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Claimed by the Mountain Man: Chapter 12


Our Princess.

Oh my god, my ovaries just popped out another egg and the air in my lungs isn’t working. He called my daughter our Princess. What is he doing to me?

If this were any other guy, in any other town I’d think all this is bullshit, but I’ve questioned Chloe more than once about him since he decided I’m his and she always tells me the same thing. That Penn Barnett is exactly who he says he is. Chloe’s known the whole family for years and apparently they really are as wonderful as they seem to be. According to her, the brothers are ladies men right up to the point where they find their woman, at which point they settle down quick and of the three that are coupled up, two are married and one is engaged with a baby due any day.

If what she says is true, and I really can’t seem to believe it isn’t, then Penn is just a really nice guy. A really nice, really hot guy. A really nice, really hot, dirty taking, dominant guy who somehow brings every one of my dirty fantasies to life.

Fuck, what the hell am I going to do? I could keep on fighting but I don’t think I want to and, hell, after last night I could be pregnant. The idea of having another baby so soon after having Poppy scares the hell out of me, but it’d be different with Penn. The circumstances around Poppy’s conception weren’t exactly normal.

I need to tell him. He needs to know the truth before I let things go too far. I can already see he adores my daughter and I doubt what I have to tell him will change that, but he needs to know the truth.

Everything about Penn is all consuming and that scares the hell out of me. He uses my body against me. He wants to control me and after being so out of control for the last year and a half, I don’t know if I can give him what he needs. I don’t know if I can allow mine and Poppy’s futures to be in anyone else but my hands. He’d never hurt us, last night showed me that. But he’s proved he’s not above manipulating me with sex to get what he wants.

Truthfully, everything about him is just so much more intense than any guy I’ve ever met. You say commitment and future to most guys and they’re out the door before you can finish speaking, but Penn’s the total opposite. He wants it all and he wants it now, and the idea of waiting or taking some time is completely foreign to him.

I eat absentmindedly, most of my attention on him as he spoons mushy oatmeal into Poppy’s mouth, occasionally stabbing some egg or bacon and eating himself. I can’t take my eyes off him, or the domesticity of this moment, how can something so new feel so right?

The need to push him away is so strong, like an angel on my shoulder warning me that people are never what they seem, but the devil on my other side is telling me that maybe he’s exactly what he and everyone else is telling me he is. If I didn’t have Poppy I doubt I’d be questioning this, I’d have my legs spread and offering myself to him any which way till Sunday, but if this all goes to shit it won’t just be me that’s affected, it’ll be Poppy too.

Standing, I go make Poppy some formula in the new sippy cup Chloe got for her and then hand it to her, ruffling her hair as she lifts it to her mouth. “Do you want me to finish up while you go take a shower?” He’s still just in his jeans, the top button undone looking incredibly tempting.

“You haven’t finished your breakfast.”

“I can eat while I feed her,” I assure him, holding in the wistful sigh that’s eager to escape at how sweet he is for trying to take care of me.

“Okay, Kitten, shout if you need anything.”

My eyes follow him out the room and I swear I hear Chloe actually swoon as his tight ass encased in jeans disappears up the stairs.

“Honey, if you don’t marry that boy, I swear I’m going to take a run at him myself.”

“Chloe,” I admonish with a laugh.

“He is infatuated with you and Poppy, if I hadn’t hit the menopause years ago I’d be pregnant right now just from watching him with your baby girl.”

“He’s impossible to dislike and god help me I’ve tried,” I confess.

“He’s a good man, he’s exactly what I’d want for you in a husband. He’ll take care of you both, he’ll love you and be faithful.”

“It’s been three days,” I whisper shout. “I can’t think about marriage and any of that kind of stuff after three days. Maybe three years, but not days, it’s crazy and I don’t do crazy things anymore. Look what happened the last time I did.”

“Oh honey, look what happened,” Chloe sighs, smiling as she squeezes my hand and looks across the room at my beautiful little girl. “Don’t push him away just because you think it’s happening too quickly. Sometimes things happen on their own timescale and they turn out perfectly.”

