In the mountains of Dellorim, a country renown for its arcane Conductors, orphaned Cypher finds himself struggling against the powerful Nobles of the house he serves. All his life the Galvan family has treated him like an outcast, with the worst of it usually coming from the oldest heir, a spoiled boy named Eiden. The young heir loves to torment Cypher at every opportunity, and with the Galvans reluctant to tell him anything about his origins, he has no choice but to endure it without end or understanding.
However, a fortunate twist of fate finds soon finds Cypher training beside the young heir, who is set to enter an illustrious academy for Magick in just a few years time. Through this opportunity, Cypher discovers the means to escape his torment and forge a path all his own.
As he seeks to break free of his shackles, he’ll face off against spiteful Nobles, ruthless bandits, fearsome Zightbeasts, and fate itself. With so many obstacles standing between him and his goal, will he be able to find a path to freedom? Or will he be doomed to a life of servitude? Join Cypher at the origins of his great Odyssey and uncover the mysteries of this strange and Magickal world.