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Mr. X: Chapter 9

“Seduce my mind so you can have my body, find my soul and I’m yours forever.” – Anonymous


That rotten bitch got what she deserved.

Jay is screaming and crying at the same time, jerking on the chains that keep her where she belongs. She’s out of it. I don’t get why she’s so hung up on that girl. She was not her friend. If only she knew.

“Why? Why?” she yells.

“Because I can.”

“You killed her!”

“Yes.” I lock the window again and turn around. “She had to die.”

“Bullshit!” She jerks on the chains again in a fit of rage, spitting curse words.

“You’ll understand.”

“Fuck you! The hell I will!”

I clench my teeth. “You will.”

“Why would I? She was my friend! And you … you threw her out of the window.”

“Be glad that’s all I did,” I scoff. “She deserved to be cut, just like all those other motherfuckers.”

Her jaw drops and she frowns. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Jesus, I thought she’d heard what we were talking about, but she really is clueless. It pisses me off that she doesn’t see it.

“Don’t you fucking get it?” I say, shaking my head. “I was fucking merciful compared to what I would have done to any other bitch if she’d done the things your friend did!”

“Merciful? Is that what you call murdering people?” she spits.

My self-control evaporates at her ignorance. “I gave her a quick death. A way out. You don’t even fucking know what she did. You think you can call her your friend? Wrong!”

“What?” she gasps. “What are you talking about?”

“She. Was. A. Spy,” I say through gritted teeth. “For me.”

Her lips part and her eyes widen, but she doesn’t respond. All she does is stare at me, her eyes watery. Time has temporarily stopped for her. The realization of it all hits her like a brick in the face. I can almost see the cogs inside her head twist and turn at this discovery. It’s a marvelous sight to see.

“She was the one who got you into that whorehouse. She was the one who got you addicted. She was the one who constantly set you up with difficult clients. She was the one who brought you Billy.”

I can barely mention his name without wanting to rip someone’s throat out. Hannah didn’t listen to me when I told her what I wanted and how I wanted it. She fucked up every single fucking time. And now this. Of course I got tired of her.

Jay’s lip quivers and a tear runs down her cheek.

“The world is not nice, Jay. There is no such thing as innocent people. Only evil ones and those who punish them.”

“And what category do you fall in?”

Her question is wonderful. I grin. “Both.”

Tears run freely over her face now, her eyes shining like glinting daggers. From her big sigh I can tell it must feel like she just got a dagger to the heart. I can relate to that.

“But … she was my friend.”

“And a liar,” I add.

Her eyes narrow. “What did she want from you? Why would she resort to such things?”

“Let’s just say I can be very … persuasive …” I pick up the holster lying on the chair and show it to Jay. “Her life was mine, just like yours is now. She was indebted to me. She just paid it off.”

“By dying?”

“Yes, well, that’s what happens when you defy the orders you were given.” I smile.

“I don’t care. She was my friend …”

“Don’t you fucking say that,” I say. “She was not your friend.”

“Oh, and you are?” she shouts. “All you’ve done is chain me up and hurt me!”

“You have no fucking clue how much pain I’ve been through just for you.” I sniff loudly, taking in a huge gulp of air to maintain my calm. “All because of you.”

I can’t look at her anymore. Can’t witness the disgust on her face. Don’t want to see the unjust look in her eyes. I am not unjust. I do what must be done. The way she looks at me infuriates me. How she’s forgotten everything ruins me. I hate her. I fucking hate her.

And I want her to be mine forever. Even if it costs me everything.

I will fuck her senseless until I’ve got my fill, and I will make her pay for everything she caused. She won’t get out of this one with her soul intact. I’ll claim it all. Her body. Her mind. Her heart. Her soul. She’s mine.

I thought it was enough to watch her suffer from a distance.

I was wrong.


Saturday, July 12th, 2008. 3:00 p.m.

The sun is hot and unforgiving. I’m baking like a cake in the oven right now, but I guess that’s a price that must be paid for taking on a job for a rich family. At least I don’t have to worry about not getting paid, but fuck, these politicians are nasty. I never expected her to become the target of their dirty games.

Something blocks my sun, so I look up and take off my cap.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, sighing. “Get back into the water.”

“Aren’t you grumpy,” she says, and she promptly sits down on my wooden lounge bed.