Poppy giggles, pulling both of our attentions to her and the conversation is forgotten, until Penn appears ten minutes later in fresh clothes, his delicious torso covered in a tight black t-shirt. His hair is damp and he looks sexier than ever as he saunters into the room like he’s lived here forever. His confidence is sexy and I can’t take my eyes off him as he rounds the table, lifts me out of my seat and sits down, pulling me into his lap.

“We need to go soon, else you’re going to be late for work.”

Sighing, I smile down at Poppy. “I hate leaving her,” I confess.

“I earn plenty of money, Kitten, I can look after all of us. You can stay home if you want, or go part time, whatever makes you happiest.”

His palm slides over my stomach and I tense at his unspoken words, that I might be pregnant, that he wants me to be. Shaking away the thought, I bury it at the back of my mind along with all the other things I don’t want to think about right now and push his hand away, standing and grabbing a wet cloth to clean Poppy’s face.

“You’ve got more breakfast around your mouth than you got in it,” I chirp in a sing-song voice. “Mama’s got to go to work, but you and Auntie Chloe are going to have the best day.” Unclipping the straps, I lift Poppy from her chair and cuddle her to my chest, loving how she nuzzles into me, her familiar baby smell surrounding me.

Strong arms wrap around my back and I tense for a second, before relaxing into his warm embrace. He’s so big and somehow his arms fit around both me and Poppy and he’s holding us both. It’s so freaking perfect I think my heart misses a beat just so it can start up again in time with his.

Sighing, he reluctantly releases me and steps back. I turn and pass Poppy into Chloe’s waiting arms, leaning down to kiss her chubby baby cheek. “Bye baby cakes, see you tonight.”

When I step back and grab my purse, Penn leans down and kisses first Poppy’s head, then Chloe’s cheek, speaking to her quietly before he steps away and places his palm on the base of my spine, guiding me toward the front door.

“Come on, Kitten, let’s go.”

We’re both quiet on the drive to work, me because I’m trying to decide how I pursue something with Penn without losing myself to him completely and him because… Well, I don’t really know why he’s quiet.

“I want to take you and Poppy shopping tonight; we can go get her straight after work and then have dinner at my place.”

“I don’t—”

“She needs stuff for at my place so you can both spend time there. I can pick it out, but I’d prefer we do it together.”


“Nope,” he interrupts. “I’m not going to have this conversation again, Lulu. You think this is moving too fast, I disagree. I’m happy to prove how wrong you are, and that starts with you picking out stuff for you and Poppy to keep at my place. If you’re right, then that’s on me, and I’ll have bought stuff I won’t need, I’m okay with that. But I want you both at my home and right now that can’t happen, so I’m going to do what I need to change that.”


His hand reaches across and cups my pussy through my pants. “How sore’s your pussy today?”

“What?” I say, startled by his sudden change of subject.

“I need to check how sore you are, because I’ve got a feeling you’re going to earn yourself another punishment fucking if you carry on trying to push me away, and I want to make sure I’m not going to hurt you.”

Outraged, I try to slap his hand away, but he just grips me tighter, grinding the heel of his palm against my sex. “You can’t threaten me with sex.”

“Sure I can,” he smirks. “You like my dick, I plan to keep you full of my cum, if a good fucking helps you learn to mind me and makes you see some sense at the same time, it sounds like it’s working to me.”

I can feel my mouth is hanging open and I stare at him, while his hand is still cupping between my legs. No man has ever treated me this way, this mix of caveman dominance, sexy control and out and out assholeness, and I have no idea why it turns me on but it does.

“You need me to walk you in?”

My focus snaps back to the moment and I realize we’re parked at the curb outside my office. “I think I can make it to the door on my own,” I snarl, reaching over to unclip my seatbelt.

His hand between my thighs tightens while his free hand collars my throat. “Kitty, kitty, kitty, sheath those claws before I take you home, strip you naked and fuck your ass until you’re begging to do as I tell you.”

“Your dick isn’t going anywhere near my ass.”

