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Our valued readers.

We need your help!

We want to make this website ad-free so that you can enjoy a great reading experience. However, removing ads will mean that we cannot cover the expenses incurred for running this website. We have come up with a workaround for this – A YOUTUBE CHANNEL.

We have started a YouTube Channel called LOL GOAT.

We need to monetize this channel. The sooner we monetize it, the sooner we remove ads from this website.

However, to monetize the YouTube channel, we need to fulfill the following conditions:

Monetization Type 1: Memberships, Super Chats, Super Stickers, Super Thanks.

Requirements: 500 subscribers and 3000 watch hours in last 365 days.

Monetization Type 2: YouTube Ads

Requirements: 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours in last 365 days.

We are very close to reaching 1000 subscribers. Currently we are at 814 subscribers. However, our public watch hours stands at only 340 hours. We need to reach 4000 watch hours.

Please help us achieve these numbers. Here is what you need to do:

  1. Search for LOL GOAT in YouTube to find the channel.
  2. Subscribe to our channel.
  3. Watch all the videos (just make a playlist and leave them playing in the background). The more you watch, the faster the watch hours grow.
  4. Like the videos.
  5. Comment on the videos.
  6. Share our videos on other social platforms like Facebook, X, Pinterest, Instagram, etc.
  7. Share the videos/channel directly with your friends and family members and ask them to subscribe, watch, like, comment, and share.

Sharing, liking, and commenting indicates high user engagement and YouTube starts showing our channel and its videos in its homepage and video feeds/suggested videos of YouTube users. This will help us to achieve organic growth.

That’s all. You don’t need to do anything extra at all!


  1. Viv says:

    Create a playlist of your videos so we can play them on repeat. I watch the videos, but I think it would be easier if you made playlists.

    1. The-Books-Collector says:

      Thanks for the suggestion, we will do it.

      1. Channy says:

        I really hope u can achieve the goals! <3 I'm getting my friends to support you guys.

        1. The-Books-Collector says:

          Thank you so much for your help.

  2. Eva says:

    Do you know if you get more money from letting YouTube ads play longer?

    1. The-Books-Collector says:

      We are far from achieving the numbers where we can run ads.

  3. GrilledJournalist says:

    If I watch your videos on multiple separate tabs at the same time, will that increase the watch time for each individual tab?

    1. The-Books-Collector says:

      Google may consider it as spam. So, please don’t play the same video on multiple tabs. If possible, create a playlist and watch the playlist everyday. We already have playlists. You can also share it with your friends and family. That will be of great help to us. Thanks a lot.

  4. Mimi says:

    Do you have any other ideas for videos beside the ones already posted?

    1. The-Books-Collector says:

      Please share your ideas while we are already working on improving our videos.

  5. adeline says:

    i was wondering if we will be able to request books again since i cant seem to find the icon for the requesting books page?

    1. The-Books-Collector says:

      We will enable it soon.

  6. sleepy sloth says:

    You reached 1k subscribers! YAY!!!!

    1. The-Books-Collector says:

      Yep! Had some help from our readers and some we acquired from other sources.


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