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Runner: Chapter 41


The door closed after Kade and Gray left, and I waited in silence for a few moments before grinning and hopping off the bed. Being able to walk without pain again felt absolutely amazing. No more crutches. Looking down, I twisted my ankle in all possible ways. I jumped a few times, not feeling any tightness in my stomach where my stitches had been. I was fine. It had only taken a damn month.

I was still using my crutches in front of Kade and Gray. If they thought I was good to leave, they wouldn’t have left me alone here. My excitement dimmed when I remembered what I planned to do. It almost felt wrong to pry into their secrets now. But Caleb was right. If it wasn’t Kade or Gray who’d spilled that we’d been working together, then we needed to find out if someone else in the crew did. It wasn’t just my life on the line. It was Caleb’s too.

Grabbing my phone and the little chip, I headed down the hall, glancing at the locked door.

“Hey,” I said when Caleb answered. “I’m finally alone.”

“How much time do you have? It might take a while.”

“Enough. They’re meeting with Vic and Juan.”

He paused. “You okay?”

“Yeah,” I clipped out. “Just ready to get this over with and go.”

“I’ll fly out tomorrow,” he said softly. “Unless you want to stay there.”

“No. I’m ready. My ankle is good.”

“I wasn’t talking about your ankle, Mili.”

“I was never going to stay here. We all knew that.”

“But you want to?”

I sighed, grabbing Gray’s laptop and sitting on his bed. “Just tell me what I need to do.”

“Open the laptop and put the chip into the slot it fits in.”

I did what he told me, and a password screen came up. “I don’t know his password.”

“You don’t need it,” he muttered.

I could tell he was concentrating, and I absentmindedly looked around Gray’s room, listening to him type away on whatever device he was using. Until I heard a new noise. Chills raced down my spine when the front door closed.

“Fuck. They’re back,” I muttered under my breath.

“What? No, I need at least twenty more minutes.”

“It’s fine. Keep working, I’ll distract them.” I hung up, hearing footsteps getting closer. They’d find me in here any second since I wasn’t in the kitchen or living room. I stripped off Gray’s shirt and slipped out of my leggings. They’d bought me clothes weeks ago and had brought my stuff from my apartment, yet I still ended up in one of their shirts every day. They were comfy to sleep in—that was what I kept telling myself. Once I was naked, I closed the laptop as far as it would go without it powering off and tilted it toward the wall.

I leaped on the bed, lying on my stomach and resting my face in my hands just as Gray appeared in his doorway. Absolute shock crossed his face, and his eyes raked over my bare body before he took a large step back.

“Nope,” he muttered. “Not happening.”

I shot him a wicked grin. “What? I was hoping you’d help me test out my ankle. I think it’s all better. But a stronger test is in order.”

It was my turn to be shocked when he reached forward and pulled his door shut. I scrambled off the bed, tugging at the doorknob. Either he’d locked it or he was holding it from the other side.

“Gray,” I shrieked. “Let me out. What the hell are you doing?”

“You’re up to something,” he shouted through the door. “You take off your clothes and I’m going to end up tied to another fucking chair.”

A giggle escaped before I could stop it. “I’m not up to anything.”


If I could keep up the arguing through the door for another twenty minutes, then this would work out great. I had a feeling that wouldn’t happen when I heard the lock twist. I yanked on the door again.

“If you’re serious about not planning something, then be laying on the bed when I get back.” His footsteps retreated.

“What does that mean?”

There was no answer, and I clicked my tongue as I looked back at the laptop. Fuck. There was no way he wasn’t going to notice it open if he came in here and was already suspicious. I scanned the room for a place I could put it out of sight, but his closet was the only choice, and then he’d realize his laptop was gone. That wouldn’t go well at all.

“Sorry, Caleb,” I muttered, crossing the room and standing near the laptop. I’d give it as long as possible, but when I heard Gray coming back, I was taking it out. I couldn’t chance it. They’d try to keep me here even longer if they found out I was snooping. I texted Caleb, letting him know before making sure my phone was locked before I set it down.

