Claimed by the Mountain Man: Chapter 13


She’s soaking wet, her pussy still squirting as I slide the head of my cock inside of her, not stopping my insistent thrust until most of my dick is filling her. Releasing my grip on her hair I force her forward, pinning her upper body to the back of the couch as I lose my fucking mind and fuck her like I’ll never get a chance to touch her again.

The moment I turned her to look at me on the sidewalk outside her office, worried that she was pissed and saw the raw, feral lust in her eyes I knew it’d come to this. That I’d end up balls deep in her, fucking her like I’m a caveman and she’s my prize.

She’s my ultimate fantasy and my weakness all rolled into the perfect package. Her sweet body calls to me and I’m helpless to resist her lush curves. Not that I want to. I want to indulge in her, sate myself over and over in her body until there’s not a person alive in the world who doesn’t know she’s mine.

Last night was good, but this right here, this savagery is fucking everything. I want her sweet and soft too, but right now hard and animalistic is all I can offer her and what she needed. My dick’s so hard it hurts, but she takes everything I give her, pushing back into every thrust as I brand her cunt with my dick.

Her cream drips from her every time I pull back and then slam into her again and when she screams out her release, her cunt somehow becomes even tighter, clamping down and strangling my dick until I explode. I slump over her back, my cock twitching inside of her as she milks every drop of release until I’m drained and spent.

“I…” she starts, then falls silent again.

A low chuckle falls from my lips as I lean down and kiss her bare shoulder. “We should clean up.”

“Can’t move,” she whines softly.

“I’ll carry you,” I whisper, pressing another reverent kiss against her skin. Sliding my dick from her, I feel the wince she tries to hide from me. “I was too rough?”

“You were perfect, it was so hot, so. God.”

“I felt you wince, baby.”

“You have a big dick,” she laughs and I feel a mixture of my cum and her arousal drip onto my dick that’s still touching her entrance.

“Yeah I do,” I smile, sliding my hand down her front and running my fingers through the soaked folds of her cunt. “Jesus, Kitten, I’m not going to lie, it’s sexy as fuck feeling your cunt all sloppy and wet dripping with cum.”

Lifting my fingers to her lips I push one into her mouth. “How do we taste?” Forcing a second finger past her lips, I don’t give her a chance to speak as I drive them further into her mouth and she sucks eagerly.

“My dick’s still hard, but we don’t have time for round two. I need to get you cleaned up even though I’d rather send you back to work smelling like sex and my cum.”

Pulling my fingers from between her lips, I grab her hair again and turn her head, kissing her hard as I slide my tongue into her mouth, owning it like I just owned her pussy.

“Come on, Kitten,” I say, reluctantly stepping back before lifting her and standing her in front of me. My eyes dart back to the couch, and a smirk spreads across my lips when I see the shiny pool of liquid glistening against the black of the leather.

Turning her, I curve an arm around her waist, sliding my hand between her thighs to cup her mound. “Look what you did, Kitten, I told you I wanted you to the soak the couch and you did. That’s the hottest thing I’ve ever fucking seen.” My fingers part her dripping folds and I slide two fingers back into her cunt. “I wonder if I can make you squirt again.”

When she moans, its guttural and desperate, her legs parting without me even having to tell her to do it. I start to move my fingers inside of her, pulling out, then thrusting them back in again through her swollen muscles.

The blasting music of my cell phone ringing shatters the moment. Ignoring it, I try to keep us both in this haze of lust but as soon as the music ends, it immediately starts again. “Fuck,” I hiss.

“Penn,” she cries when I pull my fingers from her and cross to where I left my jeans, grabbing my cell from the pocket.

“What?” I answer, bringing it to my ear.

“Sorry bro, but it’s been nearly an hour and Lulu needs to get back to work,” Bay tells me, his voice apologetic, but laced with amusement.

“I fucking hate you.”

He’s still laughing as I end the call. “Sorry baby, we need to clean up real quick unless you want to call in sick this afternoon.”

“I can’t,” she sighs sadly. “Do you have a shower up here? Who’s apartment is this anyway?”

“Come on, I’ll help,” I smile. “And it’s my apartment, there’s another on the other side of the garage that’s Bay’s. We all have a place of our own like this to get away from the family if we need some downtime.”

“So this is your fuck pad,” she giggles as I guide her into the tiny bathroom, leaning past her to turn the shower on to warm.

“No, this used to be my fuck pad, now it’s our fuck pad for when your greedy cunt can’t wait until we get home.”

Her cheeks turn the most delicious shade of pink, making me chuckle as I lift her into the small shower cubicle and follow in behind her. As much as I wish I could take my time cleaning her from head to toe, she needs to get back to work, so I coat my hands in soap as she does the same and then work it into her skin while she explores my chest with her hands.

Five minutes later my dick is still hard, her pussy still wet but we’re dressed again. Her hair is damp on the ends and I watch her twist it into a bun on the top of her head as we make our way back down the stairs and onto the sidewalk outside the garage.

