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Heart Breaker: Chapter 2

Cash’s heart stopped, then took off like a runaway train. As adrenaline surged through his veins, he spun around, searching for the owner of the panicked female voice that had just knocked ten years off his life.

“I need a few more minutes and then I’ll be gone, okay?”

Squinting, he discerned a shadowy figure sitting on a cushioned loveseat on the other side of the room. “Jesus, you scared the hell out of me,” he grumbled.

As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he was better able to make out his surroundings. Small room, maybe twelve by twelve feet. A stack of dusty boxes against one wall. Metal racks.

He walked over to the little couch sandwiched between more boxes and an aluminum ladder. “What are you doing sitting alone in the dark?” he demanded, peering down at the woman.

“I’m sorry,” she said sheepishly. “I know I shouldn’t be lurking in here like a serial killer, but like I said, I’ll be gone in a minute. There’s no need to tell your manager or—”

“Relax, I don’t work here.” He expelled a sigh. “I’m hiding out too.”

“Oh. Okay then.” She awkwardly patted the cushion next to her. “You might as well sit down. Can’t promise I’ll be good company, but you’re making me nervous looming over me like that.”

After a beat of reluctance, he lowered his body onto the loveseat. Then he squinted to get a better look at his fellow hider—and realized she was beautiful.

Like absolutely fucking beautiful.

Didn’t happen often, but he was stunned speechless as he let his gaze drink her in. Long waves of tousled, honey-colored hair. Big blue eyes. Delicate features and a lush mouth, pink and perfect.

Sweet Jesus.

This woman belonged on the cover of a magazine. Or maybe in a porno—one that starred the two of them and involved that sexy mouth of hers on every inch of his naked body.

His cock promptly turned to granite, voicing its approval of the dirty images that filled Cash’s head. He clenched his teeth and breathed through his nose, trying to quell the rush of hunger that flooded his groin.

“Are you done staring at me?” she asked wryly.

Done? Christ, he hadn’t even gotten started. His gaze traveled south, snagging on the full perky breasts outlined by a tight scoop-necked top, her shapely denim-covered legs, the red toenails peeking out of a pair of open-toed heels. His mental porno took a different direction, one that now featured his mouth on her naked body.

“You know what, Mr. Pervy Eyes? You’re not making a good first impression,” she announced.

She was right. He absolutely had a case of the Pervy Eyes. Cash wrenched his gaze off the beautiful stranger and distracted himself by glancing around the room.

“What is this place?” he asked when he noticed a pile of wooden clothes hangers cluttering the linoleum floor.

“It used to be a coatroom.”

“How do you know that?”

“I used to work here, back when this bar was a French restaurant,” she explained. “This was the coatroom.”

“Those still exist?”

“Sure. But not here obviously, since this is no longer a coatroom.”

“Stop saying coatroom.”

“Stop asking questions that require the word coatroom in their answers.”

Cash stared at her. Then he barked out a laugh. Okay, he liked this chick.

“So who are you hiding from?” she asked, crossing her ankles together in a nonchalant pose.

He stifled a groan. “A potential stalker.”

“Oh, I know all about those.”

He didn’t doubt it. With those looks, she probably fended off the advances of hundreds of dudes on a daily basis.

“So you’re also dodging someone who wants to get in your pants?” he prompted.

“Other than you, you mean?”


“I thought so.” She paused, as if debating whether to confide in him. “I needed to get away from my friends for a few minutes. My best friend Tessa just landed a huge promotion at the advertising agency where she works, so a group of us went out to celebrate.”

“And you’re hiding out? Wow. You’re a really shitty friend.”

“Me? How about Tessa? She’s the one holding this let’s-gush-about-my-new-job get-together on the same day her best friend was fired.”

“You got fired?”

“Yep, but that’s the least of my problems. I also have a crazy ex to contend with.” She exhaled loudly. “Let’s just say I’ve been having a really bad month, okay?”

Cash could commiserate—his six-month sexual dry spell wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows either. “Did you like your job?” he asked, deciding not to touch the crazy ex comment.

