Dirty Plays: Chapter 13


I SIP on the coffee I ordered as I sit in the restaurant waiting for Beckett to pick me up. There was no way I wanted to wait at the hotel and risk Robert following me inside. A small part of me feels guilty for falling in love with my ex’s uncle, but the way I feel about Zayn outweighs the guilt. I love Zayn, and I can’t explain it, but somehow, I just know he’s the one I’m supposed to be with. It’s like I can feel our connection in my bones, and it’s a sensation I’ve never felt before.

My phone rings, and I spot Beckett’s name on the display. “Hello?”

“I’m rounding the corner now,” he tells me.

I grab my coffee and head for the front of the restaurant and wait for him on the sidewalk. A sleek black sports car with matching black rims pulls in front of me and stops. It’s a sexy car that kind of reminds me of the Batmobile and looks hella expensive.

The tinted window rolls down, and I spot Beckett sitting in the driver’s seat. “Need a ride?”

Rolling my eyes at his attempt at a joke, I open the door and slide inside the car. “Thanks for coming to get me. Your car is really nice. What kind is it?”

A small smile tugs at his lips as he pushes on the gas, easing into downtown traffic. “It’s a Corvette Stingray. I realize it’s flashy, but having a Corvette was a childhood dream of mine, so when I could afford it, thanks to the salary Z pays me, I bought one.”

“I’m amazed at how close you are. Zayn is lucky to have a good friend like you. You take good care of him, Beckett.”

He shifts gears as he takes the ramp onto the freeway. “We take care of each other. Z is my family, regardless of the fact we don’t share blood. He’s my brother, and I would do anything for him.” Beckett’s quiet for a moment, and then says, “You know, I was against the two of you being together at first because I thought the relationship would bring Z nothing but problems, and he needs no more of those in his life.”

I can’t argue with him about that. “You’re right. Zayn being with me has brought trouble his way, but I swear I’m typically not this difficult to deal with. I feel bad about what happened between Zayn and Taber…and all the drama Robert caused since he arrived in town.”

“Neither of those issues was your fault. Taber is a dickhead, and Z’s wanted to punch him in the face since he joined the team. You gave him a legit excuse to do it.” Beckett releases a little chuckle like he’s thinking about Zayn punching Taber and then shakes his head. “Z has a low tolerance for jackasses, especially when he catches a man mistreating a woman. That really sets him off, even more so when the woman is the one he cares about, so it wasn’t surprising to me when Z went ape-shit on Taber and Robert. Z loves you, Vivi, whether he’s ready to admit it, and he’ll do whatever he deems necessary to protect you.”

I lick my lips carefully. “Zayn actually told me last night that he loved me, and he also told me what happened between him and his mother’s boyfriend. Zayn is a protector by nature, and while I find it sweet that he will defend me with his fists, I need to work on getting him to understand I have thick skin. People calling me a name is something I’ve dealt with my entire life, and I’ve learned to put distance between myself and the people who would hurt me. I don’t want Zayn to snap one day and ruin his career or life by hurting someone over me. If I can walk away, I want him to learn to do the same. Violence, while it feels good at the moment, isn’t the best way to handle issues.”

Beckett risks a glance over at me, and an approving smile is on his face before turning back to the road. “You may be the perfect woman for Z, Vivi. He definitely needs someone to help him harness his anger, and it would be amazing if you could help him with that. Can I give you one piece of advice?”

“Absolutely, you can. Talking to you is like having an inside track into Zayn,” I tell him.

“Be patient with him. Z has never told anyone he’s loved them before, so this is all new to him. He doesn’t want to mess things up with you, and he feels like total shit for what happened with Robert and doesn’t want you to be pissed at him. He knows he went overboard, and he’s worried he’ll scare you away and make you hate him like his mother does.”

“I figured he would feel that way after what he told me happened with his mother and her abusive boyfriend. Honestly, it’s a shame his mother reacted that way when Zayn was only trying to protect her. From the sound of it, the boyfriend was beating the hell out of her and was on a path to kill her if Zayn hadn’t stopped him. It amazes me when women stay with their abusers and choose that partner over their own children, but my mother did the same thing.”

Beckett nods. “It really is a tough situation, especially if a woman doesn’t feel like she has any other place to go. Zayn and I learned a lot about battered women when we got involved in the Help Me Leave charity program once he got his first big paycheck. Zayn’s account advised us it would help him with taxes if he donated to a charity of his choosing, so Zayn found one he was passionate about because of his background. The entire mission of the charity is to help women who want to leave have stability and a safe place to go.”

“That’s amazing,” I say, and learning this peels back another layer to the man I love. “I didn’t know Zayn was into charity work.”

“I imagine you and Z still need to learn a lot of things about one another, but you’ve got the rest of your lives to get to know one another.”

I sigh and allow Beckett’s words to sink in, picturing for the first time what the rest of my life may look like growing old with Zayn.

