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Cruel Prince: Chapter 28



“Would you stop it,” Jace growls. “Every time I go to kiss you, you try to stick that thing up my nose.”

 “The sooner you let me do it, the sooner I’ll stop.”

Scowling, he looks around the band room closet. “Fine. But only if I get to kiss you after.”

“That depends,” I say coyly.


I shove the tampon up his nostril. “If you and Britney are over for good.”

I need to hear him say the words.

“Over? We never even started.” His hand finds my waist.  “How could we when the only girl I want is you?”

It’s all I can do not to pinch myself to make sure this is actually happening. “Really?”

His lips curl in a slow smile. “You have no idea, do you?”

“About what?”

The intensity of his stare makes my breath catch. “How deep my feelings for you run.”

No, but if what he feels for me is even a fraction of what I feel for him, I fear we’ll both spontaneously combust.

“How deep are we talking? Puddles? Ponds? Lakes?”

Tell me oceans, dammit. 

His hands frame my face.  “The Mariana Trench isn’t deep enough.”

My heart flutters like the wings of a hummingbird.

Jace Covington just told me he loves me…with a tampon in his nostril.

This is officially the happiest moment of my life.

“Can I kiss you now?” he huffs. “Trust me, I’m much better at that than this romantic shit.”

I start to laugh…until he slants his mouth over mine.

Then I’m soaring, flying…

“I can’t do this,” he grunts.

My lungs seize. No, no. no. I knew it was too good to be true.

I’m so stupid.

“Whoa.” Concern flashes in his eyes. “What’s wrong?”

Lord help me, I’m going to kill him. “Please tell me you’re not that dumb. You just said you can’t—”

“Kiss you with a tampon stuck up my nose.” He yanks on the string until it comes out. “Not only is it a mood killer, it’s screwing up my incredible kissing abilities.”

I look down. “Oh.”

Evidently, I’m that dumb. And insecure.

Seeing him with Britney seriously screwed me up.

As if sensing my internal distress, he wraps his arms around me, drawing me into a bear hug. “I’m sorry.”

I breathe in his cool, clean scent. “Why Britney? Out of all the girls you could have chosen to go to the dance with. Why her?”

“Because I wanted to hurt you and push you away. I hate that it worked so well.” He tips my chin. “But it won’t happen again. Promise.”

He looks so earnest; warmth floods my chest.

But just as quickly, a spark of jealousy blooms. “Did you kiss her?”


I peer into his dark orbs. “Have sex with her?”

He looks at me like I’ve sprouted another head. “Seriously?”

Considering some of our classmates have started going at it like rabbits, it’s not entirely out of the question.

“If I didn’t want to kiss her, what the hell makes you think I’d screw her?”

He has a point.

Exhaling, I look up at the ceiling. “I don’t know. I’m just…”

Jealous. Bitter. Anxious. All of the above.

“I get it.” A muscle in his jaw flexes. “I wanted to rip every limb off Tommy’s body and bash his head in with them when I saw you two in the hallway before.”

“Wow, that’s quite the visual.”

“What can I say? It sucked.” He gives me a lopsided grin. “Now kiss me and make it better.”

I rise up on my tiptoes. “For what it’s worth, you don’t have to worry about Tommy. I’m all yo—”

Warm lips crash into mine before I can finish my sentence.

It doesn’t take long for the kiss to go from sweet and gentle, to intense and all-consuming.

Slow shivers dance over my skin when he presses me against the wall and flicks his tongue against mine.

“It’s not fair how good you are at this.”

His lips curve. “I excel at things I love doing.” Tenderly, he nips my bottom lip. “Kissing you is my new favorite thing.”

“Mine too.”

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I tease him right back.

 “Jesus, Dylan,” he whispers before he cups my nape and kisses me deeper.

I claw at his shoulders as he explores my mouth. Every sense of mine is heightened, and my hormones are spinning out of control.

 I can’t get enough of this. I want to taste, touch, and feel every part of him.

“We should have done this sooner,” he murmurs.

“Yeah—” My ears perk up when I hear a faint click. “Did you hear that?”


I crane my neck, but it’s impossible to see around the large filing cabinet we’re next to. “I thought I heard the door open.”

He kisses down my jaw. “I’m pretty sure I locked it.”

“Oh my God.”

The tremble that runs through me when Jace’s lips brush my neck is almost violent.

He does it again, only this time he gently suckles my skin.

I shiver and my legs turn to putty. “You’re killing me.”

Jace laughs, sending another quake down my spine.

“It feels so good.” I dig my nails into the back of his head. “I want more.”

His fingers pause on the first button of my dress. “Is this okay?”

When I nod, he kisses the spot and groans. “You have the softest skin.”