“No. I hated it, actually. I worked as a sales clerk at a jewelry store and my boss was a total creep. He kept offering to take me to Victoria’s Secret to help me pick out lingerie. You know, in case I need a second opinion.” She blew out another frustrated breath. “But that’s not the point. The point is, I got fired. Again.”

Cash couldn’t help but laugh. “Happens to you a lot?”

“Sure does.” She slanted her head. “What line of work are you in?”

He hesitated for a beat, then said, “Security.”

Fine, he was lying again, but he’d already escaped one navy groupie tonight and he wasn’t looking for a repeat performance. Then again, this woman was so beautiful he might be willing to make an exception.

“Huh. I figured you’d say military. You give off a military vibe. I mean, look at that big, buff body of yours—it ought to be illegal.”

He didn’t miss the slight note of derision when she said the word military. “Got something against military men?” he asked lightly.

“Nope. I respect the hell out of them,” she answered. “I just don’t want to date them.”

He frowned, a part of him wanting to admit he’d lied about his job, just to see how she’d react. But she kept talking before he could get a word in.

“I bet you’re good at security. Me, on the other hand? I suck at everything.”

Cash smiled. “I don’t believe that.”

“It’s true. That’s why I always get fired. School was never my thing, so I didn’t go to college. I have no interest in medicine like my mom, no distinguishable talents, no great passions. I like messing around with my camera and taking pictures, but that’s just a hobby.” Vulnerability flashed in her eyes. “Do you think there’s a certain age when you should have everything figured out? Because I just turned twenty-five, and I still have no idea what I want to do with my life.”

He shrugged. “I think everyone figures stuff out at their own pace. Eventually you’ll find yourself on the right path.”

“I guess.” Her shoulders sagged. “Maybe I should get into porn. According to some creepy producer who approached me on the street, I have the ‘look’ for it.”

“You really got asked to do porn?” Apparently he wasn’t the only one who could totally picture this blue-eyed beauty in his own personal naked film.

“Yes, I really did,” she said in a glum voice.

“Porn’s an admirable profession,” he said solemnly.

She pursed her lips in thought. “But my porn-star name sucks. You know how you’re supposed to take the name of your first pet and pair it with the street you grew up on? Well, our dog’s name was Boris and I grew up on Denton Street. Boris Denton. That sounds like a dictator.”

“I’m not even going to ask why you’d name your dog Boris.”

“That’s my brother’s doing.” She gave him a curious look. “What would your porn name be?”

“I don’t know. I never had any pets growing up.” He shrugged again. “Besides, I’ve been told my real name sounds like a porn name anyway, so I guess I’ve already got one.” He supplied his name before she could ask. “Cash McCoy.”

She promptly shook her head. “That’s not a porn-star name. That’s cowboy all the way.”

“Cowboy,” he echoed dubiously.

“Hell yeah. Or maybe an actor.” She clapped her hands together. “An actor who plays a cowboy. Can’t you see it?” Her voice deepened to mimic the movie-man voice from the previews. “One duel, one chance to avenge his pa’s murder…Cash McCoy in…High Noon Outlaw.” She grinned at him. “Maybe that’s what I should do—write the copy for movie trailers.”

“I think you should stick to porn. High Noon Outlaw sounds like a shit movie.”

As another peal of laughter left her Cupid’s bow mouth, lust slammed into his groin again. Damn, her lips were so damn sexy. Pink, ripe and utterly kissable.

His mouth tingled, and he had to fight the urge to lean in and press his lips to hers. He was dying to know if she tasted as sweet as she looked. The kind of noises she’d make when their tongues touched.

“Why do you keep staring at my lips?”

Sheepish, he met her eyes, which were narrowed with distrust. “I can’t help it. You have really nice lips.”

“And let me guess, they’d look even nicer wrapped around your dick.”

He choked out a laugh. “You said it, not me.”

“But you were thinking it.”