“Where’s your guard?”

She shrugs and dips her feet into the sand and gazes up into the sky, flaunting her chest. Of course I can’t help but indulge myself with a look. They’ve grown. So has something else.

“Go do what you want and leave me be,” I say, trying to ignore the flimsy red bikini she’s wearing.

“Why? I want to stay here with you,” she says, with a smile so cheeky it makes me want to grab her and show her why it would be a mistake.

“You wanted to go to the beach. Now go. I’m staying here.”

“Hmmm … you know I won’t do that. You should be enjoying the water too.”

“No, you know the rules. You have a guard.”

“Screw the rules! Forget about the guard. Let’s have fun. Come swim with me.” She grabs my hand and tries to drag me up. Of course it doesn’t work. She’s no match for my strength. Instead, I pull back so hard she stumbles and lands on top of me. Her tits are right in my face.

For a moment I contemplate rubbing my face against them, kissing them, but then I remember. This isn’t going to end well.

She pushes herself up on her elbows, a flush appearing on her cheeks. “Crap.”

“My fault.” I clear my throat. “Better get off me, now.” And by now, I mean fucking now, because my cock is throbbing and I hate having to do something about it when she’s around.

“Why?” she says, frowning. “Don’t you like me?”

Hearing those words, I close my eyes and hold my breath. It’s not a matter of liking her. She can’t like me. I was born from monsters, so a monster I will become. Besides, I’m already well on my way.

Suddenly I feel something hover above my lips and then it crashes down on top of me. It’s warm and luscious and so fucking good. My mouth parts when it shouldn’t, my sinful mind taking control of the situation. I’ve always longed for this. I want more, more. It’s not enough. I need to taste it, but when my tongue dips out and my eyes open, I see it’s her.

I can’t. It will ruin us both.

I shove her aside and stand up from the lounge bed. My cock is fully erect and on display for everyone who glances at me. Not that I give a shit, but I can’t allow anyone to see us together like this.

“What’s wrong? I thought you wanted that.”

“You have no clue what I want.”

“If this is about …”

In my anger I turn around to face her. “Stop making it so fucking difficult. My life is on the line, and I won’t risk it.”

She just stares at me with a blank look on her face, her eyes getting watery.

“This is not happening,” I say through gritted teeth. “Don’t you get it? I’m not your guard. A guard protects people. I was hired to kill.”

She swallows. “I know.”

“Then stop pushing my buttons.”

Tears run down her cheeks. Her tears are the last thing I want, so I cup her face and force her to look at me. “It doesn’t matter what you want or what I want. We’re not in charge. They are.”

“So you let them control your life? You want me to let someone decide what I want to do with my life?” she says.

“You have no choice.”

“Fuck that, there’s always a choice!”

“There is no choice when you and I both know what’s at stake.”

“But why?” she says. “I don’t understand. Why does everyone hate you so much?”

“Because I am a monster.”

She shakes her head. “That’s not true.”

“It is. You don’t even know half of it.”

Her lips quiver as air slips inside. “I wish I did.”

“Don’t wish for evil. You’ll regret it for life.” I lean in and plant a kiss on top of her forehead, and whisper, “Forget. Forget about me. Forget everything. Live your life. I’ll watch you from the shadows and keep you safe.”


Friday, August 16th, 2013. 1:00 p.m.

I never thought she’d literally forget. I’ve watched her all right, but not to keep her safe. Not anymore.

Betrayed is an understatement compared to what I feel when I look at her. But at the same time I still feel the urge to keep her. To do all the things to her that my filthy mind thought of when she was in my face. All those years. She’ll pay for what she put me through. I’ll take her in ways she didn’t even know were possible. Pain is just the first step; pleasure is the next. I’ll take what I want and more, make her beg for me, beg for release. I’ll drag her through hell and back. And maybe then … maybe … I’ll keep her as a reminder to myself not to fall again.

I take my phone from my pocket and call the receptionist. “Special order number fifty-six. Yes. Yes, I want you to take care of it. Cost doesn’t matter, just get it done. Good.” When they hang up again a sour taste lingers in my mouth. It stinks that I have to get the hotel to clean up the mess Hannah left outside, but I’m much too busy with my captive to do it myself.

