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Moments of Malevolence: Chapter 34


HE DISPLAYS moments of malevolence but also moments of tenderness. Then there are moments of complete consumption of me. And I want him to consume me. I almost want to beg for it, despite my pride telling me never to beg a man.

I guess that’s where it would be different with us.

He doesn’t make me feel like I would have to or that I would feel less than by doing so.

He hovers above me, his hands lightly feathering my body, causing goose bumps to break out over my skin. I gasp as he reaches my nipples, his mouth closing around the hard peak and sucking before I feel his teeth bite into it. He repeats the pattern with the other breast, his cock teasing my entrance as he touches me.

I can feel myself getting wetter and wetter at his touch.

He is careful not to put his weight on me or touch my stomach, but right now, I don’t care. It doesn’t even hurt that much anymore.

Or maybe it’s just the endorphins kicking in.

Either way, I am lost to it.

Lost to him.

And what an amazing way to be lost.

He crawls farther down my body, his mouth gliding along my skin. I lift my hands to my hair, gripping, then sliding my fingers through it as his mouth lands on my pussy. I hear his intake of breath before his tongue slides between my lips and he licks me.

It’s heaven, and I buck my hips at his touch.


His touch is amazing.

His mouth leaves me, and I glance down to see him smirking, his eyes intently watching me.

“You look fucking beautiful when you want my cock.” Zuko lowers his head back between my legs and pushes himself closer to me, teasing me as he hovers above me. “Is she needy?” he asks.

I can only nod my head.

He pushes closer, just the tip, before he grabs my hands and places them at my sides. “Keep them still, do you understand?” I nod again, all words lost to me, as his hands come up and caress my neck. He places his thumbs on either side of my throat, and then he slowly inserts himself into me. I feel something, and when I check, I see he’s wearing a cock ring—one made to please us both. It rubs my clit as he pushes in, and I flinch, but he holds me down, my hands remain at my sides.

His mouth comes down on mine as he starts a slow rhythm, the cock ring moving and gliding along my clit with a slight vibration.

Shit! That feels good.

I feel myself getting there already. How can he do that so fast? I try to stay still, as he requested, but the pressure is becoming too much. It’s all too much. I try not to buck my hips, but then his hands tighten slightly on my neck. He leans down and kisses me as he increases the pressure further, still thrusting into me.

I lift my hand and grip his, but he doesn’t release me, just keeps on thrusting and applying pressure until my head feels light, my body feels high, and I can’t contain it. I squeeze his hands tighter, and he eases the pressure a fraction, and when I suck in a breath, he slams into me, and I feel everything all at once.

My body comes alive.

An orgasm I didn’t even feel building hits me hard—harder than anything before it.

A scream rips from my throat.

Zuko crashes his lips to mine and kisses me again.

The speed of his thrusts increases, and that ring is still vibrating on my clit.


“Come again, Trouble,” he orders, gripping one of my thighs.

I’m not sure how I can, but he doesn’t stop. He pulls out, looks between us, and slaps my clit, hard. I scream again, and he pushes ever so slowly back into me. I watch as he sucks one of his fingers and then places it on my clit.

Holy shit.

His cock is hitting that spot inside me.

His hand and the vibration are taking over.

I can’t hold on any longer as I feel my body go so high, my breathing pauses, and I have to remember to inhale and exhale.

I need to breathe.

“That was hot!” Zuko pants, wiping the hair that has fallen out from my bun away from my face. “I could do that again.” I look up to him and have to remember to breathe. Is this what relationships are like. Is this what I have been missing out on?

“Well, I need a break.” I smile up at him.

He pulls out and lies next to me and I turn to my side and study him.

“What?” he asks, staring at the ceiling.

“Did that satisfy you? I mean…sexually? Did it get you off?” I ask.

His head shifts on the pillow until his eyes meet mine. “The sight of you gets me off. Why would you ask that?”

“I know you like it…” I say it nervously, “rougher.”

He smirks, reaches for my tit, and pinches my nipple. “We can work you up to that in due time.”

“What if I don’t want to? What if that is my limit?” I bite my lip as I wait for his answer.

“Then that will be fine,” he says matter-of-factly.

“But you like that shit,” I insist.

“I like you. Would I prefer to fuck you like my good little whore? Yes and no. I’m honestly just happy to fuck you. To have you. Do I want to hurt you? No.”

“But you did hurt me,” I tell him.

“No, I scared you. There is a difference. You came, or did you forget?”

I know he’s right. But still.

His phone rings, and he groans as he sits up and reaches for it on his side of the bed.

His. Ha. Never thought I would think that.

“I’ll be there.” Zuko hangs up, stands, and grabs some clothes.

“Where are you going?” I ask as I pull a sheet over my still-naked body. I watch as he pulls off the cock ring, and I smile at that movement.

“Stop looking at me like that or I won’t be able to leave.”

I smile even wider. He groans and continues getting dressed. “I’m going to see Pops,” he adds.

“Can I come?” I ask, sitting up.

“Are you sure you want to?”

“He’s your family, and I think I should try to get along with him.” I rise from the bed and pull some clothes out of a drawer, then go into the bathroom. I use the toilet first and wipe before I dress. When I’m ready, I find him waiting at the door with my phone and bag in hand. I lean up and kiss his cheek, and he grabs my ass in return.