“I’ll only allow you to be so rude and disrespectful, Lulu, before I’ll have to come up with a creative way to hogtie that temper of yours. If me filling your ass with my fat cock is the only thing that works, I promise you I won’t hesitate, and I’ll make you scream and beg and orgasm while I do it. You’re mine, Kitten, and I’m a jealous, possessive, unreasonable, controlling asshole. I will worship the ground you walk on, do anything in the fucking world to make you happy, but that doesn’t mean I’m a metro-fucking-sexual beta who will let you walk all over him. If you start behaving like a bitch I’ll put you in your place, just like I’ll expect you put me in my place if I’m being a douche. Now go on into work and I’ll pick you up at one thirty for lunch.”

I’m so shocked by his words that I do as he says without thought, opening my door and sliding from the car in a haze of outraged lust. It shouldn’t turn me on that he threatened me with sexual punishments, but god, it really does. He’s turning me into a sex crazed freak and I’m not sure my snarky words and half-hearted attempts to disobey him are even me trying to really fight it anymore.

Pushing into the office, I say an absentminded hello to Annette before I stagger to my desk and slump down into it, staring blankly at my computer. I’m an idiot for him and it’s only been three days. I have no idea if I can get off this bucking bronco of a life or if I even want to.

If I’m really honest with myself, I like him. I like the way he railroads me, I like the way he won’t let me push him away and the truth is, I want someone to take care of me, even if I’m capable of looking after myself. Penn cares for me, he cares for Poppy and he’s by far the hottest, sexiest, growliest man I’ve ever had the chance to have sex with… and I want to do it again.

My morning passes in a blur. Janet emails me another list of ridiculous jobs that I do and email back to her, even though she’s never going to use any of the information she has me providing. But even though I’m functioning, my mind is on Penn. My body is tingling and the memory of all the ways he touched me and owned me keeps replaying through my mind. By the time 1.30 rolls around, I’m a bag of lusty nerves and I have no idea how I’m going to get through an hour with him without jumping him.

Grabbing my purse, I inhale a low, deep breath and try to get myself under control. It doesn’t work, so with a dry, humorless laugh I push through my door and head out toward my man.

Penn’s waiting in reception, chatting with Annette and looking sexier than any man really should. My nipples pebble at the sight of him and my sex clenches with awareness. I’m still a little sore from last night, but the pain does nothing to quell the shameless moan that tries to fight its way past my tightly clenched lips.

“You ready, Kitten?” he asks, his low, rough voice making my pussy drool in anticipation.

“Uh huh,” I nod, moving toward him, sighing when he wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me into his side.

“You want us to bring you anything?” Penn asks Annette.

“No thanks, enjoy your lunch,” she says with a playful wink.

Swallowing thickly, I try not to rub up against his dick as he holds the door open for me, closing my eyes as he runs his hand across my ass. The moment I’m outside I pull in a deep breath, hoping the air will blast away the pheromones that are oozing from my pores.

“What do you want for lunch?”

“I don’t mind,” I say, keeping my eyes forward and trying my best not to look at him. I’m more horny than I’ve ever been in my life and right now I know if I look at him, and he has even an ounce of lust in his eyes, I’ll jump him right here in the street.

“Hey.” His fingers wrap around my wrist and he spins me to face him. “You still—”

His eyes rake over me and I feel myself melt at the heat reflecting back at me.

“Kitten, do you need me?”

Forcing my muscles to move, I shake my head.

“What did I say about lying to me?”

Swallowing I try to speak, but no words come out as he reels me in, holding me to him with one hand at the base of my spine and the other around my throat. Leaning down, he presses his lips to my ear, the warmth of his breath making me shudder.

“Do you need me? Do you need me to force your legs open and fuck you until you’re panting and screaming?”

I don’t want to admit it, I’m not sure I actually can admit my need out loud, but he knows; he can see it in me, probably smell it on me.

“Oh Kitten, you should have told me how desperate you were,” he croons, pressing his lips to mine in a hard kiss before he pulls away and leads me down the street.

