.

I thread one hand through the hair at the back of her head, and the other slips between her legs, where it’s ridiculously slick. I don’t much care whose cum is on my fingers, my only mission is to make Lennon feel good and be one hundred percent certain she remembers that no matter what comes our way—I love her.

She gasps into my mouth as I circle her clit with a few fingers. “I need to be inside you. Wanna make you come with my cock sliding in and out. Take you from behind so I can keep playing with your clit. Wanna make you scream my goddamn name.”

“I think I might die if it went any other way.” Lennon’s eyes bore into mine. “I want all that, too.”

My arm may not be one hundred percent, but it doesn’t stop me from grabbing her against me and rolling back onto the bed to deposit her in the middle of the mattress. I situate myself behind her, both of us on our sides, tucking my face at her neck, and lick her skin, giving a low hum of pleasure as I palm her ass.

She laughs, trying to squirm away. “Your beard tickles my neck.”

“No running, Little Gazelle. Not from me. Ever. Probably for the best that I don’t put my face between your legs, though, huh?” I lift her leg and angle it over my hip, opening her to me. I practically glide into her wet, wet pussy just as Mason and Duke stroll out of the bathroom. I know full fucking well that they can see my girthy cock disappearing into our girl’s pretty little cunt.

“Fuck yes, baby. Take his dick.” Mason climbs onto the bed, facing her, and Duke gets in behind him.

I renew my efforts, pumping in and out of Lennon at a quick speed. She moans louder and louder as she climbs toward the peak. The aroused state she’s in makes her no different than a powder keg ready to blow. On a whimpered groan, her back arches, hips rolling to meet every sure stroke of my cock. At the same time, her breasts jut forward for Mason’s waiting mouth.

I watch as his tongue flicks and swirls and drives Lennon crazy before sucking one of her nipples deep. As he goes to give the other breast the same attention, he jerks, his lips parting and his eyes wide, then goes right back to teasing Lennon.

Christ. My head buzzes with everything going on in this bed. I’m fucking Lennon. Mason is teasing the fuck out of her as well. And I’m fairly certain the noise I heard a moment ago was the cap of the lube … which means Duke’s playing with Mason’s ass. More than likely preparing to fuck him silly. I drag in an unsteady breath as my heart rate ratchets up.

We become a tangled mass of limbs. The grunts and moans and cries reach a crescendo as the four of us move together, much like we have before. I can tell when Duke pushes inside Mason’s ass because Mason can’t concentrate on Lennon for a moment, and his jaw goes slack, a choked, ragged groan escaping.

“Fuuuck,” he grinds out, breathing through the onslaught of sensation that I can clearly see all over his face. He blinks, his chest heaving, and then he steals Lennon’s breath, kissing her with wild lust-filled strokes of his tongue.

From over Mason’s shoulder, Duke looks me square in the eye. This isn’t the first time we’ve watched each other like this, but I always want to be sensitive to his growing relationship with Mason. We’re doing this together. Lennon is ours. But these two friends of mine also have a very special thing going on, and I’d never want anything I do to cause them any worry.

“Feel good, man?” I grit out.

He gives a quick nod, his eyes glazing over. “Fuck, yes. All of it is fucking good.”

We’re both thrusting at once, and the bed is creaking like crazy as we end up pushing Lennon and Mason even closer. Mason takes full advantage by pulling her tightly to his body, wedging his dick between them. He grabs onto her hip, and we all fucking crash together over and over again. Heat blazes through me, and I reach across Lennon and Mason to grab Duke’s thigh. We ease back, then slam forward again. This is fucking insane and so good all at the same goddamn time.

“Yes!” Lennon cries out, the force of the orgasm making her hips buck of their own volition. “Ooh, fuck. I’m coming. I’m—”

Mason covers his mouth with hers, swallowing her words as he grinds against her.

“That’s it, baby. Fuck yes. You’re such a good girl.” My heart beats so hard against Lennon’s back, I wonder if she feels it. I run my hand over her as her release continues to move in waves through her body.