Sure was. And his cock seemed to enjoy the wicked thoughts running through his mind—the big boy was harder than a baseball bat, pushing against his zipper and begging for some attention.

“So it’s true, huh? Men really do think about sex like every other minute.”

“Afraid so,” he confirmed.

Rolling her eyes, the blonde bombshell ran a hand through her hair, causing the scent of her shampoo to drift into his nose and wreak havoc on his senses. She smelled like cherries—man oh man, he loved cherries.

Make a move, McCoy.

His brain’s order—or had that come from his dick?—called attention to the opportunity staring him square in the eye. Here he was, sitting in the dark with a beautiful woman and an erection—why the hell was he hesitating?

“You know, I just had a thought,” he drawled.

“Is that a new occurrence for you? Is your brain tingling?”

Cash fought a grin and slid across the couch, stopping when only a mere foot separated them. “See, you just got fired, which means you’re upset. And I’m not the kind of man who walks away when he encounters a damsel in distress.”

“Uh-huh. Go on.”

“It’s in my nature to want to ease that distress. Lucky for you, I know exactly how I can make you feel better.”

“I’m sure you do.” Her lips twitched as if she were holding back laughter. “So, pray tell, what will make me feel better?”

“A kiss.”

“Ah.” She paused. “I think I’ll pass.”

“You sure about that?”

He slid even closer, so that his thigh pressed into hers. The moment contact was made, a jolt of heat seared through his pants and scorched his skin. The blonde’s eyes widened at his nearness, but she didn’t scoot away. In fact, he was certain he glimpsed a flicker of interest in those baby-blues. And he’d definitely heard the hitch in her breath.

Oh, and look at that, the tip of her tongue was sweeping over her bottom lip.

Cash chuckled. “You totally want to kiss me.”

Even in the darkness, he saw the blush staining her cheeks. “I do not.”

“Yes you do. You licked your lips.”


“So that’s a clear sign of anticipation.” His voice took on a note of pure male arrogance. “You’re dying for me to put my mouth on you. And don’t think I forgot about your big, buff body comment. You’re into me—don’t bother denying it.”

He expected her to deny it. He expected her to hop off the couch in indignation and tell him where to shove it.

What he didn’t expect?

Getting mauled.

Before he could blink, two warm hands cupped his chin and yanked his head down, and then that cute mouth collided with his in a hard, reckless kiss.

Oh yeah. That’s what he was talkin’ about.

His pulse accelerated as she devoured his mouth. Devoured it. Everything about the kiss drove him mad with arousal. The softness of her lips, the hungry swirl of her tongue, the nip of her teeth on his bottom lip. Every inch of his body throbbed, every muscle tight with sexual tension. Those long, desperate kisses summoned a low groan from his chest, making him want to flip her onto her back and grind his aching cock into the juncture of her thighs.

Shit, it had been way too long since he’d kissed a woman, and as satisfying as it was feeling that hot mouth pressed to his, it wasn’t nearly enough.

He stroked the graceful curve of her neck, then dropped his hands to her breasts. When he squeezed, she moaned into his lips and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Spurred on by her response, he continued to explore her body over her clothing, skimming his fingertips over her hips, her flat belly, firm thighs that clenched beneath his touch. His hands drifted back to her breasts, and he began to toy with her nipples through her shirt, his mouth flooding with saliva as he imagined sucking on those rigid buds.

“You know what, cowboy?” she murmured as she wrenched her mouth free. “I do feel better.”

She sounded surprised, embarrassed even, but he didn’t give her time to second-guess her decision to maul him. Instead, he dipped his head to kiss her again, slowly leaning into her until she lay flat on her back and his body covered hers.

Groaning, he deepened the kiss, then parted her legs with his knee and pressed himself against her.

“Oh,” she squeaked. “You’re…hard.”

“Mm-hmm. That’s what usually happens when I’m making out with a beautiful woman.” He nuzzled her neck, then licked his way up to her ear, tracing the delicate lobe with his tongue. “What about you? Are you wet for me?”

