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The Photograph: Chapter Eighteen

The Photograph: Chapter Eighteen


Cara paces my office in vertiginous heels—one thing both sisters have in common—while Mike stands in the middle of the room with his hands in his pockets. He’s looking as lost as I am as to what caused Aelin’s sister’s visit. Dressed in black jeans and a red top, she barged into my office—without shit she could throw at me this time—and surprised Mike, Caleb, and I.

When she plants herself in front of me, I slant half seated on the edge of my desk.

“Haven’t you done enough damage?”

Something happened to Aelin?

“What happened?” Mike asks.

Thank you, brother.

I force myself still. “I apologize again for—”

“You can shove your apologies up your pompous ass. I told you to leave her alone!”

Caleb, with his arms crossed over his chest and his shoulder pushed against the wall near the door, dips his head to hide his smile.

When Mike touches her arm from behind, she spins toward him. “Mitch, I know he’s your brother, but what he did to her—”

She jumps at the knock on the door while Cal and I straighten up.

“Not now, Erica.”

The door opens slowly, and Aelin enters looking…Fuck, she’s beautiful.

As she takes in the room, her eyes sweep over me, and her neutral expression kicks me in the gut. She smiles at Cara who whips her angry gaze at me.

“You called her?”

Before I can reply, Aelin says, “No, Gabe didn’t call me.”

Aelin walks to her sister. Although they’re the same height with similar features, the women couldn’t be more different. There’s a soft but potent sensuality that emanates from Aelin in direct contrast with Cara’s aggressive stance.

As they fall into each other’s arms, Cara whispers in Aelin’s hair, “I love you, angel.”

Aelin shifts back and cups Cara’s cheek. “And I love you, too. What are you doing here, my Cara?”

Cara squeezes Aelin’s hand. “You shouldn’t be here, angel.” Her lips pinch. “I’ll make sure this asshole never hurts you again.”

I clench my jaw.I know I’ve hurt her. I fucking know.


No?I snap my eyes at Aelin who steps back from her sister. Mike sways back and Cal turns fully toward the sisters.

When Aelin edges closer to me, my heart races.Did she forgive me?

Halfway between me and her sister, she stops and shakes her head.

“No,” she says again, then her eyes widen when she spots Caleb.

She walks to my friend and extends her hand. “Hello, I’m sorry you’ve been dragged into this, I’m Aelin.”

Caleb smiles and takes her hand. “Caleb. Cal.”

When Aelin returns to the center of our somewhat little circle, Cara grabs her hands.

“Angel, he took advantage of your innocence and hurt you—”

“I haven’t been innocent since I was twelve.” Pain flashes in Cara’s eyes, but Aelin continues. “My Cara, you’ve been my mother, my friend, my monster slayer, and the best sister anyone can dream of.” She cups her sister’s face. “I love you so much, but saying Gabe took advantage of me, is saying that I’m some kind of walking target for perverts. And it hurts me that you would think of me that way. He’s a lot of things, but he’s not that.”

What am I to you?

“But what he did—”

Aelin shakes her head. “He lied and did terrible things. But he didn’t coerce me. I entered what I thought was a relationship. And I did because I wanted him, and I thought he wanted me the same way…”

I did. I still want you.

“…it was completely one-sided, but he didn’t take anything I wasn’t willing to give.”

Heat creeps up my nape, and I can feel Mike and Cal’s eyes on me.

Aelin touches her head to her sister’s before squeezing her sibling’s hands in hers. “I know you’re angry, I am too. I also know you’re worried, my Cara, but I’ve never felt unsafe with Gabe, not ever. So, to me, it’s just… a bad breakup.” When her sister’s eyes widen, Aelin winces. “A really horrible one. But I’m here and I’ll get over it.”

The pain in her voice rips through my chest.I don’t want you to get over me.

Cara scowls at her sister and tension fills the room once more. “How can you…? Are you seriously forgiving him?”

My whole-body strains toward Aelin’s answer.Baby, please.