Duke’s fingers grip Mason’s hip, and he pumps a few times more and then stills with a gasping grunt. “Fuuuck.”

Watching all this, there’s no way I’m lasting much longer, but I hang in there while Lennon takes Mason’s dick and strokes him from root to tip while he thrusts into her hand, a look of pure, unadulterated lust on his face.

I can’t hold out any longer. Cum pumps from my cock into Lennon’s slick pussy. I groan in pleasure as I hold her tightly to me.

“Oh, fuck yeah. Coming.” Mason goes off a split second later, shooting cum between himself and Lennon.

It’s several minutes before I can think, much less put coherent strands of thoughts together. The first thing that comes to my mind is Fuck me. That was intense. I drag air into my lungs, and slowly grit out, “Little Gazelle, I think after all that, you need a good long soak in a bath. I can draw one for you.”

A muffled laugh catches my attention. From behind Mason, Duke gives him a half-hearted smack. “Come on, man. That’s actually a good idea, considering what we did. She’s gonna be sore.”

Lennon shifts, angling her head toward me. A deep frown graces her mouth and a line mars the center of her forehead.

Mason props up on one elbow, staring at me before twisting around to Duke. “I didn’t fucking laugh, man.”

I blink. He’s not lying. I was staring right at him. What the fuck?

From under the bed, there’s a snicker, and we freeze. To our horror, someone with dark hair slides frantically from under the bed. This fucker stumbles as he makes a mad dash for the door. His back is to us, but I have a pretty good fucking idea who it is, but I’m so stunned, all I can do is watch the hasty exit with my mouth hanging open.

As if one additional person’s presence in the room isn’t enough, I then catch a sudden blur of motion from the corner of my eye. This time, a dude with white-blond hair streaks through the room to the door.

Quincy and Arik. Mother. Fuckers.

“What the fuck?” Dazed, but unwilling to let this go, I slip from Lennon’s body and bolt from the bed, only stopping to yank my joggers up over my ass before I take off after them at a dead sprint. These idiots are headed for their own rooms, so I don’t know what the hell they’re going to do once they get there. Hide? Come on, grunts. You can do better. They especially should be trying to do better considering what they’ve just done. I don’t know why they were in Mason’s room, but the idea that they’d been there the entire time—doing what? Spying on us?—enrages me.

Before they even reach the perceived safety of their rooms, I’m on them, fury streaking through me. I take their scrawny freshman asses to the ground, tackling them both at once. We land with a rough thud, and the air knocks out of my lungs as we hit the hardwood floor. Lucky for me, I have them as my cushion, and it only jars my shoulder a bit. It’s so fucking worth it.

Quincy lets out a groan, but Arik is already fighting back. “Get the fuck off me,” he huffs out.

“Not a chance.” What I do instead is take them both by the hair at the back of their heads, and since Arik woke up and chose violence today, I decide to match his efforts. I slam his cheek back into the hardwood floor. A pained exhale bursts from Arik’s lips, which makes Quincy begin to struggle.

He heaves out a breath. “We didn’t do anything. I swear.”

Duke and Mason thunder down the hall behind us just in time to catch that last bit. I’m glad to see Lennon hasn’t immediately followed since this is about to get ugly.

“The fuck you didn’t.” Duke squats in front of us. “What the fuck were you doing in Mason’s room?”

“That, I’d really love to fucking know.” Mason’s jaw is clenched tight.

Quincy outright whines, “We didn’t mean anything by it. We had to—”

My brows dart up on my forehead.

“Shut the fuck up, Q,” Arik grits out through teeth that are clamped together so tightly it’s a wonder he can speak.

We can’t keep them here in the hall. I don’t know where the rest of the brotherhood has gone, but I prefer they not witness or hear anything these two snooping jackasses might have to say.

I ease off their backs, and both drink in the air like it’s water in the desert. “I’m going to encourage you two to stand up. I don’t want to hear a motherfucking word out of you until one of us asks you a direct question. Got it?”

“Yes,” they both say, raggedly.

