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Our Overtime: Chapter 15

Grey- Present

So many emotions whirled around in my head I couldn’t decide what to feel. But anger won out. I honestly didn’t think it could get worse. But I realized the only thing worse than her being with another guy, was her being with some guy who just threw her aside. Fucking hell. That’s where that guy belonged.

That also meant she’d traded me in for someone who didn’t even care about her… I was that unimportant to her? All of my memories of the League were wrapped up with memories of her. She shook my world. I was owned by her. She was a hell of an actress if she really never cared or loved me back.

And she didn’t remember how the side of my face was slit open? It was that unimportant? Just a tiny blip in her timeline of events that she hadn’t even felt the need to commit it to memory; yet every time I looked in the mirror, I was reminded of the night that halted my whole life.

I tried to clear my head as I ran, but every car that passed brought me back to that damn night when everything had gone so wrong.


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not work with dark mode