I’m about to tell him to unbutton the next one, but my phone rings.

“Don’t answer it,” Jace mutters as he kisses my collarbone. “We still have an hour before the dance ends.”

Normally I wouldn’t, but it’s my dad’s ringtone. Given he’s so preoccupied with Savannah, he never calls me unless it’s something important.

“It’s my dad.”

Jace bolts upright. “Yeah, you should probably get that.”

I fight the urge to laugh as I fish my phone out of my purse. Nothing ruins a make-out session like the father of a teenage girl calling.

“Hey, Dad,” I answer. “What’s up?”

“Grab your things, tater tot,” he says, sounding flustered. “I’m parked out front.”

It’s on the tip of my tongue to ask if he’s been drinking because he hasn’t called me tater tot in years.

“I appreciate you coming to get me, but the dance doesn’t end for another hour. Mr. Covington said he’d pick us up since I was planning on hanging out with Jace for a little while afterward.”

I’m not sure what to make of the expression on Jace’s face, but I don’t have time to dwell on it, because my dad’s next statement has my mind reeling.

“Sorry, honey. Tell Jace there’s been a change of plans. I need you to get your things and meet me outside.”

My stomach drops. “Is everything okay?”

Jace moves closer to me.

My dad chuckles. “Better than okay, tater tot. I have fantastic news. I don’t want to explain everything over the phone though, so meet me outside.”

I breathe a sigh of relief.  “I’ll be there in a minute, just let me say bye to Jace.”

“Okay but make it snappy.”

Uh. That’s weird. “Why?”

“Christ, Dylan. Stop with the ninety-nine questions. I promise I’ll explain everything when I see you.”

“All right, fine.”

“Everything okay?” Jace asks after I hang up.

“According to my dad, everything is better than okay. Apparently, he has some exciting news to tell me that couldn’t wait until after I got home.”


“Strange? Yeah, I know.”

His shoulders rise in a shrug. “Maybe he won the lottery.”

I snort. “I’m sure Savannah will just love that.” I clutch my chest when the thought hits me. “What if she’s pregnant?”

Jace blanches. “I—shit. You think so?”

 “What else could it be? I can’t think of anything that would warrant him being this excited.” Drawing in a shaky breath, I pace back and forth. “He mentioned applying for a promotion at his job, but that’s something that could have waited ‘til later.” I swallow the lump forming in my throat. “My dad’s always wanted a big family. When my mom died and my sister—” Pausing, I look at Jace. “If he expects me to be happy about the spawn of Savannah, he’s out of his mind.”

 “I don’t blame you.” Reaching for me, he pulls me into his arms. “But it won’t be all hers. Considering you have half your dad’s genes too, there’s a fifty percent chance this kid will turn out awesome, just like their big sister.”

No one has the ability to talk me off the ledge like he does.

“You’re right.” I rest my head against his chest. “I hate change.”

“Sometimes change is good.” He kisses the top of my head. “I know you’re worried, but having siblings isn’t that bad. Sure, they get on your nerves, but the positives outweigh the negatives. It’s like having a best friend for life.” His expression borders on pain. “Someone who always has your back.”

I tilt his face. “Are you okay?”

 “Yeah, I just have to talk…” He shakes his head. “Everything’s fine.” He juts his chin toward the door. “You should go before your dad gets mad.”

After fastening the button on my dress, I give him a quick kiss. “If I can feign enough excitement about the baby, I should be at your house by nine-thirty the latest. If not, keep your window open.”

Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he blows out a breath. “Sounds like a plan.”

Something’s definitely going on with him. “Are you—”

My dad’s ringtone cuts me off again.

Jesus. He’s never been this annoying before.

“I’m coming out now,” I yell before I hang up and focus on Jace. “I’ll text you in a little while.” I stop short when I realize. “Tell your brother I’m sorry I left early.”

 “Yeah.” He squeezes the back of his neck. “I’ll tell him.”

I blow him a kiss and hustle out the door.

“So, what’s the big news?” I ask as I climb into the back seat of my dad’s car.

Of course, Savannah’s sitting in the passenger seat, like the succubus she is.

My dad smiles from ear to ear as he shifts the car into drive. “Remember how I told you I was gunning for a promotion at work?”

I nod as I fasten my seatbelt. “Yeah, did you get it?”

He shakes his head. “No, they gave it to Jim.” Reaching over, he kisses Savannah’s hand. “But Savannah here—incredible goddess she is—found out that her friend Brandi’s husband, who happens to be the CEO of Flash Corp, had to fire his CFO due to some financial discrepancies and needed a replacement ASAP.”

Savannah smirks as she looks over her seat. “Guess who they hired to fill the position?”