“I don’t know about forgiveness, but I kind of understand his motives.” Her voice lowers.

“His brother had dozens surgeries, was in tremendous pain, and if the roles were reversed and you had fallen into a coma, I probably wouldn’t have been in my right mind —”

Cara whips her head toward Mike who exhales sharply. “You were in a coma?”

Before Mike can reply, Aelin’s sister leaps to him and frames my brother’s face who looks lost and happy to be lost as he watches the woman he loves. “How bad was it?”

My brother wraps his hand around her waist and pulls her to him. “I’m okay now, I—”

Cara snaps her gaze to me. “How bad was he?”

I clench my jaw at the memories. “Fucking bad.”

On a small gasp, Aelin’s sister returns her attention to Mike. “When did this happen? You left and—”

“When I came back, you were gone.”

Her breath rushes out. “You came back?”

Mike’s eyes drill into hers. “To you? Always.”

Cara’s breath hitches and she loops her arms around Mike’s neck who touches his forehead to hers. “Mitch. Oh, God, Mitch,” she whispers.

I catch Cal’s eyes and grind my teeth.Yeah, you were right, so you can stop the fucking gloating.

“Let me take you home, my heart,” my brother whispers.

Aelin smiles. “I think that’s a good idea.”

Mike wraps his arm around Cara, and they walk out of the office.

When the door closes behind them, Aelin pivots to Cal. “Caleb, I apologize you had to witness this the first time we meet, I can assure you today was…” She lets out a cute grunt. “…not the norm.”

Cal steps to her and kisses the back of her hand. “It’s been a pleasure to meet you, Aelin. Hope to see you again.”

After Cal leaves, she sets her indecipherable gaze on me.Will you ever forgive me?

“Bye, Gabe.”

I dip my chin and watch her walk out of my life. Again.


On my way home, my knuckles tighten on the steering wheel.

She gave herself to me. Wholly. Every time she came screaming my name, with every smile, she was being her true, beautiful self. And I want her back.

Cal’s bike is in the driveway. I enter through the kitchen, as he uncaps a beer he pushes in my hand.

“You were right.”

Cal makes a noise and tilts the bottle to his mouth. “I know. About what?”

“About everything.”

Expecting some smartass comment, I grit my teeth, but Cal just nods.

“I want her back, Cal.”

Cal smirks. “Good man. And good luck with that. Have to say, her pictures are good, but in person, she’s really easy on the eye, man.”

“You’re an asshole, you know that?”

My friend smirks. “Takes one to know one.”


A few days later, I’m about to step in the elevator when my cell vibrates.


“Mr. Matthews, this is Carly Hynes fromElle Decor. I received an email from Aelin Thorne who very politely declined to appear in the article.”

I fling my hand up to stop the sliding doors from closing. “Did she say why?”

The journalist makes a sound in her throat. “No. She just said, and I quote, ‘Although the project is close to my heart, I feel my presence in the article wouldn’t do it the justice it deserves,’ then she asks that her team be mentioned.”

Why wouldn’t she want to be affiliated to Holloway? Because Holloway’s mine.

“We were ready to—”

“Carly, I’ll get back to you.”

She sighs. “Thank you.”

I pocket my cell and make my way to my car. A little under half an hour later, I push open the door of her office.

The reception desk is empty. I step further to her office and no-one’s there. “Aelin?”


I wheel around to Aelin who’s balancing a plate with a sandwich on one hand and a mug in the other.

She lifts her frowning gaze to mine. “Is something wrong?”

The V-neck of her dress reveals the pendant nestled against her soft skin, and I get hard.

My voice comes out harsher than I intended. “You declined the Elle article?”

She walks past me to set her lunch on her desk before she turns to face me. “I did. Is that why you’re here?”

No, I want you. I crave you and it’s driving me crazy.“Can I ask why?”

She clasps her hands behind her back and rolls her eyes. “You know why—”

When I step to her, she moves back, and I still. “Why would you refuse the opportunity to showcase your work?”