She moaned.

He bit on her earlobe. “Is that a yes?”

Yes. God, yes.” Making an agitated sound, she shifted beneath him, wrapped her legs around his hips, and arched her back so that he was grinding into her warm mound.

Lust fogged Cash’s brain. His dick ached, craving release. His balls drew up tight, tingling as his hips moved faster, needing the contact, the relief.

When she glided her hands down his back and squeezed his ass, he nearly lost it.

“Fuck,” he mumbled. “I need more.”

She responded with a breathy moan that made his groin tighten with need. As his pulse shrieked in his ears, he brought his hand to her waist and undid the button of her jeans. Screw it. So what if they were in a coatroom? So what if someone could walk in at any moment? So what if he didn’t even know her name? He was no drama queen, but he feared he might actually die if he didn’t fuck this woman. Like. Right. Now.

She made the sexiest noise he’d ever heard when his fingers dipped underneath the elastic of her lacy panties. He slid his hand inside, groaning at the first feel of her pussy. Holy hell. She was completely bare. And so wet.

Cash rubbed her with his palm, using the heel of his hand to apply pressure to her clit.

“Oh,” she whimpered. “Don’t stop.”

Stop? Yeah, right. Not when the words go, go, go pounded in his head like some kind of tribal rhythm.

He pushed one finger into her wet heat, growling when her inner muscles clenched around it. Jesus, she was tight.

“I’ve never done this before,” she said breathlessly.

Cash froze.

Holy hell.

Was she a virgin?

Guilt slammed into him. Followed by a tug of disgust—directed at himself.

He’d been so blinded by her angelic face and smoking-hot body that he’d completely ignored all the signs: her shyness, the nervous babbling, the sweet blush on her cheeks. She clearly wasn’t some vixen seductress, and he was a real asshole for not picking up on that.

Soft laughter jarred him from his self-reproach. She must have sensed where his thoughts had drifted, because her eyes twinkled knowingly. “Relax. I’m not a virgin. I just meant that I’ve never fooled around with a stranger before.”

He relaxed. “Oh. Okay, good. I was feeling like a total ass, thinking I was taking advantage of you.”

She rocked her hips, reminding him of the fact that his finger was still inside her. “Nobody’s taking advantage of anyone. You promised to make me feel better, remember?”

Chuckling, he brushed his lips over hers. “Right. I’ll just get back to work then.” To punctuate that, he slipped a second finger into her, drawing a delighted cry from her lips.

Their tongues tangled in a kiss as he pumped his fingers in and out of her tight pussy. His heart hammered out a frantic beat, each wild thud vibrating in his groin. Excitement built inside him, hot and hungry, making his skin burn. Damn it, he needed more.

With a growl, he lowered his other hand and fumbled with his zipper. The second his jeans came undone, his eager partner shoved her hand inside his boxer-briefs and gripped his erection.

A groan lodged in his chest. He thrust into her hand, literally seeing stars as she jerked his aching dick.

“Yeah, that’s good,” he whispered. “A bit faster, baby.”

She quickened the pace, squeezing the engorged head on each upstroke, until he felt the telltale tingling sensation in his balls. Oh shit, he was close. Too close.

He distracted himself by focusing on her pleasure, feathering his thumb over her clit as his fingers worked that hot channel. Her arousal coated his fingers and drenched his palm, making him groan as he imagined his cock being bathed by all that sweet honey.

“Condom,” he croaked. “We need a—”

“What the hell are you two doing?”

An outraged voice reverberated in the room, and then light flooded the small space.

Like a pair of teenagers who’d been busted by their parents, Cash and the blonde broke apart so fast he almost fell on his ass. Hands fumbled with buttons and zippers. Clothing was rearranged. After they made themselves presentable, they both shot to their feet, guilty gazes darting in the direction of the door.

A stocky man with a bushy mustache and furious eyes stood in the doorway, shaking his head in disgust.

“You two aren’t supposed to be in here.” He jabbed his finger in the air. “Both of you, out. Now. Don’t make me call the cops.”