“You still need to eat,” I tell her when I reach her side, draping my arm over her shoulders.

“Not sure I can tell Janet that I need an extra hour because I was too busying having sex,” she giggles.

The sound is like fucking music to my ears and I hold her closer as we make the short walk back to the lawyer’s office. “I’ll go grab you something from Wake Up and Go Go. What do you fancy?”

“Oh, do they do iced coffee? I would love a Frappuccino and a muffin.”

“I’ll go find out,” I smile when we reach her building. “Back soon.” Grabbing her by the neck, I kiss her deeply, then release her and watch her enter the building before I leave to go and get us lunch.

Despite our shower, I smell her on me for the rest of the day. It keeps me rock hard and cursing my dick every time I catch it against the hood of a car as I lean into its engine. By the time 5.30 rolls round, I’m more than ready to go get her and have her mouth wrapped around me.

Pushing into the lawyer’s office, I smile at Annette and instead of taking my usual spot on the couch I wait by the door, carefully adjusting my dick and really hoping I don’t have a fucking obvious bulge in my pants.

“Your girl might need a little TLC tonight, Janet’s had clients in this afternoon and that’s never a fun time,” Annette warns.

“What happened?”

“I’m not sure, I didn’t hear any shouting, but Janet hates dealing with clients and she makes sure everyone, including the clients know it. Meeting day is when the last five paralegals she employed have left. Lulu’s a trouper for sticking it out this long,” Annette tells me with a sympathetic wince.

My dick instantly deflates. I hate that my woman is working for that bitch Janet. I’m all for women being strong, independent and rocking a kickass job in a male dominated word. But Janet is just a fucking harpy. She’s childish, petulant and entitled. That bitch is just plain angry and instead of getting on with things, she tries to make those around her as miserable as she is.

In a small town like Rockhead Point, everyone knows when someone new moves here, especially when it’s the relative of one of the town staples like Taylor. From the moment she pulled up in her flashy Mercedes in her expensive pant suits, she’s been sour faced and pissy. I’d say she just needed a good fuck, but honestly I wouldn’t recommend any man put his dick anywhere near her. I’m about ninety percent sure she’s part praying mantis and would probably try and eat the poor bastard afterwards.

When Lulu appears with Dave, I expect her to be world weary and stressed, but instead she’s smiling and laughing, the post sex glow still emanating from her.

“Hey Kitten.”

“Hey,” she smiles sweetly.

“Good afternoon?”

“Hellish, but it’s over now and I’m ready to go see my baby girl.”

“Well then let’s go get the princess.” I smile, pulling her into my side and pressing a soft kiss against her upturned, waiting lips.

I don’t speak again until we’re both strapped into the car and pulling away from the lot and onto the road toward Chloe’s. “Annette said she thought you might need a little TLC tonight after dealing with Janet this afternoon.”

“My boss is a bitch, but she’s not the baddest bitch I’ve ever met and if she thinks she’s going to scare me off, she’s got another thing coming. I went to law school, I’ve met plenty of women like her before,” Lulu shrugs, resting her head back against the seat and stretching her legs out in front of her.

“You went to law school?”

“Yep, I was prepping to take the bar when I got pregnant with Poppy.”

“That something you still want to do?” I ask.

“Yeah, eventually. I’ll be a great lawyer, only maybe not a fancy litigator with a corner office like I imagined.”

“Still plenty of people who need a lawyer, even in a small town,” I say with a wink.

“And those poor people have to deal with Janet.” She hisses her bosses name and grimaces. “To be honest, I thought it was odd that she’d gone all week without meeting with anyone. Apparently she keeps all of her client interaction down to one afternoon a week. We had clients in and out all afternoon and she was rude to every single one, barely acknowledging them, even though these people are paying her for her time. Taylor’s so nice, I’m surprised he allows her to treat people that way.”

“She definitely doesn’t strike me as a people person,” I joke as we pull into Chloe’s driveway. “Right, how we going do this? You want to go have a quick shower and I’ll have Chloe help me get Poppy ready to go.”

“Where are we going?”

“Shopping, Kitten, then dinner at my place.”

“Oh,” she says quietly. “Poppy’s going to be tired…”

She trails off and I know she’s going to try to make an excuse to get out of going, but after last night and this morning, I need this. I need to have stuff at my place to encourage them to see a life with me.

“Poppy will be fine. It’s one night, and you said yourself it’s not fair to keep asking Chloe to babysit on an evening when she’s had her all day. There’s a big box store not far from town where we can get most of what we need, and Beau is meeting us there with his truck to help us haul everything home.”

I watch as she tries to come up with an excuse, eventually sighing when she can’t immediately think of one. “Come on, Kitten, let’s go say hi to the Princess and then you can take a shower.” Slapping her ass hard enough to sting, I arch my eyebrows in challenge when she glares at me over her shoulder. “Hurry up or I’ll make that ass a nice shade of pink before we go to bed tonight.”