A flash of pain flickers in her eyes, so I make my voice gentle. “Aelin, please talk to me.”Let me make it better, baby.

She tucks her hair behind her ear and locks her eyes onto mine.

There’s sadness in her voice. “When we moved here, the first time I saw Holloway, I fell … in awe with it. So, when Tim Smithson offered me the opportunity to work on it, I thought … I thought all my dreams had come true.” She tips her head down.

“What changed? You’ve done an exceptional job.”

The sun hits the pendant when she flicks her hair back. “I know I got the project because you wanted leverage to destroy my career. So, it doesn’t feel right to pose proudly against something I obtained on a lie.”

I turned her dream into a nightmare.“Aelin, the decision to hire you for Holloway wasn’t unilaterally mine. A jury picked your designs out of the hundreds we received, then Ann and Smithson selected the last three. I was only there for the final cut, and all I did was agree with their choice. Your designs were the best and that’s the only reason why you were chosen for Holloway.”

When she pivots away, I catch her arm, and her soft gasp as I cup her cheek goes straight to my cock. “You have no reason to believe me, but it’s the absolute truth.”

Please believe me.

I stroke her soft skin with my thumb while she watches me before she steps away from my touch and frowns. “I don’t know… I can’t tell if you’re lying.”

“I’m not. Ask Ann. I know you two are friends.”

Long seconds stretch between us, and when she nods, the breath I didn’t realize I was holding rushes out.

“Have dinner with me tomorrow.”

Her frown returns. “For the article?”

“No, just you and me. And food.”

“Like … like a date?”

My heart thumps against my ribs. “Yes.”

She narrows her beautiful eyes on me for a couple of beats. “Why?”

Because I need to show you, I’m not just the vengeful asshole who hurt you.“I’m actually a decent guy when you get to know me.” I stroke my thumb on the soft skin of her cheek. “And I want you to know me.”The real me.

Her sigh is small as she shakes her head. “Gabe, I’m okay. We’re okay, so there’s no reason for you to date me.”

“There is.”

When I wrap my hand around her warm nape, her eyes widen. I kiss her small gasp. Gentle at first, but she grips my shirt, and I plaster her warm body against mine to dive in her mouth. Deep. Hungry.

Yanking myself from her, I keep her close. “Baby, have dinner with me.”

Groaning low as she licks her bottom lip, my chest expands. I missed that. How soft her eyes get. How I need her to look at me that way.

“All right. Where?”

On the moon for all I care.“Anywhere you want. I’ll make sure we have a private room, so you won’t be bothered by other diners.”

When her smile blooms, lighting up her eyes, more warmth spreads in my chest, and I get harder. “Or we can have dinner at my place. I’ll pick you up at 7:00. My chef is probably not as good as your sister, but it’ll be quiet.”

A small chuckle escapes her biteable lips, and I take a sharp inhale.Never realized how much I like that sound.

Still smiling, she says, “Probably not. But I’m completely biased. No need to pick me up, I’ll make my way to the penthouse.”

“Not the penthouse. My house—”

“Angel, did you see my—?”

We whip our eyes toward Cara who comes to an abrupt stand still when she sees me. Her eyes narrow on us before zeroing in on her sister who steps back. “You’re all right, angel?”

Aelin lifts her eyes to mine and touches my chest. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

That’s good enough for me.As I walk past Cara, she steps before me and flicks her curls over her shoulders.

“Aelin’s too good for you and you know it.”

Trust me,I do.I nod. “I do.”

She narrows her eyes. “Next time you hurt her, I’ll be there, and they’ll never find your stupidly big body.”

Ignoring Aelin’s small gasp, I meet Cara’s fierce glare. “If I hurt her again, I’ll buy the shovel. Or the acid. Whatever you’re working with.”

She grunts while I let her read the truth in my eyes until she steps aside.

Cara didn’t kick me out of the house. I open my car and grin.

Baby steps.