Finally, we make it back to the neighborhood, and Beckett parks in Zayn’s driveway. “Go easy on him, Vivi. He’s pretty torn up.”

I nod as I get out of the car and head for Zayn’s front door.

The unlocked door swings open, revealing an eerily quiet house. I’ve gotten used to Dobby greeting me anytime I step foot in this place, and when I don’t spot him or Zayn, I close the door behind me and begin my search for them.

It doesn’t take me long to spot Zayn sitting on the edge of one of the lounge chairs facing the pool with Dobby lying by his side. When I open the glass door leading out back, Dobby’s head jerks up, and he sprints in my direction.

I drop to one knee and scratch behind his ear. “Hey, buddy. How’s he doing?”

After greeting my furry friend, I walk over to Zayn and sit down next to him on the chair. “Are you okay?”

He nods, but still doesn’t look at me. “I’m fine, just embarrassed. I lost my shit so easily. I’ve done that now twice in front of you, and I don’t want you to think of me as some loose cannon that would physically hurt you.”

“I would never think that about you,” I tell him as I reach over and hold his hand. “You’ve told me you have some anger issues, and I’ve noticed you are quick to react, but did you know that’s a trauma response?”

Zayn turns his head to look at me, and his gray eyes lock with mine. “A trauma response? How do you know that?”

“Therapy.” I shrug my shoulders. “After my parents died, I had lots of it and learned a lot about myself and why I was acting the way I did—still do. Your childhood was traumatic like mine, so it doesn’t surprise me you have some of the same issues I do. Therapy helped me work through a lot of really messed-up shit in my life, and I don’t think I would be where I am today if I hadn’t done it and actively participated.”

He squeezes my hand, really connecting with what I’m saying. “I’m glad therapy helped you. I feel like football is the one thing that’s helped me.”

“It probably has,” I agree. “Releasing all that pent-up rage feels good, I’m sure, but after that euphoria wears off, the issues you’re dealing with remain. I’m not saying you should go to therapy if you don’t want to, but I want you to know I’m here to support you in any way I can. Whether that’s going to talk to a professional or just confiding in me about your feelings so I can pass on the information I’ve learned over the years.”

“Thank you,” he says with his growly baritone voice. “It means a lot to me that you’re here right now, and I didn’t scare you away.”

I smile. “It’s going to take a lot more than you getting in a couple of minor scuffles while defending me to make me run away from you. I love you, and I don’t see myself leaving you ever.”

“Promise?” he asks as he searches my face.

“I do,” I whisper, then lean over and press my lips to his.

Zayn cups my face with his hand, holding my face in place as he deepens our kiss. My lips part, and they allow his tongue to plunge inside.

The way this man kisses me, it’s like I’m the air he needs to breathe and I mean everything to him—that I’m precious and he can’t get enough of me. Knowing how much he always wants me is a huge turn-on for me.

Zayn pulls away and I frown because I wasn’t done making out with him. He chuckles when he sees my disappointment. “I’m not done with you either, gorgeous. I don’t want to put on a show for Beckett and our other neighbor to see. I’ll rip their eyes out if I catch them looking at what’s mine and I need to chill with the violence right now.”

I bite my lip as he threads his thick fingers through mine. “Look at you, already working on getting your anger in check.”

“That’s something I’ve been working on my whole life, and will more than likely deal with for the rest of it. I’m glad you understand me though and will stick by my side while I work through it.”

I pull his hand up to my lips and kiss his the back of his hand. “I’ll always be here for you. Forever.”

A crooked grin spreads on his face. “I’m liking the sound of forever with you…a lot.”

“Me too,” I say and then we kiss again.

“Damn. I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of tasting these pouty lips of yours,” He tells me. “But I would like to do it somewhere a little more private, so I don’t have to hold back.”

He stands up and then extends a hand to me, helping me up. When I’m on my feet, he scoops me up into his arms and carries me against his chest like I weigh nothing, which is impressive because I’m a thick girl.

I smile up at him. “I’m impressed.”

He cocks one eyebrow up. “You didn’t think these muscles were just for show, did you? I’m a very strong man, Vivi, which is why I need a woman like you. I want a woman who doesn’t break easy because my touch isn’t always so gentle.”

I bite my lower lip. “I like it a little rough, sometimes.”

A wicked grin fills his face. “Do you, now? Well, let’s see what we can do about that.”

He’s able to hold me all the way through the house, up the stairs and then into the bedroom. He lays me down on the bed and then crawls on top of me. His hand slips under my shirt and he finds the cups of my bra and peels them down so he can roll my nipple between his fingers.

“What’s your favorite sexual position?” he asks me, while staring down at me with hooded eyes.

“I like being on top,” I answer truthfully.

“Mmmm. I enjoy watching you ride me. You look sexy doing it without even trying.”

Heat rushes to my cheeks and I know a fierce blush is probably covering my face.

He bends down and kisses the soft flash beneath my ear. “Yeah. The more I think about it, the more I think that’s the position we need to start off in. Then we can transition into mine.”