Hurried footsteps had me lunging toward the laptop, and I grabbed the chip and shoved it into my leggings that were on the floor, cursing that it didn’t have pockets. I folded them, hoping Gray wouldn’t pick them up. The door swung open, and Gray’s gaze landed on me.

He raised an eyebrow. “You’re not on the bed.”

“What the hell are those?” I choked out, my eyes on what he was holding.

He smirked, lifting the chains in his hands. “You wanted to test out your ankle. We’ll do it my way.”

He stepped into his room, kicking the door shut behind him. The chains in his hands were the same ones they had used on me in their study months ago. But this time, there were four instead of just two. He tossed them onto the bed, advancing toward me. He stepped left, and I shuffled to the right. He cocked his head, his eyes dancing with amusement even though a bit of suspicion lingered.

“How long have you been off the crutches?” he asked, lunging to the right, making me go left, farther away from the door.

“I just tried to walk today.”

“Hmm,” he hummed out. “I feel like that’s a lie. You’ve been holding out on us.”

“Maybe I just didn’t want to leave,” I said, my stomach fluttering as he stalked toward me until I backed into the wall.

“You know, I think my ankle is good,” I muttered. “No need to test it out.”

“I don’t think so.” He grabbed my upper arm when I attempted to dart past him. “We can’t, in good faith, let you leave until we’re positive you’re healed.”

The whole we word had me staring at the closed door. “Where’s Kade?”

“Dealing with business.”

Before I could answer, he snagged an arm around my waist, pulling me to him. He was being gentler than usual, and a flash of concern hit his eyes as his gaze trailed down my body.

“You’re not going to hurt me,” I murmured. “I’m back to normal.”

“Get on the bed, Rebel.”

Raising on my tiptoes, I brushed my lips against his. “Make me.”

His eyes darkened, and when I pulled out of his hold, he all but threw me on the mattress. I rolled away, slipping out of his grip when he attempted to keep me on the bed. My muscles flexed, burning with the need to be used for the first time in a month. I was out of practice, and my reflexes were slower than usual, but I wasn’t completely useless. Although Gray had a larger chance to get the upper hand, and that made my heart race.

His fingers closed around my ankle, dragging me back to the middle of the mattress. I grinned, not feeling a speck of pain. Flipping onto my back, I used my other foot to try and push him off. He didn’t let go, reaching for one of the cuffs as I struggled to free myself. Giving up on getting my ankle from his hold, I sat up and reached for another one of the restraints.

His attempts to cuff my ankle halted when I went for his wrist. He chuckled, blocking my attempt to wrangle the cuff around his arm. He grabbed me above the elbow and yanked hard, making me fall on my stomach.

“You going easy on me?” he asked, pulling my arm behind my back and pressing it against my spine. “Or maybe you’re not 100 percent yet.”

I wiggled under him uselessly. “Or I just don’t want to hurt you.”

He leaned over me, his teeth grazing my ear. “What do you want?”

Goose bumps skated along my skin as his mouth drifted to my neck, his lip piercing grazing my skin as he kissed me.

“You,” I breathed out. “I want you.”

I stiffened, feeling the cuff snap around my wrist. In a quick move, he rolled me onto my back before straddling my waist. My fight against him was feeble at best as he pulled my arm, locking the other end of the chain to his headboard. Now that I was stuck there, he easily cuffed my other wrist, pulling the chain taut as he connected it to the metal frame. I was half resting against the headboard, and he snatched a pillow and moved it behind me so I wasn’t on the bars.

On instinct, I jerked my arms, trying to slip the restraints, my pulse speeding up when I knew I was stuck. Gray’s heated gaze trailed over my body before he gripped my thighs, spreading my legs apart. Lowering his head, he kissed the inside of my leg, slowly moving upward. Torturously slow. Delicious heat swarmed my lower stomach, and I made a noise of protest when he stopped.

“Do you know how hard it’s been not to drag you to my bed since you’ve been here?” he asked in a low voice.

I raised an eyebrow. “What was stopping you?”

“I’m not the only one who wants you in their bed.” He ran his hand up my thigh, stopping just short of my pussy. “It could have made things tense in this house.”

“And what changed now?”

His eyes gleamed. “How can I resist such an open invitation?”

