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Leon: Chapter 6

Alfred had watched the house before making his move. He’d been instructed about this possible happening and had been paid to do one thing. Kill the girl if the old woman ever left this house. He knew Leon and Calderone were the mob and while Alfred was a bit on the reckless side, he knew he couldn’t take on the whole Italian Family.

He hadn’t heard from Siobhan in a day or so, and he wondered if now would be the time for his part. He also had avoided Jasper. He didn’t take orders from that maniac. He was his own man now.

He’d learned that two other men had also been watching this girl that he was supposed to eventually kill. He didn’t even bother looking for them right now, as he’d made sure where he remained clear of any strangers or Jasper’s men while watching the big house.

This younger woman was who he concentrated his energy on. This was supposedly Leon Vincinti’s long lost daughter. He’d learned her name was Minnie or Marina something. And no… he wasn’t going to kill her. No, he would ransom her. If Siobhan was dead as rumors told him, he was free and clear to make some large money now. And fuck Jasper. Alfred didn’t care about taking over Boston. He wanted the cold hard cash and he intended to get it.

Finally, while watching the house, he spotted the old woman leaving and she was escorted by some men he didn’t know.

Leaving immediately, he headed for the girl’s place. The same one he’d staked out for the last 6 months now.

When he got there, he’d only had to wait a few minutes and he could not believe his luck. Her, alone, by herself. Just what he’d wanted and she just walked right into his hands. She came into the parking lot from her apartment building probably heading to her car. He quickly knocked her out and dragged her out of sight.

When he reached his vehicle, he tied her hands behind her back and looked around to make sure he hadn’t been seen. He felt a power rush as adrenalin soared through his body. He’d done it. He’d made the move and he would be rolling in cash by this time tomorrow. Alfred grinned and looked down at Leon Vincinti’s daughter. He did hope he hadn’t hit her too hard. Looking closer, he did notice there was blood on the back of her head. He shrugged. He checked for the pulse at the base of her throat and noted the steady beat of her heart.

He took one more look around and then drove away.

Twenty minutes later, he parked inside the abandoned warehouse on the edge of town. He’d driven around town for ten minutes in case someone had managed to follow him.

He hauled her out of the truck and carried her to a place where he could lay her down. Flopping her down on the sleeping bag, he squatted down beside her and slapped her cheek and it wasn’t a soft slap either. “Come on sweetheart, I need you to wake up now.”

He watched her but when she didn’t open her eyes, he slapped her a little bit harder. “I said wake up, bitch.”

She groaned and moved her head. Slowly opening her eyes, she stared at him in confusion. Then she tried to move her hands and began to panic when she couldn’t.

Alfred chuckled at the panic in her eyes. Then he nodded at her. “You can’t get free sweetheart. I ain’t no dummy.”

She glared at him. “Who are you and what do you want with me?”

Alfred shrugged. “I don’t necessarily want you. You could say you’re a means to an end. Cash, baby. You’re a pawn, little girl. You have always been one in a very important game. Now, however, you are gonna pay out.”

She shook her head as if she didn’t understand.

“I will be making a call in a few hours and all you have to do is say, Daddy.” He glared down at her. “Got it?”

“What?” Meena frowned in confusion. Her head hurt and she couldn’t feel her fingertips as the rope was wrapped around her wrists too tight. Struggling only made it worse. The last thing she remembered was getting a call from Anna to go and meet her at the church. She’d been so excited that she hadn’t taken the usual caution by being aware of her surroundings.

“Are you going to do what I ask?” The man slapped her hard. “Why don’t you fucking speak, are you lame or something?” He looked nervous like he was too tightly wound as he got to his feet and began to pace. “When the time comes, I need you simply say who you are and call Leon Daddy over the phone.”

Meena licked at the cut on her lip as she winced. “Who are you and what do you want with me?”

“I’m Alfred and don’t you forget it. I was to be your executioner. But now I’m your kidnapper and you are worth millions for me.”

Her frown deepened. “Millions? I don’t know what you are talking about. I’m nobody. I don’t have any parents.”

Alfred snapped his head around to glare at her. “You’re a liar. Leon Vincinti is a rich ole bastard. And I already figured out on my own about who you really are. Siobhan paid me to kill you whenever that old lady left the house. But I hear Siobhan isn’t among the living anymore, so now I cash you in.”

Meena shook her head. “I still don’t understand. Why would anyone pay millions for me?” She felt fear down to her bones, as she very well knew exactly what he was saying. She just wanted to convince him that he’d grabbed the wrong person.

“Are you really that stupid or are you wasting my time?” He sneered then snapped his fingers. “No I got it! You’re a woman who doesn’t understand the intricate mechanics of the Mob world. Well, let me educate you then, Leon’s daughter. You are worth a lot of coin. Being the only daughter of an Italian kingpin. So… I’m only gonna say this one more time.” He raised a cell phone. “When I dial this number, you are gonna say, ‘Daddy.’ If you don’t, you will be missing your front teeth. Then I will move to breaking your pretty little nose.”