I can’t find any words, but I don’t fight as he moves me along the sidewalk, guiding my steps until we reach a huge, grey building with a Barnett Brothers Repairs sign hanging above the roller shutter doors. I recognize one of Penn’s brothers inside, but before I have a chance to speak, Penn’s dragging me up a set of stairs at the side of the building and into a small apartment.

The moment the door closes behind us, he releases his hold on me and folds his arms across his huge muscular chest, making his biceps strain against the fabric of his t-shirt. “Strip.”

I freeze, lost to my eagerness and desperation.


The single stern word forces me back to the present and I start to undress, unfastening the first two buttons on my shirt before pulling it up and over my head. Dropping it to the floor, I unzip my pants, pushing them down and letting them pool to my feet.

“And the rest.”

His voice is gravelly, rough like he’s having to force the words out. He wants me almost as badly as I want him, the heat in his eyes is unmistakable, as is the massive bulge in his pants.

Releasing my bra, I let it slide free from my arms, then push my panties down, kicking off my pumps as I step free, leaving my discarded clothes in a heap.

“How sore are you?”

“I’m fine.”

“Go bend your sweet ass over the back of the couch, then spread your legs nice and wide so I can see your cunt dripping for me.”

Panting wildly, I clench my hands into fists at my sides. God, his demanding nature calls to me, begging me to defy him almost as much as I want to do what he says. I’m not afraid of his punishments, a part of me craves them almost, taunting him to do his worst because even though I know he might spank me, or fuck me, he’ll always make it good, make me beg and scream.

I move, padding on bare feet over to the black leather couch that fills most of the small living space and climb onto it, leaning my chest over the back and spreading my knees as wide as they’ll go, pushing my ass toward him.

The rustling of his clothes makes my nipples pebble further in anticipation, my tips so hard the pressure of the couch beneath me is almost painful. My core is throbbing, the twinges of soreness only adding to my anticipation of the moment he’ll touch me.

I expect the couch to dip beneath his weight, so I jump, startled when he grabs my hair and yanks me upright, pulling my head back as his warm lips find my racing pulse point and bite down on it.

“Does my kitten need to be fucked?”

I try to nod, but his hold on my hair stops me.


“Yes,” I gasp, my voice raspy.


“Please, please.”

“Do you want my fingers, my tongue or my cock?”

“Your cock,” I whine, moving my legs together, needing to clench my thighs to stem the tide of lust barreling through me.

“Open your legs,” he barks.

I immediately comply, his puppet in this moment, lost to his demands.

“You want me to fuck this cunt?” he asks, sliding his fingers between my soaked folds, before he pulls back and spanks my pussy, making me squeal in shock. Before I have a chance to breath, he slides two fingers into me, fucking me roughly as he whispers against my ear.

“I want you wet, Kitten, I won’t fill you with my dick until your juices have soaked this couch. You don’t just get to be ready; I want you dripping, your cunt begging for my dick.”

He does something, adding a third finger and pushing them further into me as he moves, grinding his hand and making whimpering mewls fall from my parted, gasping lips. “Oh god,” I whine, embracing the pain and barely stifling the urge to beg him to spank me, or choke me or just fuck me, because I need more.

“Your little kitty is so tight. You’re clamping down on my fingers even as you drip with lust. I think you enjoy the pain, that’s why you needed me even though your cunt is still swollen from the fucking I gave you last night. You’re perfect for me, Kitten, fucking perfect. I can’t wait to see you cry while you choke on my cock or hear you beg me not to stop while I slide into your tight ass. I’m going to own you inside and out, claim every hole, every act, every dirty fantasy.”

I come with a strangled cry, my whole body shaking with the force of the orgasm that’s ricocheting through me. I’ve only ever squirted once before and it was on my own with a dildo and a lot of hot porn, but that pales to the way he’s playing my body right now. Liquid gushes from me, soaking my thighs as he rips his fingers from inside of me and rubs them over my clit, watching me soak the leather beneath us.

“Jesus, fuck,” he growls as he pushes the head of his huge dick into me.


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