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Moments of Malevolence: Epilogue


“I…” I can’t even finish my thought as Zuko stalks toward me.

It’s been a few months since we started living together. And to say it’s been going well would be an understatement.

It’s been amazing.

When I can’t sleep, he is there to help calm me.

When I need him for anything, he is always there.

I couldn’t have asked for a better man to be my person if I tried.

And that’s saying a lot considering how determined I was to stay single.

“Why are you naked?” I ask.

“My clothes were covered in blood,” he replies casually.

“But you showered,” I point out.

It’s not that I don’t enjoy seeing him naked—it’s always an incredibly delicious sight. But Louise is about to come over as she wants to share some news with me that she, for some reason, couldn’t tell me over the phone.

“Does my cock offend you?” he jokes, thrusting his hips and making me laugh as it bobs up and down.

“No, it usually pleases me very much,” I state, smiling.

“Usually?” he questions, his eyes turning to slits as he frowns.

“Yes, usually. Sometimes when I see it, it’s in the shower, so then it clearly isn’t pleasing me because it’s not touching me.”

“You look real good in that dress,” he croons, coming closer and gripping my hips. I fall into his embrace and feel him harden further.

“I wore it to work.”

“Hmm… I wonder what it would look like if…” He spins me and grabs my hair, pushing me facedown, so my ass is in his crotch, and I’m bent over with my head down near my knees. A knock sounds on the door as he pulls at my hair, but he doesn’t let me back up. “I reckon I can make you come while she knocks on that door.” He pushes harder into me, and I yelp in pleasure.

“I…” I lose words when it comes to him.

This man? He leaves me speechless.

Some may call me crazy for loving Zuko, but I don’t know how to stop loving him.

“That’s right, Trouble. You know you want it.”

Louise knocks again. He pulls up my dress and slaps my ass. I am wearing a G-string, and he slides it to the side. Then I feel him at my entrance, playing and teasing me there. Not quite entering me but rubbing against all the most sensitive parts of me. His grip on my hair tightens, and he pulls a little harder.

Since the night I agreed to let him live here—because I burned his house down—we have played and played some more. The knife thing I haven’t quite warmed up to yet, and I’m not sure I ever will. He does love that knife though, about as much as he loves me I would say. He always carries it with him. Unless he’s in this house, then it’s put away.

When it comes to choking? Well, that I love. It puts me right on the edge and leaves me wanting more. It makes him happy, which in turn, makes me even happier. Zuko is a different ball game from what I am used to in men.

He doesn’t want.

He simply needs me.

And that’s it.

“Zuko…” I whisper.

“Yes, Trouble?”

“If you don’t enter me—” He slides straight in as Louise knocks again, and I have the wind knocked clean out of my lungs.

Once I have my equilibrium back, I murmur-yell to Louise, “Just getting dressed. Can you give me second!” Then I slap my hand over my mouth as he pushes in harder, and pulls back out, slamming in and out of me in a slow but tender punishment. He reaches around and places his fingers on my clit, rubbing in slow circles. Then, just as he pulls all the way out of me, he slaps my pussy, lets me go, and steps back. I stand there, my eyes wide, as I watch him walk out of the room.

“You asshole!” I scream.

“I’ll give you guys a minute,” I hear Louise say from the other side of the door.

I grunt and pull my panties down my legs and then follow him to the bedroom. I find him looking through the closet for clothes. I grab his arm, turning him around. Zuko smiles, knowing I’m madder than hell, and my indignation is showing heavily on my face, but he can’t deny he didn’t finish either.

He’s still hard.

Incredibly hard.

“Why didn’t you finish us off?” I push him, and he takes a step backward.

“Your friend is here.” He smirks, knowing full well what he’s doing.

“Get on the floor, now.”

He does as I say and sits down. I place a foot on either side of him and push him back until he’s lying on the floor, then I reach between us, grab his cock, and put it at my entrance. “Actually, maybe I should finish without you,” I say, going to stand, but he grabs me so I can’t move.

“That’s not an option.” He slides his hand between us and rubs my clit. “This wants me. Now, sit.” I do as he says and slowly lower myself on him.

I hear Louise knock again, but I’m now fully seated on his cock, and what a beautiful cock it is. My hips move back and forth, back and forth, getting all the friction I need knowing an explosion is imminent.

His hands grip my hips before one makes its way up to my neck and pulls me down, so our lips smash together. The hand around my throat squeezes, and I feel myself building and building.

Only he can make me come this hard.

And this fast.

It’s like he has a magic cock.

As soon as I come, I feel him do the same.

His hand tightens around my windpipe, and I start to become lightheaded. He releases me before I pass out and then smiles.

“You better let your friend in.” He pulls me back in for one last kiss before he stands with him still inside me. When he’s upright, he lifts me up and then places my feet on the floor. “I’ll just take another shower.” He winks before he disappears.

Shaking my head, I walk out and pull the door open.

Louise is standing there, biting her nails. When she finally sees me, relief washes over her face, and she blurts out, “I’m pregnant. And it’s Jeff’s.” Her face pales as my eyes go wide in shock. “And so is Sarah,” she adds.

“Holy. Shit,” are the only words I can seem to make come out of my mouth.

“Yeah. What am I going to do?”

“Take him for all his money.” I laugh, only half joking. “Do you want to keep the baby?” I know it’s not a question most people want to hear. But it’s reality in some people’s lives, and who am I to judge their life choices?

“I don’t know.” I lead her inside, and she sits next to me on the couch. “I don’t want Jeff. I am over that man. But I’m so unsure.”

“You can always raise the baby yourself,” I suggest.

“I don’t know if I can do that either.”

“We can help.” I touch her leg, and she glances up at me, smiling.

“That’s a no,” Zuko says as he enters the room, and I roll my eyes.

“He will. I can butter him up and make him say yes to anything. Power of the pussy and all.” I wink, and Louise can’t help but laugh.

“I’m leaving. Goodbye, Trouble.” Zuko kisses the top of my head before he heads out the door.

“You two are so lucky,” Louise gushes.

Ha! If only she knew how hard it was to get to this place in our lives.

How hard it can be some days.

Not because of anything Zuko does wrong. But it’s all about me realizing it’s okay to be loved and to want love in return.

It’s a battle I didn’t know I had to fight.

It’s a battle I know I need to win.

And I will fight the battle every day if it involves Zuko.

“One day, I want someone to love me the way he loves you.”

“You’ll have that,” I tell her. “It’s just a matter of time.”

“I hope so.” She smiles. “I think I’m going to move home, back to my mother’s, and go from there.” She pauses. “We’ll still be friends and see each other, right?”

“Of course. You are the only friend I have apart from Zuko and his brothers.”

His brothers are finally growing to like me.

They seem more accepting, even if I am treated like a pest most of the time.

But I’m sure they love me. Why wouldn’t they? Internally I laugh at my egotistical joke.

“You really don’t know how amazing you are, Alaska. From the moment I met you, I knew you were special.” She stands and goes to hug me, and I accept her hug and pat her back in an attempt to comfort her.

I know she needs this from me.

Even if I still hate affection.

The funny thing is—not from Zuko.

Zuko can hug me any day, and in any way, he pleases.

His affection I crave.

And I melt every single time.


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