A gasp left me when he plunged a finger into me. His thumb brushed my clit, and I squirmed, feeling the pleasure already building.

“Seeing you naked on my bed is something I can’t say no to,” he murmured, pulling his hand from me. “But as much as I want to bury my face in your soaking pussy, I have to ask—what were you really doing in my room?”

My eyes widened before I caught myself. Tilting my head, I bit my lip. “I think my intention is very fucking clear. So why don’t you put your head between my legs like you so desperately want to? Or I’ll go have fun all by myself.”

His smirk was wicked as he grabbed one of the two chains that were still on the bed. “Go where, Mili? Your ass will stay right there until I’m ready for you to leave. And I’m telling you that it won’t be for a while.”

My heart pounded as he clicked the cuff around my ankle before he tugged, pulling me as far down onto the bed as my wrist cuffs allowed. He lifted my leg until it was nearly straight in the air, and then he pulled it to the side before he wrapped that chain around a bar on the headboard. He did the same to my other leg, making it impossible for me to close my legs or barely even wiggle. He lay on his stomach, scooting up until his face was right above my pussy.

“What were you doing in here?” he asked again, his voice quiet.

“I was touching myself before you walked in.”

“Liar,” he rasped. “Don’t worry though. We have all the time in the world to get you to tell the truth.”

My response was lost when his tongue swept over my clit. My hands clenched into fists as he ravished my pussy. Fuck, it had been too long. Waves of pleasure began washing over me, and the chains clanged against the bars when I arched my back. He brought me to the edge before pulling away.

“Why were you in here?” he asked, pushing a finger inside me.

I glared at him. “Really? You’re not going to give me an orgasm until I answer?”

“How bad do you want one?”

“I already told you what I was doing in here.”

He tsked. “You’re not desperate enough. Let’s change that.”

He attacked my clit again, his fingers staying inside me as he swirled his tongue, keeping a constant pace that easily had my pussy throbbing around his fingers. Again, he slowed, and I bucked against the cuffs.

“Gray,” I shrieked breathlessly. “Please.”

“As much as I love hearing you beg for me, that’s not what I want.”

He started again, bringing me to the edge over and over as I writhed against him. My body pleaded for release, but he only drew me closer each time before stopping. He sucked on my clit, and I screamed, needing just a bit more to get off. But no, he pulled away before that happened.

“I wasn’t doing anything,” I said, my voice shaking.

“Telling the truth will set you free.”

I gasped when he started eating me out again. Every move he made had me going insane.

“Fuck,” I breathed out. “This is worse than torture.”

He paused what he was doing. “I disagree. I think this is the most delicious torment I’ve ever inflicted.”

He got up, and my jaw clenched as he moved away from me. Opening his closet, he dug through a small bin before pulling out a couple of items. I watched him, my body begging him to finish what he’d started. He strolled back to the bed with a devious gleam in his eye.

“Ever used a wand?” he asked, holding it up.

I swallowed. “Yes.”

The toy he had was long with a large bulb at the end. Technically, they were sold as back massagers, but they gave the best fucking orgasms. My eyes widened when he started unrolling the tape he’d grabbed. He placed the wand to my pussy until the tip of it was pressed firmly against my clit. He began wrapping the tape around my leg and the wand, putting more than enough to keep it in place.

“This tape only sticks to itself,” he murmured as he ripped it. “Makes it easier when it doesn’t get stuck to skin.”

I waited for him to turn it on, my anticipation nearly bursting. I knew how good this toy worked, and I was more than ready for it. But he didn’t turn it on. Instead, he grabbed a bandanna, balling it up in his hand.

“Last chance, Rebel. Or I’ll leave you here to think about your answer.”

“Leave me here?” I squirmed. “You wouldn’t.”

He chuckled. “I need to shower. But I wouldn’t want you to be bored while you wait.”

My stomach flipped when he finally reached over and messed with the wand settings. A small vibration hit my clit, and I jerked. Fuck yes. It felt so good. And then it stopped. I scowled, my eyes meeting his.

“Oh, it’s set on sporadic right now.” He tilted his head. “Can’t have you coming yet.”

“I’m going to kill you,” I muttered, my body on edge from not knowing when the vibrations were going to start again.