Meena had a feeling now that no matter what she said it wouldn’t make a difference so she kept her mouth shut. This man had a belief that he obviously wouldn’t waiver from. He also looked insane and mean. Right now, all she had to do was survive. But how would she get loose? Just looking at the man, she could see he wasn’t rational. His eyes held a light she didn’t like, almost as if he had slipped over the edge of reason and into the depths of insanity or greed. She mutely nodded at him.

Her captor chuckled and then snapped a picture of her all tied up with his phone camera.

Watching him warily, she wondered if this Leon would even believe him. After all, she didn’t think this man Vincinti even knew she existed. That might become her downfall. What if Leon Vincinti simply told Alfred, no and hung up?

Crazy Alfred began typing a moment later then the room echoed the ping the phone made when it sent a message. He gave her an evil little smile and pushed the phone back into his pocket. “Now we give your daddy a little time to think about what could happen to you if he doesn’t do exactly want I want.”

Meena trembled. Only he might not do anything you want. He might laugh at you and hang up. Then I will be dead.

Evelyn closed her eyes and drifted into a light doze. She felt Leon relax and soon, she knew he was sleeping. She opened her eyes and stared at him. His once dark hair was now completely white but the longer she looked at him the more she decided the white suited him. His jaw was still strong and his lips were still full and sensual. She looked down at his hands and marveled at the strength of his hands.

They were huge and often were capable of bringing both pain and pleasure. She knew he was mob and while that scared her, she knew he would never hurt her or anyone that didn’t deserve it. He could be harsh when he needed to be but he’d never treated her in such a manner. She didn’t want to know what he’d done to Siobhan. But she knew in her heart she’d gotten what she well deserved.

She looked around the room she was in. She saw the subtle signs of his wealth but that never concerned her. She wasn’t here with him for what he could provide for her but rather for the man himself.

She slipped out of his bed and went to get clean clothing from her bag. Then she slipped into the bathroom and turned on the shower. She wanted to wash the smell of Siobhan’s house off her skin. That, plus she needed a good cry and she knew the sound of the running water would mask the sound of her tears.

The tears rolled down her face as she stepped under the water. She couldn’t help herself nor could she stop them from coming. She raised her hands to cover her mouth as she sobbed under the spray of warm water. She was so distracted that she missed when Leon joined her. It wasn’t until he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close that she realized he was there.

She laid her head against his chest and wept. It had been so long since she was free. She never even got outside most months. Locked in a house and forgotten, or so she’d thought. As the years passed and life changed, she would often look in the mirror and wonder if he would even want her anymore. She was a lot older and time had taken its toll. She managed to stay in shape as the many hours on lockdown gave her time to exercise. She hadn’t been allowed to watch current news or have any access to a computer. She knew they were in the computer age but she never got to partake.

Prisoner for thirty years in a void that held no light, except that her daughter was free. That was what kept her going. Many days she thought about trying to escape. And many times it was as if Siobhan knew it and threatened to find Meena and end her if she managed to escape.

A nightmare that never seemed to come to an end. Now that it had, she didn’t know what to do or how to feel. All her dashed dreams and hopes were flooding her now. She had just made love with the man she’d loved all these years and it hit her like a ton of emotional bricks.

Leon just held her until her tears were done. When she quit, he tipped her face up to his and asked, “Are you okay now?”

“I think so,” she admitted as she looked at him. “I’m just so stunned that I’m finally free of that woman and back in your arms. I don’t know what the future will bring but at least, I don’t have to fear her anymore.” She snuggled closer to him. “I almost gave up on you. I almost missed this.”

“I’m so very glad you didn’t give up on me. I only found out yesterday that you were waiting for me to rescue you.” He told her as he rested his chin on the top of her head.

“Come on, we should get dressed,” she urged. “I know we got plenty of time before we meet up with Meena but I can’t sleep anyway…”

Leon chuckled. “You can’t rest and I’ll bet you need a kitchen right now don’t you?”

Evelyn nodded. Whenever she got nervous, she always found a kitchen and would cook and bake up a storm. Leon still knew her so well.

“Ok, let go to the kitchen.” He grinned as he toweled her off. “I intend to take care of you from now on, my dear. You will travel, shop, eat wherever you choose. We could fly to Europe or go on a cruise if you wish?”

Stunned, she stared up at him. “T-travel?”

He nodded. “You are free to go wherever your heart desires.”

She blinked and tears dropped along her cheeks again.

He looked concerned and stepped close to wipe her tears away with his fingers and take her hands into his. “Don’t cry anymore sweet woman, please? It is breaking my heart. If only I could take all the pain away. The years lost for us. But I will try to make it all up to you.”

“I-I’m sorry.” She sniffled. “It’s just all such a shock after so long.”

“Come on and get dressed lady before I toss you down on my bed again and have my way.” He smacked her bare cheeks.

With her face heating, Evelyn did something she hadn’t done in so long…She laughed.


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