“Promises, promises,” she says quietly, smirking at me before darting up the front steps and into the house.

Twenty minutes later, we’re on our way back out. I’m going to need a different car for when we go out as a family, my vintage muscle car is sexy as hell, but it doesn’t have all the safety features of a modern car and without them it’s not safe enough to be carrying around precious cargo. If I’m lucky, then Lulu is already pregnant so a new car is now my top priority after getting her and Poppy all moved into my place.

Tipping my seat forward, I clip Poppy’s baby carrier into the base and make sure it’s secure before I climb into the front and close the door. I’ve already text Beau to tell him we’ll meet him at the store in about twenty minutes and I’m excited.

“So what exactly do you want to get?” Lulu asks.


“Penn, be serious.”

“I am being serious. I get that you think this is happening too fast, but I disagree. If you want to pack up all of her stuff from Chloe’s and move it to mine, I’m all for that, if not then we need everything we have at yours at mine too.”

She’s looking at me like I’m crazy, which I probably am, but I don’t give a fuck. I’m crazy about her and I have enough money to buy whatever the fuck I want, to get my woman and my kid set up. Instead of arguing, I just flash her a huge smile and turn my attention back to the road.

It turns out shopping with a Lulu is a fucking nightmare. Poppy is wide awake and not at all impressed about being in her stroller. I end up having to carry her and push the cart, while Lulu pushes the empty stroller, arguing with me over every single thing I try to get her to buy.

“Kitten,” I growl angrily. “You’re being a pain in the ass. We’re not leaving here until you pick everything we need and you being difficult is just making Poppy more tired and both of us more hungry than we need to be. Now just pick all the things she needs or I’ll call Chloe and have her send me pictures of all the stuff you have back at her place and just buy exactly the same.”

Scowling, she starts to shuffle down the baby aisle, reluctantly selecting things from the shelves and putting them in the cart. By the time we’re done and back out in the parking lot, Poppy is asleep and Lulu has been scowling at me for the last thirty minutes.

“Go get Poppy back in the car, I’ll help Beau load all this stuff into his truck,” I tell her.

Nodding, she takes the keys from me and pushes Poppy’s stroller away.

“Jesus, bro, you leave anything in the store?” Beau laughs.

“Babies need a lot of crap. Give me a hand with this stuff, they’re bringing the crib and mattress out.”

Once Beau’s truck is full, I climb into the car with Lulu and tense, feeling her anger. “You still pissed?”

“You just spent thousands of dollars, Penn.”


“So it’s ridiculous, we’ve only been dating a couple of days.”

“Lulu, this is old news, I’ve heard this argument and I don’t want to hear it again. If this thing between us all goes to shit—which is won’t… But if it does, then that’s my problem and I’ll be the one with a house full of baby stuff.”

She parts her lips to argue again and I lose it, snapping my hand out and wrapping it around her throat, collaring her with my fingers. “Enough, Lulu, your doubt in us is starting to piss me off. You’re mine and I’m yours, what the fuck have I done to make you question my sincerity?”

Her eyes fill with tears and in this moment she looks so fucking young. “Nothing,” she whispers. “It’s just people think they want something and then when it becomes a reality, they change their minds and it’s me that’s left picking up the pieces.”

Her words sound casual, but I can tell there’s more to it than that, something deeper and personal.

“Tonight, you’re going to explain what you mean by that, but for now all I can do is tell you again that even though it might seem like I’m rushing blindly into this thing between us, nothing could be further from the truth. You and Poppy are my fucking world now. I’d love nothing more than to prove it to you than by taking you to city hall in the morning and marrying you, then adopting Poppy, but I know you’re not there yet, so I’ll wait. But you’ve got to stop questioning when I’m going to be an asshole and get bored, because the answer to that is never. I’ll only ever want more of you, I’ll never get enough.”

Leaning over, I wipe the tear from her cheek and press my lips to hers. She doesn’t need me to dominate her right now, she needs me to show her the truth in my words. So that’s what I do, kissing her like she’s my last breath, like she’s my everything.

We make the drive back to my place in relatively comfortable silence. I keep her hand in mine, resting it on my thigh, staying connected to her like I know she needs, and she stays relaxed, as if my words have settled some of her doubts; at least for the moment.

Beau’s already here, his truck parked in its usual spot, the bed empty of all of the stuff we bought when I pull up behind it. “Looks like they already unloaded.”

Climbing out, I open Lulu’s door, before circling back around and reaching Poppy’s carrier out from the car as Lulu gets her bag full of diapers and other baby stuff from the truck. With Poppy in one hand, I reach for Lulu with the other and lead her to the front door. This feels momentous and I want to pull out my cell and take a picture of the first time I bring my woman and my daughter home.

Fuck it. Grabbing my cell from my pocket, I pull Lulu into my side, then lift the cell up high and snap a picture of the three of us. I don’t care if it makes me look like a pussy, I want a record of this moment.

Lulu sighs then smiles, leaning into me as I open the door and guide my family inside.


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not work with dark mode