“Want to tell me what you were doing now?”

I smirked. “Raiding your drawers to find all your dirty secrets. I guess I should have looked in your closet first since that’s where you seem to have your naughty stash.”

He looked amused as he got closer and shoved the balled-up bandanna in my mouth. Before I could spit it out, he brought the tape up, wrapping it around my head, covering my mouth until my arguments were nothing but muffled grunts. The toy turned on again, and I bit down on the cloth as my body buzzed from the sensations.

“Enjoy,” he said as he headed for his bathroom. “Maybe after, you’ll be ready to answer.”

He left the door open, and I kept my eyes on him as he undressed before turning on the water. His jeans were near the doorway, and a flash of silver caught my eye as I looked at his keys. Keys that I could use to leave if I needed. My thoughts turned to mush when the vibrations hit again. The glass shower was on the back wall, and I had a clear view of it from the bed. The wand stopped again, and I sagged as much as the cuffs allowed me. Until it turned on again. I struggled to move my pussy away from it, but the tape made sure it didn’t move an inch.

I lost track of time and everything else while Gray showered. The toy didn’t stay on long enough at all for me to come, and I was going crazy. I fucking needed it.

My legs were nearly shaking as I attempted to get off before vibrations stopped again. My muffled, frustrated scream filled the room when it suddenly halted, leaving me exactly where I’d been for I didn’t know how long. Right on the fucking edge. I jerked my arms, straining against the cuffs. Catching movement out of the corner of my eye, I looked toward the bathroom door in time to see Gray lean against the doorway. All he was wearing was a towel wrapped around his waist.

Ink covered most of his chest. His Riot Crew tattoo was sprawled across the left side, and I spotted his bullet scar from when I’d shot him two years ago. A little guilt hung on to me as I tore my eyes from it. His wet hair was down instead of pulled back like it usually was. His tongue flicked his lip ring as he stared at me.

“Ready to talk now?” he murmured, raw lust swirling in his eyes.

I glared at him until there was a knock at the bedroom door. My heart skipped as Kade’s voice filled the room.

“Gray, you in there?” he asked gruffly. “Mili isn’t in the fucking living room.”

My gaze cut back to Gray to see he was still staring at me. His lips tipped up in an amused grin. “Come in.”

Surprise shot through me, and my face flushed when Kade swung open the door. He froze midstride, his eyes leaving mine as they moved down to my body. It was then that the wand turned back on, and I cried out through the gag. Sensations racked every inch of me, and I sucked in breaths through my nose as I climbed to the edge again.

“She was in my bed naked when I got home,” Gray stated. “Saying she wanted to test that she was all better.”

“What was she really doing? Snooping?” Kade asked, his eyes not leaving me.

Their conversation sounded far away as I lost myself to the pleasure the toy was giving me.

“I don’t know. She won’t tell me,” Gray answered. “Not yet anyway. Maybe you can convince her to talk.”

They seemed to have a silent conversation as they exchanged a glance, and the tension in the air thickened. It wasn’t jealousy or anger. It was all sexual.

“It seems like you proved she’s gotten her strength back.” Kade strode closer, climbing onto the bed and running a hand up my stretched-out leg. “But I think we should test her stamina.”

Before I could process his words, he flicked the button on the wand, and suddenly, the vibrations were nonstop. And strong. It took less than a minute for my body to build to the orgasm that Gray had been depriving me of. My leg muscles burned as they strained against the cuffs. My head fell against the headboard as I came, and I soaked up every wave of pleasure that was racking my body.

But even as the orgasm ebbed, the wand stayed on, building me back up again straight away. My breaths were jagged, and I rocked my hips as I stared at Kade. He was still sitting on the bed in front of me, and he grabbed the back of his shirt, quickly pulling it over his head. Over his shoulder, I saw Gray, who was watching me just as intently. The towel was gone, and his pierced cock was on full display as he fisted it.

I screamed hoarsely when I came again, this orgasm even stronger than the first. Kade didn’t give me a chance to recuperate before he slid two fingers inside me. He pumped them in and out as the wand kept going. I began struggling, my body begging for a break.