The next evening, the car signals her arrival. Aelin refused to be picked up by me or my driver.

This time I’m going to be slow, gentle, and careful. Treat her like the diamond she is.

I open the heavy reinforced oak door just as she reaches for the doorbell.

“Gabe, hi.”

Fuck. How am I supposed to keep my hands off of her?

She’s wearing a cream-colored dress that grazes the top of her long smooth legs and appears to be made from a single piece of cloth, high heeled sandals, and golden drop earrings.

I take her small hand and pull her in. “You look beautiful. “Please, come in.”

In the living-dining room, she smiles when she sees the fireplace, a huge six meters wide and two meters tall grey stone rectangular foyer. After taking in the details of the large room with wall-to-wall windows leading to the patio and the illuminated swimming pool, she turns to me.

“You have a beautiful home.”

I can’t remember the last time I was that nervous.

“Would you like something to drink?”

A small smile that doesn’t reach her eyes floats briefly across her flushed face. “I’ll have whatever you’re having.”

“Scotch on ice?”

She shrugs. “Sure.”

Something’s changed.I pour a finger of scotch in a tumbler and join her in the living room. She’s still in the same position near the fireplace and her purse is clutched tight in her hand.


“Thanks,” she whispers and stares at her glass.

What’s going on?

After placing my glass on the ledge of the fireplace behind her, I take hers and her small purse, set them on the ledge, and cup her cheek.“Aelin, what is it.?”

She raises her eyes to mine. “Did you send a check of several million to the Other Rainbow?”

So much for anonymous.“Yes.”

She smiles, but her gaze remains clouded. “Thank you, it’s very generous of you.”

When she bites her bottom lip and lowers her eyes, I thumb the dimple in her stubborn chin. “Tell me, baby.”

Her cool fingers touch my wrist as she leans into my hand, and some of the tightness in my shoulders lessens. “I love it when you call me that.”

God, she’s beautiful, but the vulnerability of her expression bothers me. “You do?”

The pulse at the side of her neck beats wildly as she takes a deep breath and my whole body tightens.I don’t deserve another chance, baby. But I want one.


She locks her gaze into me. “That night you said…”

I said a lot of vile things, baby. Don’t—

“… Did I please you? I mean sexually, was I … okay?”

You were fucking perfect.The tension strangling my chest loosens, and I wrap my palm around her nape.


Her brows knit. She’s adorable. “Yes? Just … yes?”

“Fuck yes.”

Her chuckle fans on my lips, and I pull her to me. “Aelin, I thought you were my brother’s and I kept coming back because I couldn’t get enough of you.” When she grins, I peck her nose. “Did I please you?”

The grin turns into a full smile while she loops her arms around my shoulders. “Yes.” The tip of her tongue flicks across her bottom lip and she tilts up her luscious mouth to mine.


The half-whisper lashes through me, and I seal my lips to hers.

Groaning at her taste, I kiss her slow. Savoring her. But then she moans, and I plunge deep and wet into her mouth.

“Dinner’s ready.” A male voice booms across the room and Aelin jumps.

Get a hold on yourself. She needs me gentle not jumping her like a teenager about to get his dick wet for the first time.

I peck her nose. “Let’s eat, baby.”

During dinner, we talk about her involvement in The Other Rainbow, her work. The conversation is light and easy, and Aelin’s her charming self, but her natural spark is subdued.

After the main course, I lean in. “I want to hold a press-friendly grand opening of Holloway House following the release of the article byElle Décormagazine.

She blinks slowly. “Oh. Why? I mean…Why?”

Because I want to bring that light back in your eyes.

“You don’t think it’s a good idea?”

A silky strand of hair sweeps over her collarbone as she tilts her head to the side. “It’s a brilliant idea, but I had the feeling that you weren’t particularly open to this kind of invasion of your privacy.”

When the chef clears her plate, she thanks him with a smile, complimenting him for the delicious meal, and turns her gaze back to me.

Reaching across the white linen dressed table, I take her soft hand.