“You know I’m not moving out, right?” he says, closing the door. “Since you burned my house down and all.” I can’t help the laugh that bubbles up in me. As soon as we get to his car, I freeze. Standing next to it is Sarah with her arms crossed over her chest. She spots me and smiles, but when she sees Zuko, her smile dies.

“I came to apologize,” she whispers.

Neither of us say anything for a while as she stares at the sidewalk but then her eyes find mine. “I didn’t…” Zuko moves in close to me and Sarah raises her hands.

“Jeff always pitted us against one another, told me you were his main girl. Then he would fuck me and tell me how amazing you are. It made me hate you even more,” she admits dropping her arms to her sides. “Anyway, I’m leaving. Going to Europe and hope never to return. I just wanted to say sorry.”

I remain silent.

She waits for me to reply, but I have no words for her.

I hate the bitch.

It was her choice to be a cunt, not mine.

She hated me from the moment she met me, and so now I don’t care what she has to say.

Zuko leads me to his car and opens the door. Sarah watches, still waiting. When I get in, and he shuts the door, he walks around to the driver’s side, says something to her, then climbs behind the wheel.

“What did you say?” I ask.

“That she better run far away,” he answers without hesitation.

With a deep sigh, I reach for his hand and hold it in mine. We stay that way the whole drive to Pop’s, and when we arrive, we stroll to the door hand in hand. Pops opens the door and gazes down at our hands, then at me, before his eyes lock on Zuko.

“You brought company?” he asks.

“Yes. Do you intend to let us in?”

After a beat, Pops steps aside and lets us in.

“Maybe she can go outside with the girls while we talk,” Pops suggests.

“Or not,” Zuko counters, not letting go of my hand.

Pop’s jaw twitches at his words.

We follow him into his office and Pops sits behind his desk. His large leather chair does nothing to diminish his imposing frame.

“Kyson wants to leave,” Pops states. I stand there, not sure what to say or if I should say anything. “Did you know?”

“Has he told you this?” Zuko asks.

Pops shakes his head. “No, he was mumbling, and I overheard him talking to Kenzo.”

“Let him be, then,” Zuko tells him.

Just then, Pop’s girlfriend—plaything, maybe—walks in, holding a glass of wine. She smiles as she approaches.

“Zuko, you brought your sweet friend again. It’s so nice to see you,” she greets.

“If you call burning a house down sweet, I’m sure that’s what she is.” Zuko smiles.

I cough and cover my mouth.

“She what?” Pops asks, incredulous.

I step away from Zuko, who gives me a playful look. “So, what are you drinking?” I ask Pop’s girlfriend. It’s a terrible attempt to change the subject and everyone knows it.

“You sure are smiling a lot more,” Pops says. I hear him even though he tried to say it low enough for only Zuko to hear.

“That’s what she does to me,” Zuko replies.

“Do you plan to quit as well?” Pops asks.

“You know this is my life. And she is part of it now. But if she asked me to leave, I would. But don’t stress over it. She accepts me.”

“Good…good,” Pops replies, but I can hear the uncertainty in his voice.

The door opens, and Kenzo enters. Zuko moves over to talk to him, and Pops turns to face me.

“You do know what you’re in for, right?” he asks, low enough that Zuko can’t hear.

“And what’s that?”

“Zuko is a cold-blooded killer. He is the best at what he does. I’ve never seen anyone like him in my life. He is so good that I dropped every other person I was training and working with to have him to myself,” he confesses. “His brothers are just as spectacular.”

“Do you see me as a threat?” I question.

“I see you as his, and that’s as far as I want to see you, to be honest. I don’t want a problem with you, Alaska. I will respect his wishes to be with you, and leave you alone, because I respect him. But if you fuck him over—”

“You’ll what?” Zuko says, coming up behind him.

“There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you,” Pops says, turning around and nodding to Kenzo.

“It’s fine. Pops and I have an understanding. We’re all good,” I assure Zuko, taking his hand and lacing our fingers together. He squeezes mine, knowing that I’m simply letting this all be. I don’t want to ruin what they call ‘family.’ That’s the last thing I want to do.

“Good, now let’s cook. Barbecue time,” Kyson says, coming through the door.

When did he arrive? All eyes turn to him. He smiles at everyone and flips me off, so I flip him off in return.

“I can still find you a date,” I offer.

“Fuck off,” he grumbles, and I can’t help but laugh.

Everyone starts making their way outside, but Zuko holds me back and turns me around so I’m facing him.

“Do you love me?” he asks.

“Do you want the truth?” He sucks in a breath and nods once. “Yes. Head-over-heels, would-let-you-strangle-me-again kind of love. But definitely not fuck-me-with-a-knife love.”

Someone coughs behind me and laughs, so I flip my finger back to him, knowing it’s Kyson. “Damn, brother.”

Zuko pays him no attention, keeping his eyes on me.

“So, I can move in?” he asks.

“You told me you already were,” I remind him.

“Yeah, I was going to regardless.” I wrap my arms around his back and hold him to me. “For someone who hates touch, you sure do crave mine.”

I lean up and whisper, “About as much as I crave your cock.” He picks me up, and my legs instantly wrap around his waist like they are jigsaw pieces that have found their home around his body.

“We can always fix that craving,” he says as he carries me to the bathroom and then has his way with me.

Best sex.

Every time with him.

I’m completely consumed by him.

The bad.

The good.

But most of all the evil.


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