I tilt my head. “And what’s that?”

“Pounding into you from behind. I love watching you grip the sheet in your hands like you’re hanging on for dear life. Plus, I feel like I can go the deepest that way.”

Memories of when we did it doggy-style during one of our first nights together during our sex marathon comes to mind. Zayn knows how to fuck no matter what position we’re in and makes it good for me, but he’s right about him going in from behind. He’s got a big dick, and when he’s in all the way to the hilt from behind, I swear it touches my freaking bladder.

“I think we need to stop talking and get to it,” I tell him, feeling the wetness growing in my panties.

“Bossy. I like it.” He bends down and presses his lips to mine, and I know he’s about to give me exactly what I’ve asked for.

Zayn takes his torturous time peeling off my clothes, one piece at a time, which reminds me again I need to go get my clothes or else I’ll be living in Zayn’s boxer briefs and t-shirts.

When we’re both naked, I run my hands down the length of his chiseled, tattooed arms as the cords of muscles work beneath the skin. He really is stunning to look at—much like those statues you see over in Greece.

Zayn lies on his back and pulls my arm with him. “Come on. Get on.”

I swing my leg over his hips and his gray eyes rake down my torso as I straddle him. His cock sits perfectly in my folds and I love the way it feels against my clit. My wet pussy makes it easy to slide against him, so I rock my hips, coating him in me. With each slick movement, I pick up the pace until I’m grinding against him as my own release builds.

“Oh, yeah,” he breathes as he grips my hips in his large hands. “Use me, baby. I’m yours.”

I lay the palms of my hands on his chest and work my lower body into a frenzy until a powerful orgasm rips through me and I squeeze my eyes shut while riding out the wave.

“Damn. Watching you fall apart never gets old.” I open my eyes to find him watching me with lust-filled eyes. He sits up, wrapping his arms around me, kissing me passionately. “My turn.”

I laugh as he flips me onto my side and then hops off the bed. He grabs me from behind, dragging my ass to the edge of the bed. “Get that sexy ass in the air, babe.”

I do as he commands and crawl onto my hands and knees, exposing my ass to him. I fully expect to feel his cock press against me from behind, and it shocks me when he smacks my ass cheek. It sounds with a loud crack and a delicious pain follows. I whip my head around and grin at him while he smiles back.

“You do like it a little rough, don’t you? You’re a naughty girl, Vivi. Next time, I may have to tie you up and punish you,” he says in a teasing tone.

I laugh as he steps up behind me. “Don’t threaten me with a good time, Mr. North.”

He grabs my hips, yanking them back against him. The tip of his cock teases my entrance and he behinds over, his chest against my back as he grabs one of my tits in his hands and whispers. “I love that you’re my naughty girl. You’re my perfect woman and I’m never letting you go.”

With one swift thrust of his hips, he buries his cock deep inside of me. “Holy shit! God. You’re so deep.”

His hand slides up from my boob to my throat. “I can go deeper. You want it, baby?”

“Yessss,” I hiss as he pulls out a bit and then shoves his cock in even deeper. “Give it to me, Zayn. Give it all to me.”

While one hand is on my throat, he slides his other down my stomach until he cups my sex. He splices his fingers around where his cock is thrusting inside of me and then works my clit with his thumb. “You’re taking me all in like a good girl. Does it feel good?”

“Oh, yeah.” My words come out like a breathy porn star. “So, fucking good.”

“Are you going to come for me again, sweet Vivi?” he whispers and then kisses my neck. “Are you going to come all over my dick?”

I throw my head back as every nerve in my body vibrates. “Fuck. I’m almost there.”

“That’s it,” he growls. “You know why you’re so good at this? Because you like just as much as I do. You love me inside of you, filling you, stretching you, pounding my throbbing cock inside that tight little pussy of yours.”

“Ahhhhh!” I scream as his words, along with all the sensations, are enough to send me over the edge.

Zayn follows right behind me, pumping into me at a frantic pace, desperate to find his own release. He grunts, and then growls, “I’m coming. Fuck. Too. Fucking. Good.”

Warmth fills me as he coats the inside of my walls with his cum. He shutters and pumps into a few more times before he removes his hand from my pussy and around my throat. We stay together, neither of us ready to move yet as we wait a second until we’re both not as sensitive to touch.

When he finally pulls out of me, his warm cum leaks out of me and then slips down my leg. I got to move, but Zayn grabs my hips, holding me in place. “Not yet. I like watching my cum spill out of you. I like leaving a part of me inside of you.”

I turn to look at him and his facial expression is a mixture of amazement, like he’s admiring a work of art. In a way, I guess it is, and it’s something he created—we created. Each time we’re together, it’s even better than the last.

Zayn and I together are perfection—flaws and all.

I can never picture myself being with any other man for the rest of my life and I don’t even want to try to. I love Zayn and I’m so happy we’re finally together without outside distractions causing us problems.


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