Maintaining the tight grip on their hair, I rise to my feet, bringing both of them with me. They can cuss and snarl all they like, but it’s not going to help them. I jut my chin toward Mason and Duke and their brows go up a fraction. “Take this one.” I let go of Quincy’s hair and shove him toward my friends.

That’s when fucking Arik jerks and tries to take a swing at me. This is dumb for two reasons. One, I still have his hair clenched tightly in my fist, so his range of motion is crap, and two, motherfucker is clearly oblivious to what I do with my Sunday nights. I dodge him easily, then let go of his hair. “You wanna fight with me? Let’s go.”

“You guys are totally fucked-up. All of you fucking Lennon. I knew I wasn’t imagining the dynamic with the four of you. Is that pussy so good you have to share? Can I—?”

Unwilling to let him finish his question, I strike out at him, a nasty left hook connecting with his chin. His head snaps to the side, and I watch him fall to the ground. He’s out cold.

My head keeps wandering back to everything these fucking dicks must have seen and heard while in that bedroom with us. I can tell it’s on Duke’s and Mason’s minds, too, just by meeting their gazes. Well, that and whether I should have thrown that punch. But I’m okay. At least I used my left and not my right. They don’t ask the question aloud, but I bite out, “I’m good,” before I bend down and pick up the little asshole who can’t weigh more than 175 if he’s lucky. Eyeing Mason and Duke, I grit out, “Are we going where I think we are?”

Mason stops for a moment, his jaw working side to side. “Normally, I’d say hell no. But … most of my shit is stored right now.” His gaze slides to Quincy and Arik. “And besides, it’ll be harder to hear them scream from up there.” Lips twisting cruelly, he laughs. “And let’s face it, the entire house is used to hearing weird shit coming from the attic.”

The sound of Mason’s amusement has Quincy thrashing around in Duke’s and Mason’s hold. “Oh, fuck. I swear. We—”

Duke clears his throat, interrupting, his tone all business. “Hold it.” It makes Quincy freeze as Mason and I follow Duke’s gaze. There’s a distinct wet patch directly over Quincy’s crotch. “Uh, did you wet yourself or come in your pants, dude? Just so I know what we’re dealing with if we come into contact with it.” He works his jaw to the side, eyeing the kid whose face has turned bright red.


“Either you’re fucking terrified right now or you enjoyed your peep show a little too much earlier, so which is it?” Mason throws his head back laughing when Quincy refuses to answer, but at the same time gestures to Duke that they should wrangle their little friend toward the attic.

I follow them to the other end of the hall with a groggy and mostly limp Arik slung over my left shoulder.

As we pass Mason’s room, my eyes connect with Lennon’s. She stands wide-eyed in the doorway, one of his shirts pulled on to cover her well-fucked body. I try to tell her with my eyes that she has no need to worry, but I don’t know if I get my point across. She’s more than a little shell-shocked. Our girl backs into the room and shuts the door behind her.

Fucking dammit. I hope she’s not about to lose it.

Finally, from ahead of me, Quincy sputters. “It was like free fucking porn, okay?”

Oh, he’s going to pay for that. Mason cuffs his head before I growl out, “Porn that you’re never speaking of again. Fucking got it? Loyalty. Obedience. And silence. Open your mouth, and that’s it. You’re done.” I grind my teeth as I follow them up the stairs. Just what we’d fucking need, to have what they saw and heard spread around the house. It’s not that I mind so much … but Lennon might. And fuck. I’m guessing Duke and Mason might not be so happy about it either. Not that I think they’re ashamed … but these fucking weasels don’t have the right to run their mouths about them. If Duke and Mason want to announce their feelings, that should be on their terms, not because some assholes thought it was good fuckin’ tea to share.

We reach the landing, and Mason nods to some rope over on a workbench. I snag the coil and bring it with me, then drop Arik onto a wood chair. I manage to strap him to the back of it while he’s still out and have bound his ankles to the legs by the time he’s fully alert again.

Arik glares up at me as he groans. “How the fuck—?”

I roll my eyes. “Don’t worry about how the fuck you got up here. Worry about what you should be saying to get yourself out of this fucking mess.”