“Because this city really works like a big village, and I want every villager to know I fully endorse your work.”

Her slow smile starts at her lips and lights up her eyes. “All right.”

I get on my feet with her hand in mine. “Do you want a tour of the house before dessert?”

She giggles. “I thought you’d never ask.”

During the stroll through the house, she stops between the doorjamb of the library where I slant my shoulder as she walks in slowly. She grazes the books on the pine and chrome tall shelves with light fingers while the Persian cream and pale blue rug muffles the clack of her heels. The room is windowless, but the six spots lighting on the high ceiling deliver a soft glow to the cozy space on the two deep armchairs.

She twirls toward me with a wide smile. “A daybed. I love it.”

This is one of my favorite rooms, too. I edge closer and tense when she points at the nook in the wall on the side of the daybed.

“Oh. A secret shelf.”


Before I can stop her, she rounds the bed and pulls a thick volume covered in glossy white paper.

“The Art of Kinbaku,” she whispers and opens the book.

For the next few seconds, the only sound in the room is the soft breath of the pages she flips slowly. Standing behind her, I bury my hands in my pockets.

When she gasps, I peek over her shoulder. The model in the black and white picture is on her knees tied together by a ladder of knots. The light hits the side of her neck curved down and her arms roped together behind her back.

Aelin’s fingers track the ropes curling around the model, and I feel her touch on my cock.


She exhales slowly. “Do you do this?”

There’s curiosity in her voice. “I have, yes.”

Her fingertip on the legs of the model, she whispers, “Do you get tied up or do you tie up your partners?”

The breathiness of her voice makes me hard, and I touch my mouth to her neck. “I’m the one in control.”

The pulse on her neck quickens under my lips. “This is so sexy,” she murmurs.

Hard as a rock, I brush my mouth to the shell of her ear. “Give me the book, baby.”

She wheels around slowly, hands me the book I drop on the bed. Her eyes shine with need as I track the tip of her tongue peeking out to wet her upper lip. Pulling her flush against me, I peck her mouth. “You want me to tie you up?”

Her arms hook around my neck. “I … yes.”

Fuck baby.I eat at her mouth.

Her nipples pebble through the light material of her dress against my chest, and her pliable body molds against mine. When she moans, I pull out of the kiss.

Her hold tightens. “Gabe…”

So much for control.I touch my forehead to hers. “Baby, is it safe for you to have sex?”

Her eyes on mine, she blinks fast. “What?”

“After the hospital.”

She nods with a smile. “I’ve had the all-clear.”

I don’t want to hurt you ever again.I rub my nose against hers. “Let’s have dessert.”

Her grin widens while she rolls on her toes. “I thought we were.”

You’re killing me.“Baby—”

Aelin cups my face and opens her mouth on mine. Starving for her, I take over the kiss while I glide my hands to the back of her thighs to haul her up. She wraps her legs around my waist and moans in my mouth.

Stopping the kiss, I look at her. Her eyes are shiny, and her mouth swollen. So beautiful … and fragile.When I set her on her feet, she grips my shirt.

“Gabe, I want you.”

And I crave you but if I ever hurt you, it’ll kill me.“Baby, let’s slow down.”

Aelin’s hands fall off my chest. “You don’t … want me?”

If I wanted you any more, I would catch fire.“I do, but I also want to do it right. Have mercy on me, baby, and let’s wait.”

After a long blink, she bows her head and nods.

Later, after the chocolate charlotte she barely eats, I take her back home in her car while my driver follows us. At her door, I peck her lips and wait for her to lock her door.

Much later, lying in bed, I fist my engorged cock, and shut my eyes.Aelin kneeling on the bed, her hands tied behind her back and the rope looped around her folded legs, her small waist, and arms. I press on her back until her chest lies flat on the mattress and pull up her hips. Her round ass is firm under my palms. I take my cock and nudge its head on her sleek and hot pussy.

I stroke faster.I push my cock into her tight pussy to the hilt.



I come hard.


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