I put my phone back in my pocket again and cock my head to look at Jay. Her chest rises and falls quickly. Being chained to the bed scares her. I could do whatever I want, and she knows that. The fear oozing off her is so arousing. I have a burning desire to taste some more. I admit, I may become an addict. I don’t care anymore. My life has only been about consequences, but now I say ‘fuck you’ to those consequences. I will take what I want and own it. I won’t kill her yet. No, that’s too easy of an escape. She’ll be my seductress, my little bird, and I’ll be the monster in the dark claiming her.

After locking the door again, I walk toward her. She’s shivering, trying to move away from me as I come closer. I sit down on the bed beside her and caress her cheek. She stays still and lets me. Good. She’s finally adjusting.

“If you do as I say, I won’t hurt you.” My thumb travels down to her soft lips again. I can’t help myself. I need to touch her. Need to corrupt her. Need to control her every move. It’s the only way.

I coax her to open her mouth and speak. “Tell me, Jay. What will you do? Will you behave?”

“I won’t fight. I promise,” she whispers as I briefly brush along her tongue.

A wicked grin spreads across my face. “Good.”

I unlock the cuffs around her wrists, but she keeps her hands there, probably afraid to move. I adore that she doesn’t try anything on me. That she finally realizes it’s futile. Although I have to stay vigilant. Her mood could still change at any time.

I unlock the cuffs around her ankles too. She slides back and sits up straight, rubbing her reddened skin. I hold out my hand. “Come with me.”

At first she glances at my hand, then at me, a distrustful look on her face.

“Do you want to live?”

She frowns, confused, and then nods.

“Then you’ll do what I say.” She takes my hand and I lift her up from the bed. Her outfit is dirty and ripped, and in need of changing. Although, I must say, I do like the rugged, edgy look of that red lace and shredded dancer outfit. It’s very titillating, and I was already about to burst after what I did to her ass. Hmm … I can’t wait until she gets under the shower. I wonder if she looks exactly like I remember: like a ripe fruit ready for plucking.

I take her to the bathroom, but when I see the mirror I freeze. The tape is gone.

At first there is disgust. Then there is anger. And then nothing. I’m blinded.

My fist lands on the glass before I realize it, and it shatters, creating a zigzag pattern across the mirror. Blood drips down my knuckles, but I don’t care. I’m fuming.

“You …” I turn around, seething.

“I just wanted to look at myself,” she stammers.

“Don’t ever do it again,” I growl.

“I’m sorry.”

With squinted eyes I look at her, and then open the faucet and stick my hand under. I wash off the blood and think of a way to punish her for her actions. I think I’ve had enough of waiting around with her. I’m taking what’s mine.

I turn on the shower while she stands in a corner, arms folded, like she’s assessing the situation. As I step back, she looks at me with questioning eyes.

“Take off your clothes.”

“What?” Her eyebrow rises.

“Is there something wrong with your hearing?”


“Then take off your clothes.”

She clenches her teeth, and I can see her grinding them. Finally, she gives in, and starts taking off her top. She throws the flimsy thing on the floor and then unhooks her bra. It slides off her arms like silk, teasing me as it drops lower and lower, and when it’s off, I’m done for. I’ve already forgotten about the mirror. Her full, round tits and perky nipples are a sight to admire. They always were.

“Underwear too.”


“You’ll see.”

“What are you going to do to me?” she asks, her face emotionless, as if this is a test and she’s not falling for it. How charming.

My lips quirk up into a half-smile as I lift an eyebrow. “Nothing. You are.”

She takes a deep breath and then hooks her fingers around the fabric of her panties. She slides them down so slowly, so sensually, I think she’s trying to seduce me. Maybe she is, maybe she isn’t. It’s working, all right. She might be tricking me, but it doesn’t matter. Her seduction is exactly what I want, what I need right now.

As she steps out of the fabric, her shaved pussy is finally revealed. She’s a fucking diamond. That body of hers can rile up any guy, no matter what she’s wearing. And now she’s completely naked, ready for the taking, and I’m holding myself back. It’s hard, but I know the reward will be much, much better. She’ll offer her body to me as her last remaining choice, because nobody can resist feeling loved, even if it’s twisted. And oh, how much I love her body. I never stopped loving it. Yet, I only want it when she submits to me freely. Of her own will. Seeing her bow down and bend over, putting everything on display for me and only me … It’ll be worth the wait.


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