Gee, I have no idea. 

It’s all I can do not to tug on her cheap hair extensions, but I don’t want to ruin my dad’s good mood. “Congrats. That’s awesome.”

“Told you tator tot would be happy.” Before I can ask why he thought I wouldn’t, he adds, “I know I sprung this on you last minute, but Savannah has everything covered. She was able to find a full-service moving company on short notice, and they’re coming to pack up the house tomorrow.” He makes a face. “We’ll be staying at a hotel for the time being, but you and Savannah can start house hunting tomorrow while I’m at the office getting settled.”

Record. Freaking. Skip.

“Wait…what? Why are we moving? What’s wrong with the house we live in now?”

The home I grew up in.

The home my mother loved.

“Come on, Dylan. I thought you were smart,” Savannah chirps as she flicks down the visor and peers into the mirror. I’m surprised it shows her reflection and not some demon witch. “Flash Corp is in Orange County.”

“Orange County?” If it wasn’t the first week of June, I’d think this was a sick April Fool’s joke. “That’s over five hours away.”

Turning the steering wheel, he nods. “I know it will take some adjusting, kiddo, but opportunities like this are rare and you have to strike while the iron is hot. Flash Corp is the biggest up-and-coming software company since Microsoft. My starting salary is triple what I was making at Mayer Inc.”

My heart is pounding so fast I’m certain this is what having a heart attack must feel like. “But what about—”

“School will be over in less than a week.” He waves a hand. “I’ll call them on Monday, but with your grades, I’m sure everything will be fine.”

Jace. What. About. Jace?

“Jace.” My voice cracks. “I have to—”

“Stop being so dramatic,” Savannah whines. “You and your little buddy can still keep in touch. It’s why God created Instagram and Facetime.”

My dad chuckles like it’s the funniest thing he’s ever heard.

Anger rolls through me and I clench my hands into fists. “How can you just rip me out of my childhood home and away from all my friends without giving me a chance to say goodbye?”

Hot tears run down my face. How can the best night of my life turn into the worst?

Savannah clicks her tongue as she applies her lipstick. “Really, Dylan, can you try to be happy for your father? This is an amazing opportunity.” I don’t miss the daggers she glares at me as she kisses a tissue. “He’s done nothing but work his butt off so he could give you everything you ever wanted. It’s the least you can do.”

My dad beams.

He’s ruining my life and he’s freaking lighting up like a Christmas tree.

This is a nightmare.

“How the hell would you know, you stupid bitch? You’ve barely even known him a year.”

And in that short time, my father’s personality did a complete one-eighty…all because of her.

I know he misses my mom—I miss her too—but Savannah and moving isn’t the answer.

Royal Manor is all I know. My parents specifically chose to raise me here because my mom loved it.

Why is he destroying her memory?

“Watch your mouth,” my father barks.

“How dare you talk to me like that.” Savannah whirls around in her seat. “Whether you like it or not, I’m going to be your mother soon and I won’t tolerate having a spoiled brat who talks like a sailor for a daughter.”

My nails dig into my palms so hard I break the skin. She’s crossed the line.

“You’ll never be my mother. You’re nothing but a gold-digging whore my dad screws because he’s lonely and misses her.”

She gasps and my father slams on the brakes so hard I hit the seat in front of me.

He pivots around. “That’s enough, Dylan.”

“I hate you.” I try to open the door, but it’s locked. “Let me out.”

I can run back and beg Mr. Covington to let me live with him. It’s not like my dad will care. If anything, not having me around will be less of a headache for him.

His forehead crinkles. “I’m sorry you didn’t get to say goodbye to your friends, but this is the opportunity of a lifetime. I thought I’d have more time to prepare, but they need me to start right away. I don’t have a choice.” He reaches for my hand but I pull away. “Tator tot—”

“I’m not your fucking tator tot.”

As of tonight, I’m not even your daughter anymore. 

My tears are coming down so fast they soak the front of my dress.

“Would you stop acting like such a baby!” Savannah snaps. “I’ve never met someone so ungrateful in my life.” She looks at my father. “If she keeps this behavior up, we should start searching for boarding schools.”

He clasps Savannah’s knee. “Relax. She’s just…it’s a lot. Dylan’s not usually disobedient. She’s a good girl.”

He says it like I’m the freaking family pet.

Not to mention, how in the world would he know how I usually am? We haven’t had a conversation longer than three minutes since my mom died.

“Please, baby,” my father pleads. “I need this.” Despite my resistance, he reaches for my hand again. “We need this. It’s a fresh start for both of us.”

“I don’t want a fresh start.”

I want the home where my favorite memories with my mom are.

I want my best friend.


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