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Claimed by the Mountain Man: Chapter 19


Lulu knows she’s doing the right thing moving in with me, but she’s still battling with how fast things are moving between us. In her head, love and commitment should take a certain amount of time and it’s tough for her to accept that what we have is different. We didn’t meet in a bar and exchange cell numbers, we’re not dating. The intense need and want and love that flared between us the moment we met is so much more than anything either of us has ever experienced before.

I love her.

But I haven’t told her yet, or at least not in so many words. As much as I’m sure she’s feeling it too, she’s not ready for me to confess my feelings, or admit her own, and even though I’ll happily push her on some things, getting her to tell me how she feels isn’t something I want to fuck her into admitting.

But I do, I love her, I love Poppy too. My life irrevocably changed in an instant and I went from single and fucking unimportant women to scratch an itch; to knowing that Lulu and Poppy are my future, my everything. I’m ready for it. I’m ready to really start my life with my woman and my daughter.

Glancing at the two women on the couch, I watch as whatever Chloe says to Lulu makes a soft smile spread across her lips. It doesn’t matter what they’re talking about, if it makes Lulu smile then it’s my favourite topic in the world. All I want for my girls is for them to be happy, to smile, to be okay, and if getting her godmother’s approval does that for Lulu then I’m down for them talking about me even though I’m in the room.

Poppy gurgles, pulling my attention back to her, just as the door flies open and a scowling Roxanne bursts into the house.

“For fuck’s sake, Mom, I can’t even get on the driveway because that bitch’s car is blocking it,” Roxy cries, her puffed up lips drooping at the corners as she snarls bitterly.

“Roxanne,” Chloe snaps.

“I’m not apologizing. This isn’t her home, but her and her brat are taking over the place.”

“Nice to see you too, Roxanne,” Lulu says coolly.

“God you’re such an uppity cunt, why are you even here? You decided to have the brat when you should have just gotten rid, now you expect my mom to look after her and let you live here rent free.” Roxy glares daggers at Lulu, her eyes raking over my woman and dismissing her with a disgusted sneer. Shaking her head she turns to glance around the room, when her gaze lands on me the hatred melts from her face, replaced with a predatory gleam that she tries to hide with a wide smile.

“Penn,” she shouts gleefully. “You’re here. Oh, baby, I promise I was going to tell you, I was just mad at you.”

Pushing up to my feet I narrow my eyes at Roxy, before cautiously glancing to Lulu. I still haven’t told her that Roxy and I used to fuck. It’s not exactly a conversation I was looking forward to having, but now that she’s here I wish I had, because my woman is going to be so pissed if she hears it from Roxy.

“This is perfect, I knew you’d come back to me and just in time too,” Roxy cries, rushing over to me and throwing her arms around my neck.

I freeze the moment she touches me, hating the way it feels to have her pressed against me. When I feel it, my eyes widen with shock as I carefully peel her arms from me and urge her backwards.

“Did you feel it?” she asks, biting her lip and lifting her shoulders, grinning at me excitedly.

“What’s going on?” Lulu asks.

I turn and look at her, both Lulu and Chloe are standing up now, watching Roxy and I.

“Roxanne?” Chloe says slowly, her eyes wide, her face pale.

“Mom, I know I should have told you, but…” Roxy pauses for a second, then she unzips her jacket, pulling the fabric to the side and revealing her stomach and the round baby bump that was hidden inside.

“Oh my god,” Chloe cries.

“Crazy, right!” Roxy gushes as she steps to my side and curls her fingers around my arm. “Penn and I are going to have a baby.”


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