As the man spun on his heel and stormed off, Cash offered a wry grin. “Well. That didn’t go as planned.” His gaze dropped to his crotch, which sported a big, unhappy bulge.

Discomfort flickered in the blonde’s eyes, which were a brighter blue than he’d realized. In the light, they were the color of a clear sky, with flecks of silver around the pupils, framed by thick lashes.

Biting her bottom lip, she bent to retrieve the black leather purse on the floor. “I think the mustache man did us a favor. Sex in public is never a good idea.”

“How about sex in private?” he suggested hopefully. “My car’s parked down the street. We could—”

She cut him off. “I’m here with friends, remember? And I already feel like a jerk for disappearing this long. I should probably go back out there and put on my celebration face before Tessa un-friends me.”

He swallowed his disappointment. The universe really didn’t like him tonight.

“Trust me, you’re dodging a bullet, cowboy,” she added. “You don’t want to get involved with me. My life is a total mess right now, and I’m not usually this fun and spontaneous. I’m a total space cadet. Seriously, I spend way too much time daydreaming. And let’s face it, I’m weird. Nobody gets my sense of humor. I’m super forgetful—I have to leave notes all over my apartment just so I remember to do things, like eat, or breathe. Oh, and I babble a lot, in case you haven’t noticed.” She gave a firm nod. “So yeah, you’re totally dodging a bullet.”

Damned if that speech didn’t make him like her even more.

“Maybe I’m not a dodging kind of guy,” he said, raising his brows in challenge. “Maybe I’m the man who jumps in front of bullets.”

“Well, then you’re even weirder than I am.” She took a step toward the door.

“Can I at least get your number?” he called after her.

She stopped. “Are you actually going to call? Because with those looks, I bet you collect a lot of numbers.”

“I’ll call,” he promised. A grin lifted his lips. “I think we’d be doing each other a disservice if we didn’t finish what we started.”

She pursed her lips for a moment, indecision creasing her beautiful features. After a beat, she recited her number, and he resisted doing a little victory dance as he punched it into his phone.

Cash winced when he realized he didn’t have a name for the new contact. “Oh, uh, what’s your name?”

Awesome. He really was a manwhore, huh? Getting the girl’s name after he nearly slept with her.

“It’s Jen.”

“Jen,” he echoed sheepishly. “Nice to meet you, Jen.”

“Pleasure was all mine, cowboy.” That cute blush returned. “So, um, yeah, call me.”

With that, she strolled out of the room, leaving him grinning like a goofy idiot.

Cash waited a few seconds before exiting the coatroom. Thankfully, the navy groupie didn’t pop out of nowhere and ambush him as he left the bar.

A part of him still wished he and Jen had finished what they’d started, but at the same time he was happy they hadn’t settled for a hurried lay in a public bar. He wanted more than a fully clothed quickie. He wanted her naked in his bed, while his mouth and hands and cock explored every inch of her X-rated body.

So, yeah, he’d left the house with a hard-on and would be going home with one, but he could survive one more day. First thing tomorrow, he’d call Jen and arrange for a repeat performance of tonight—one that wouldn’t get interrupted.

Feeling rejuvenated, he strode down the sidewalk with a spring to his step. It was raining, but the cool droplets sliding down his face didn’t dampen his mood. Neither did the water that splashed into his boots when one of them plopped into a puddle. Or the sudden downpour that soaked him to the bone by the time he reached his SUV. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had so much fun with a chick.

He slid into the driver’s seat and started the engine. As he flicked on the windshield wipers, he was still grinning to himself.

But his good mood didn’t last.

Nope, because just as he was pulling out of the parking spot, he realized the plopping sound he’d heard before? It wasn’t just his boots sloshing through a puddle. It was his phone falling out of his pocket. The phone he’d just entered Jen’s phone number into.

And when he found it floating in that puddle half a minute later and fished it out, the damn thing was completely fried.

And so was any chance of seeing Jen again.


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