“How many do you think you can handle?” Kade asked, his eyes raking over my body. “Because I could watch you like this all fucking night.”

Holy fuck. I shook my head before all I could focus on was the sensations exploding through me. Keeping his fingers inside me, he reached over me with his free hand and pulled the tape from my mouth. I pushed out the cloth, sucking in a lungful of air right before my third orgasm hit out of nowhere. My limbs went rigid as I cried out. Kade curled his fingers, hitting my sweet spot, making me jerk.

“Kade,” I rasped, my voice gruff. “Fuck. Turn it off.”

“What were you doing in Gray’s room?”

I couldn’t tell which was the worse punishment—Gray’s constant edging or Kade’s forced orgasms. I breathed a sigh of relief when Kade finally flicked off the toy. He unwrapped the tape that had been holding it in place before tossing the wand onto the mattress next to me. My pussy was still throbbing, and I moaned when he started moving his fingers inside me again. Even as exhausted as my body was, I was still reacting to his touch.

“What were you doing in here?” Kade asked again.

“Nothing. I was bored,” I mumbled.

He raised an eyebrow. “Either you were doing something you weren’t supposed to, or you want more of this. Which one do you think it is, Gray?”

“I’m thinking a little of both.”

Gray’s answer had my eyes darting between the two of them. They had some serious self-control, because I was expecting one of them to fuck me by now. My thoughts crumbled when Kade dove down and buried his face between my thighs. My already sensitive clit succumbed to the flicks of his tongue in record time. I twisted in the restraints, having nowhere to fucking go as he brought me another orgasm. My screams echoed through the room as he coaxed me over the edge again.

“Please,” I shrieked as my chest heaved. “I can’t take another one.”

“Mmm, but I’m still hungry.” Kade’s words shot vibrations through my pussy.

He started again, and Gray came up, running his hand over my collarbone before he rolled my nipple between his fingers. The new touch had my body going even more haywire. Kade’s tongue swirled around my clit, his fingers plunging in and out of my pussy. I lost track of time as another orgasm ripped through me. Or maybe it was two. I couldn’t tell anymore.

“Fuck,” I screamed, coming again. “I can’t—”

Gray’s lips crashed to mine, cutting off my words. He kissed me, his tongue pushing into my mouth as Kade lured me into another shattering orgasm. My body was trembling, the pleasure too overwhelming to handle anymore. Jerking my head back, I broke the kiss.

“The laptop,” I breathed out. “I was trying to figure out the password.”

Both halted their movements, and I sagged back, relishing in the reprieve. Kade studied me while Gray’s gaze darted to his nightstand, where the computer was.

“I didn’t even have a chance to guess what it was before Gray found me.” I sucked in a ragged breath when Kade pulled his fingers out of me.

“Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it, Rebel?” Gray asked, his lips grazing my neck. “You could have admitted that much sooner, but I think you’re enjoying this as much as we are.”

My retort was lost when Kade’s fingers brushed over my ass before circling around my other hole. I tensed, and he stopped when he saw my reaction.

“Has anyone ever touched you here?” he asked softly.

“Yes,” I snapped as my chest tightened. “I didn’t like it very much.”

He glanced at Gray before meeting my eyes again. “Give us a chance to show you how enjoyable it can be.”

I bit my lip, my stomach fluttering. Even though my body was spent, Gray’s kisses were already working me back up. He sucked on my nipple, and I closed my eyes, swallowing a moan when his teeth grazed me.

“Don’t hurt me,” I muttered, giving Kade the answer he wanted.

“The only screaming we want is you begging for more,” Gray murmured before focusing on my other breast. “We won’t hurt you.”

Kade slid his finger over my soaked pussy before he moved it back, slowly pushing it into my back entrance. I was barely aware of what Gray was doing, as I was solely focused on what Kade was doing.

“Relax,” Gray ordered gently.

I opened my eyes to see him unlocking the cuffs around my ankles. My legs fell to the bed, and I breathed out a sigh when I stretched my aching muscles. Kade lowered his head back down, lightly brushing his tongue over my pussy as he pushed his finger deeper into my ass. It felt foreign, but not bad. Just different.

