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Puck Me Secretly (A Vancouver Wolves Hockey Romance Book 1)
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Puck Me Secretly (A Vancouver Wolves Hockey Romance Book 1)

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Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: October 23, 2018 Native Language: English Posted by: The-Books-Collector Posted on: Updated on: View: ? Views
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Synopsis Puck Me Secretly (A Vancouver Wolves Hockey Romance Book 1)

I’ve never been in love.
I’ve never had an orgasm, but I’ve faked plenty.
I want to experience love. Real, passionate love.
I don’t want to die.

It’s funny what blurts out of your mouth when the plane you’re on is going down, and I didn’t hold back with my seat mate when my plane decided to crash.
My hysterical confessions didn’t faze the muscular stranger that sat beside me. In fact, he promised if we survived, he’d give me my first orgasm.

We survived.
I came.
And then he left without telling me who he was.

On the first day of my job, I stood in front of the Vancouver Wolves hockey team and called out a number. #33.
Imagine my shock when he skated forward.

Max is an incredible hockey player, whose wild, out-of-control antics have almost derailed his career. So many secrets shroud his past and continue to threaten his future.
Now he’s my secret. And that secret could ruin everything.

Puck Me SECRETLY. Some secrets are too big to keep.


“I LOVE books where I am away from them, and I am thinking of the characters and dying to get back to the book.” – Amazon review

Read Puck Me Secretly (A Vancouver Wolves Hockey Romance Book 1)

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