Mason and Duke take a little longer with Quincy because he’s fully awake and in a panicked frenzy, lashing out at them when he can. Duke works to secure the rope while Mason ends up grabbing him by the throat and squeezing. “Look, you little bitch, you’re not getting out of this, so you may as well stop struggling.” That’d be one way to get the guy’s attention.

I growl, “And drop the motherfucking attitudes, would you? You’ve got one last chance to tell us what you were doing.” I run a frustrated hand through my hair. “And which other shit you’ve been behind.”

The two dickheads nervously look at each other but say nothing.

Duke grimaces, running a hand over his jaw. “Not talking, huh? Lemme get this straight. We have your asses in a sling here, and you’re going to deny that you’ve done anything?” He pauses, giving them a shrewd look. “There’s definitely a flaw within your logic, but I’m not going to argue with you. I know what I think’s been going on around here, and that’s all that matters. And if left to our own devices, then we’ll dole out punishment based on that.”

Gotta hand it to Duke, he’s always on top of things. His control right now is admirable. Because the way these two douche canoes throw insolent looks at us makes me want to put my fist through each of their faces. Mason’s not faring much better. I can see the chaotic fury simmering just below the surface. His dark eyes are a dead giveaway for me every time. But maybe I just know how to read him, as where these asshats don’t. If they did, they’d be very afraid.

“Mase, you got your phone on you?” Duke raises a brow in question.

Oh. I know where he’s going with this.

“Sure as fuck do.” He redirects his gaze to our captives. “You don’t have to talk, I guess. Because I agree with Duke. Maybe we’ll go at this in the only way I can see that’s fair.” He pulls out his phone and snaps a photo of Quincy, making sure to get both his face and his cum-stained pants in the frame. Quincy jerks and struggles, his entire face beet red. “An eye for an eye, motherfuckers.”

I nod. “I’m down with this. I’ll have some flyers made to put up around campus.”

“Cum Quick Quincy will be written big and bold on yours, Q.” Mason smirks at his own wit. Quincy’s red face goes completely pale.

“And Microdick Arik. That’s what we’ll put on yours.” I lean down, getting in his face. “Did you do that? Did you steal the photos of Lennon and put them up all over campus?”

Arik rolls his eyes. “We didn’t steal any photos. But they sure were hot to look at.”

Out of nowhere Mason’s hand flies out, and he smacks Arik right across the face. “I. Don’t. Fucking. Believe. You.” He holds his phone up and takes a photo of Arik.

“It’s been you two this entire time.” Duke crosses his arms over his chest. “Let’s put it this way. You don’t talk? We’re assuming you’re behind every single fucking thing that’s happened to Lennon since she came here, from shoving her into a pantry to drugging her at the auction and putting her in Warren’s bed.”

Flustered, Quincy shakes his head. “We had nothing to do with what happened at the auction.”

“Shut the fuck up, man. This is all your fucking fault that we got caught. Stupid fucking dumbass. Can’t keep your damn mouth shut,” Arik growls, tugging against the tight ropes I’ve tied around his arms.

Quincy glares at Arik before his head whips toward us, his eyes pleading. “You mention loyalty and obedience and silence. Well, we’ve been living that since the first of the semester.”

I raise a brow. “What’s that fucking mean?” I know where this is going. They don’t have to say it for me to be certain, but I’ll gladly let this idiot confirm it for us. When Lennon told Duke how few people actually knew what she’d been through as a child, and he relayed that information to us, Mason and I had come to the exact same conclusion they had. Because of her mother, Tristan had all the information he needed to make her life a living hell. And if Tristan knows, that means my dad and Murdock do, too. But why the all-out attack on her? What has she done to deserve any of this? We’re still missing something important, and that has my gut twisting uncomfortably.

“Shut the fuck up, Q! I mean it!” Arik snarls at his buddy, shaking his head furiously.

But Quincy wets his lips, unable to stop now that he’s started. “They told us it was part of our fucking grunt work. To prove our loyalty and obedience.”


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