He added a second finger, and I held my breath, waiting for the pain to start. But it was just pressure, and it slowly turned into pleasure as he continued to lick my pussy. Gray continued to kiss me, and I shifted, feeling another orgasm build. I watched as Gray freed my wrists from the restraints, and I grabbed onto the bars of the headboard as my body urged Kade to keep going.

Until he stopped.

I frowned but didn’t have a chance to argue when Gray suddenly picked me up and moved us to the edge of the bed. He flipped me on top of him, and I was straddling his hips. My body was stiff from not moving for so long, but my muscles relaxed as Gray’s hands massaged my skin. He was halfway off the bed, his feet planted on the floor even as he lay on his back. I heard a drawer open, and I glanced over to see Kade pulling out a condom. He held it up, questions in his eyes.

“I want to feel you,” Gray murmured gruffly. “If that’s what you want.”

Jesus, these men had me doing things without question that I would never do before. Even with me not being able to get pregnant, I’d always used condoms. But I didn’t want to with them. Instead of answering, I raised myself onto my knees and grabbed Gray’s cock. His hands immediately grasped my hips as I guided him to my entrance. My pussy clenched around him as he pushed inside me until I was fully sitting on him. My clit rubbed against his skin, and I jolted from the contact.

I was barely aware of Kade coming up behind me as I rode Gray. And then something cold touched my ass. I glanced over my shoulder, seeing Kade with his pants off and a bottle of lube in his hand. He rubbed more on my asshole before putting the rest on his cock.


Gray’s hand left my hip to grip my chin, pulling my attention back to him. “Breathe, Mili. Focus on me.”

He slid his hand down, his fingers rubbing my clit as he stayed still while inside me. Nerves filled me, feeling Kade’s cock pressed against my back entrance. He slowly pushed inside me, and my nails dug into Gray’s chest.

“You’re too big,” I choked out. “You’re going to fucking break me.”

Kade’s chest was pressed against my back, and he leaned forward until his mouth was near my ear.

“Only in the best way, Little Hellion.”

Pain was mixed with pleasure as he inched farther inside me. My breath was locked in my chest as he stretched me until I thought I couldn’t take it anymore. But once he was fully inside me, he began moving. Gray’s hands went back to my hips, and he rocked his body, moving in rhythm with Kade, who was kissing and nipping at my neck as they both fucked me.

Hands groped my breasts, and by this point I didn’t even know whose hands they were. The pleasure building was different and more overwhelming than I’d ever felt. It came from everywhere at once, making it impossible to focus on anything else. Gray’s piercing only enhanced it, and I moaned when one of them started circling my clit again.

I had no control of my own movements as they kept going. Kade thrust over and over, not slowing down as Gray matched his tempo.

“I can’t. It’s too much,” I cried out, my body going tight when my release drew closer.

“Come for us,” Gray said gruffly.

Kade’s breath tickled my neck. “Let us hear how much you like us both fucking you.”

A rough scream tore from my throat as my orgasm hit. It was the most explosive one I’d ever had in my life, and my eyes squeezed shut as the ecstasy engulfed my entire body. Neither of them slowed down, and that only surged on my endless orgasm until I was gasping for breath. Kade grunted, plunging into me one last time before he came. He pulled out, and Gray’s fingers dug into my hips as he pounded into me.

“Fuck,” he groaned out as he tensed, spilling his release inside me.

I fell on top of him, my body utterly spent. We stayed like that for a while, until he gently wrapped an arm around me and pulled me off him. I fell onto the mattress, knowing I needed to shower but having no energy to fucking move. Hands landed on my back, and I relaxed as Kade massaged my aching muscles. I was nearly half asleep until he whispered in my ear.


I buried my face in my arms. “Seven what?”

“You came seven times.”

I pushed out a small laugh. “You almost killed me.”

“Next time, I’ll get you to ten.”

He didn’t give me a chance to answer before he pushed off the bed and muttered something about a shower before leaving the room. I glanced at Gray’s keys sticking out of his jeans as his arm banded around me, tugging me to his chest. A slither of guilt pushed past my exhaustion, knowing this wasn’t going to change anything.

I was still leaving. No matter how much the little voice in my head begged to stay.


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